Splitting Headache Part 2 (Akashi x Reader) AU Lemon

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Requested by @RazelAckerman

"Miss (L/n), an Akashi Seijuro is requesting you at his bedside..."

You sighed deeply, glancing up from a patient form to meet eyes with a hospital volunteer who stood in the doorway, pulling idly with their fingers.

You nodded, closing your eyes and resting your forehead in your cupped hand, elbow on the edge of the desk.

"I'll head over there right away. Thank you" you answered in a strained voice.

You walked down the plain white hallway, your shoes squeaking slightly on the spotless, rather sterile tile floor.

Knocking on Akashi's room door, you twisted the cold metal knob and entered. His eyes lit up at the sight of you and he sat up straighter in his hospital bed.


"Akashi Seijuro..." you nodded, walking across the room and grabbing his patient chart off the counter.

"You can just call me 'Seijuro'..."

You ignored this, reading over his forms before pulling a pen from your scrub's pocket.

"You have a sore stomach?" you asked, pen hovering over line after line of protocol procedures and course of treatment.

"Yes, it hurts... So very much so..."

You closed the binder and gave him a look, "Really? Seijuro, why do you have to do this?"

"Do what?" he asked, trying to act innocent.

"This is your third visit in the past two months... And each time you request me as your nurse" you answered, unamused by his show. "Why can't we do something normal? Can't you just ask me on a date or something?"

"That's the thing, love" he purred. "We aren't all that normal, now are we?"

Just as you opened your mouth to speak, the doctor opened the door and entered.

"(L/n), diagnosis?" he looked from you to Akashi and waited for an answer.

"It is my understanding that he has mild abdominal bleeding in the lower right quadrant...." you lied, glancing over at Akashi.

"Mm. Order the scans for him and get back to me..."

He left you two alone, closing the door for patient privacy. You shook your head, turning almost angrily toward Akashi.

"Seijuro! Look what you did! The doctors' are not stupid! Everyone here can't help but notice you coming in often and requesting me! They're on to you!"

"Me? Don't you mean us?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

You crossed an arm over your chest and rubbed your temple with the free hand. A huffy breath escaped your lungs while Akashi spoke up.

"Come here..." he instructed, patting the bed beside him. You abided, sitting on the edge in silence, still overwhelmed by the thought of the conversation you were surely going to have with the doctor later.

He rubbed your back soothingly, moving his hand in a circular motion. You closed your eyes and swung your legs up and over the side of the bed before leaning against Akashi.

He placed his hand on your chest and studied the beating of your heart, "Your heart's racing... Are you expecting something of me?"

You turned your head and smiled, offering nothing but a small peck on his lips. A smirk grew upon his face and he held his hand to your forehead, pulling your head down to rest on his shoulder. You closed your eyes once more as Akashi withdrew his hand from your face and trailed down your chest, tracing the outside of your belly button through your scrub shirt. He pressed his lips roughly to your ear, nipping your earlobe before running his tongue across the curves making up the outer ear.

He walked his index and middle finger down the rest of your stomach until he reached the elastic waistband of your scrub pants. Pulling up on the band, he slipped inside, running his fingers over your folds through your underwear.

You let out a small sigh, leaning farther into him and falling deeper into the need for his touch.


That was the only formidable word to describe having sex with Akashi. Somehow he always knew how hard to press or how slow to move in order to drive you insane. His breath, the way his chest rose and fell against your back. His scent and how the smell created a wonderful illusion that bolted you to one place, here with him, in his strong, steady arms where you wanted to stay forever or at least as long as your lives would allow.

You kept your eyes closed and held on to his every move, bending to his every will. A moan escaped your lips, etched with the memory of his own as his fingers pushed your underwear away and plunged into you. His fingers moved so skillfully that oftentimes, it would scare you afterwards. How in the world was he able to conform to your body so perfectly, so marvelously? His fingers curling ever so slightly, running along the inside of your walls. The feeling was just as satisfying for you as it was for him.

Just as you thought you could take it no longer, he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving your insides barren. Instead, he replaced it with his newly released member. He pushed you onto your hands and knees, gripping your hip from behind with both hands.

"Hold still, (F/n)... And try not to make too much noise. We wouldn't want to get caught, now would we?" he whispered into your ear, sending chills up and down your spine.

You shook you head in response and he smiled, but it wasn't as though you could see him back there.

"Good girl. Now..." he pulled your pants and underwear down, exposing your fair skin to the cool air. You shivered, feeling the warmth of Akashi's palms on your waist.

Your breath hitched in your throat as he pushed himself in, slow but with enough force to make you want to cry out. Biting your lip, you reached for the pillow and hugged it to your chest, fingers gripping the cotton pillowcase.

"Ngh... Aka-Akashi!" you moaned lowly when he started thrusting into you.

"What had I said about calling me Akashi?" he growled.

"Mm... Seijuro! Please!" you yelped, grinding your hips.

A groan from Akashi flooded your ears before he leaned down, laying across your back and whispered into your ear again.

"Please what? Tell me what it is you want, (F/n)."

He nibbled at your earlobe, causing even more pleasure to shoot through your veins. Arching your back a bit, you allowed him to push in deeper and deeper.

"Seijuro, it's you! I-I want you!" you moaned uncontrollably, burying your warm face into the pillow that you had been holding onto for dear life.

"Mm, and how is it that you want me?" he asked, massaging your hips as he continued to pound into you but at a slower pace now.

"No! Seijuro! D-Don't stop! Faster!" you practically screamed, realizing how loud you must be and therefore you tried to quiet down. But that was a feint much easier said than done.

"Your wish is my command..." he answered in a husky tone.

His fingers gripped your waist roughly, as if hungry for what you had to offer. He thrusted faster, his pelvis slapping against the skin of your bottom. You closed your eyes and sprawled out on top of the bed, unable to keep your weak knees from give out beneath you.

A tension grew within your lower abdomen and you called out to Akashi, ordering him to go faster, harder. He grunted in response, feeling his release coming as well.

Soon, you arched your back for the last time, Akashi's name leaving your lips as you collapse on the sheets of the bed. Akashi pulled out of you and laid down beside you, panting. He closed his marvelous eyes and wrapped his arms around you protectively, pulling you into him.

He kissed the top of your head, regaining his breath before speaking.

"I love you, (F/n)... Even if we both aren't normal..."

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