Chapter 16

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Chapter 16.

~ Cara Delevingne's P.O.V ~

Cara hadn't heard any cannons since the explosion earlier that day. She also hadn't come across any tributes either since the Careers attacked whoever it was that killed Ariana a few nights ago.

 For being in the arena, life was pretty good.

So now she sat, perched upon a boulder as she blinked into the night. It was far too bright to be real moonlight, but it was also too dark to be daytime. It was almost as if the Gamemakers were encouraging a showdown. Cara slid her small brown backpack onto her lap as soon as her belly began to growl, pawing through her survival items for a piece of jerky. As she chewed the tough meat, running her tongue over her teeth, Cara thought of life back in Three. She already knew she had brought pride to her district by making it this far and being a Career for a short period of time, but her work wasn't done yet. She still had to win. She thought back to her job putting trackers in cellphones at the factory. Evan Peters had worked with her there. A part of her missed that mass - production line, the smell of newly pressed metal and machinery that used to invade her nostrils every day as soon as she walked in. It was hectic at times, but it was home.Cara also thought of her mother, a single woman named Daphne who had worked hard for 20 years to support Cara and her two younger sisters.

Cara always insisted on giving her mother her daily salary that she earned in the factory, but Daphne had always declined. "Keep what you earn," she always told her.

It was then when Cara was hit with her first pang of homesickness.

Even if she did make it home alive, she would never go back to her job in the factory or her tiny flat downtown. She'd have enough money to burn, and she'd have a nice house in the Victors' Villiage. And even if she did return to Three, it wouldn't be the life she left behind. And Cara hated that.

"Is that jerky?" a cold, Australian voice sounded behind Cara, making her blood run cold.

Cara whipped around, feeling around for her knife when she saw Michael Clifford lurking in the shadows with his kindjal spinning teasingly in his fingers. "How did you find me?" she asked, arching an eyebrow as she slowly ran her fingers through her pale brown hair.

Michael let out a humorless chuckle, stepping forward so that Cara could see the glint of malice in his green eyes illuminated by the eerie moonlight. "I've covered a lot of ground these past few days," he said casually, turning the blade over in his hands. "Even blew someone up."

So it was him, Cara thought, eyes narrowing slightly as she slid from the boulder, standing across from Michael with her knife raised. It was nothing compared to his kindjal, and she'd have to outsmart him to get out of this.

"You know," Michael continued, taking a few steps forward and ignoring Cara tense up and spring a few paces back. "I've always hated you. Thought that you were the smartest one in the arena because you played the Careers like a pack of cards. Well, Princess, sorry to tell you, but you can't outsmart me."

Cara's lips thinned as she forced her voice to remain flat and indifferent. "And why's that?" she inquired, reluctant to hear the answer.

Michael's face darkened. "Because I want another slice of Pizza, bitch." and then he sprang at her.

Cara held up her knife blindly, hoping that he'd stab himself when he landed on her, but Michael proved to be too smart for that. He effortlessly knocked her hand aside, overpowering her quickly and slamming her to the forest floor. "Weak," he chuckled evily. "So weak."Cara tightened the grip around her knife, slashing at his side as he straddled her to the ground, but he moved his boot up to her wrist and forced it to lie flat with bone - crushing pressure. Cara swallowed a whimper, and Michael seemed to be amused by this. "What's wrong?" he tilted his head innocently, applying more pressure to her wrist. "Does that hurt?"

Like hell, Cara thought, pressing her lips together and forcing herself to stare him dead in the eye. At her silence, Michael only smiled and crushed her wrist all together. Cara let out a shriek when a small pop sounded from her wrist, signaling that it had cracked. "Oops." Michael said quietly, bringing his kindjal up to teasingly run up and down her neck. The blade felt cool against Cara's throat, and she shrank away from it.

Distract him, Cara's panicked mind had a moment of clarity, and she gritted her teeth. "Hey Michael." she hissed.

Michael tipped his head. "What?" he asked.

"Have a slice of this !" in one swift motion, Cara tore herself away from his blade, bringing her head up to smash against his. Stars blinded her for a second, along with a pounding headache, but Michael cursed and rolled off of her, swearing like a fiend.

"You dumb bitch!" Michael snarled, stumbling to his feet as Cara leapt up and grabbed her knife again. Michael charged her, but Cara sped to the side, rolling across the dirt - packed earth and ending up directly across from him. Michael let out a growl again, running at Cara but going for her legs this time. Cara gasped as the wind was knocked out of her as she collided with the ground once more. Michael took no chances this time, pinning her down and raising his kindjal for the final strike.

Goodbye, mom. Take care of my sisters.

"I WANT PIZZZZZAAAAAAA!" he roared, bringing the kindjal down into Cara's chest. Cara felt a white hot burning sensation erupt in her chest and began to convulse in pain beneath Michael when another wave of pain spread through her like wildfire when Michael stabbed her a second, third, and fourth time. Cara's vision was rapidly fading, and with each strike that Michael had, it hurt less and less as her body shut itself down. Cara could barely speak with all the blood pouring from her mouth, as the only sounds that came from her in her final moments were gurgling noises as she drowned in her own blood. I wanted to win, she wanted so desperately to say, but it was impossible when she was still getting repeatedly stabbed in the chest by Michael Clifford.

 For every hard day in life, an eternity of peace awaits you when you leave. Cara's mother's words rang in her ears as her heart gave up it's battle. Cara's eyes flickered to a patch of ferns, glossy with dew as they shone in the moonlight.

It was the last thing her pale blue eyes ever saw.


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