Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

~ Luke Hemmings' P.O.V ~

"Alright, What's the plan Calum?" Luke asked as soon as the faces of the dead broadcasting in the early morning sky had disappeared. 11 tributes were gone in two days - 13 were left to play. Calum, Ash, and Luke were sitting in a circle in a clump of well hidden pine trees, debating on who to pursue or leave alone.

 "All of the careers are still alive, along with Michael and the girl from 3," Calum said. "Those ones are the ones we watch out for - The rest could be anywhere, and they most likely haven't had any kills yet."

Ashton ran his fingers through his curls, hazel eyes half closing. "Let's go after the Careers, split them up or something." he suggested coolly.

Luke looked towards Calum for guidance, running a hand through his now flat ash blonde hair. Calum simply shook his head slowly. "There are 5 of them and 3 of us. We'd be dead in seconds." he replied, fiddling with his curvy blade. "It's too risky, Ashton."

"But if we don't split them up or at least take one down now they'll only get stronger," Ashton pointed out, referring to the sky. "I can guarantee you all of those kills were thanks to our dear friends the Careers, Calum."

Calum slumped his shoulders, sighing and picking at a dirt caked nail. "We'll have to have a really good plan to outsmart them - And there's no way we can make one that can split them up or kill them." he said pointedly, in a tone that suggested his word was final.

Ashton stood up, patting the katana blade strapped to his back. "Then I'll find someone else to go with me." he replied stubbornly, dragging the tip of his boot in the mud.

Luke raised his eyebrows, getting up as well. "You're crazy, Ashton," he protested. "Where are you going to find someone who won't kill you first and persuade them to attack the most lethal tributes in the game?"

"Right here." a girl's shaky voice sounded behind them, and all three boys turned to see a girl with pale skin, blue eyes, and a long scar running from her black hairline to her jaw.

 Ashton whipped his katana blade out, but Calum stopped him."Katy?" Calum exclaimed, leaning forward slightly as if to make sure it was really her.

Katy nodded shyly, looking down slightly and sticking her hands in her pockets. "I'd help you guys get more people to kill the careers - I've been keeping tabs on almost everyone here." she murmured.

Luke narrowed her eyes - So she was a sneak.... "How long have you been listening in?" he asked, fingers lingering by the knife at his belt just in case.

Katy's luminous blue eyes slid up to Luke's meeting his eyes steadily. "Long enough to know that we don't stand a chance waiting around for the Careers to pick us off one by one."

Calum gestured to Katy's cheek. "Who'd you get that from?" he asked a bit suspiciously.

Katy, as if forgetting her giant scar was there, let her fingertips drag over her cheek. They came away scarlet. "I ran into Michael." she admitted, shrugging.

Calum looked alarmed, suddenly. "Where is he?" he demanded, looking all around. "Is he close?"

Katy shook her head. "No, he's on the other side of the abandoned town," she said. "But I do know where Niall and Zendaya are. Last time I checked they were in the brick house up the ravine about a half mile."

Luke saw Ash narrow his eyes, lips thinning into a line. "She could be setting us up for an ambush," he pointed out. "How do we know you aren't lying, Six?"

Katy shrugged. "If I'm lying, you can kill me."

Luke smirked, hand easing away from his knife. "Great then," he said icily. "I call dibs if we fall for her trap."

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