One: It was pretense!

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A young man dressed in a black expensive wedding suit looking outside the window, today was the wedding of the century. All the TV and radio stations and social media platforms were talking about it since the former young hot bachelor and heir to two Rivers Malls was finally marrying and settling down with his campus sweetheart and baby mama Catherine.

"Sir?" A house servant came in holding a six months year old baby who didn't stop whining, maybe because the clothes were uncomfortable but that is impossible, Alexander made sure his baby's clothes were soft and comfy free from skin irritation."He just wouldn't stop and madam is busy getting ready." The Young servant explained as her voice broke,she seemed to be having a breakdown on such an important and happy day.

Alex smiled brightly stepped forward and took the baby,he opened up the blankets covering the child to see the little one,the child little swollen eyes looked up to see his father's handsome almost pale smooth face smiling at him maybe it was his father's happy face or just the warmth radiating from him but he started giggling showing his toothless smile, he snuggled to grab his father's hand and tightly held it. Alex smiled to his son's sweet behavior as he felt proud of himself.

If you would have told him a year ago that he would be a father he would have laughed his ribs out, but here he was holding his child and about to marry the best, kindest,most reliable and desent woman he ever met. It might all have been a one night stand drank in a party with unprotected sex but it brought him the biggest joy he has never dreamed of.

"Has he had his milk yet?" Alex asked concerned.
"I fed him sir" she answered sweetly.
"You did? What about Cathe?"

"Young madam was too excited she might have forgotten." She answered looking down, it's understandable a wedding day is the most important day of her life except for a two weeks trip to Paris, which was the honeymoon.

Alex muttered some words before handing her the baby.

"Sir, where are you headed?" Asked Mel his newly appointed assistant and friend.
"To see my bride!" He dictated.

"With whose permission?" An angelic voice sounded behind him. It was a beautiful middle aged woman dressed in a long spackling,silver silky dress,her dark brown hair,amber eyes and red lips showed her beauty.
"Mom,wow you look beautiful."

"Of course I am its my only son wedding, I made this dress years ago specifically for this day. Now don't try changing the subject you know its bad Omen to see the bride before the wedding."

"Please mom you know that is a lie and also I have to talk to her now its impo..."

"You will have all the time in the world after the wedding. Now go fix your hair the guests are arriving." She stopped him and then hugged him warmly revealing her happiness.

"But sir you heard the madam its bad Omen to see the blind." Mel tried to argue with the Young stubborn master who was as deaf a post. He still secretly made his way to the bride's chamber.

He was about to enter when he heard Catherine laughing excitedly. "I can't believe it,am getting married. To him the man of my dreams." Happiness swept over his body, 'does that mean she loves me' he wondered as he stood outside listening in.
"You are so lucky, you are marrying a Watford." The friend whatever her name is replied.
Alex and Mel listened in to hear her response but none came,Alex knew many people were always after something but she never asked or even received anything from him and her not saying anything spoke loud. He felt so proud of himself just like his dad was for him.
He was about to open when he heard it,the voice was different,it had arrogance,pride and venomous.

"Of course am not lucky,am smart I wouldn't go for anything less than a Watford. I won't let myself rot in those streets and dirty towns when I can get everything I want and more..."

'What?' Alex stood there his brain and body frozen, that venomous voice it can be from the woman he loves.

"Hey besh keep it down,you don't want anyone to hear?" Her friend warned looking at the door which didn't look opened or did she ignore that.
"Please you worry too much. No one can come here,that old'lady of the house' won't let anyone here,she is so bossy its like the wedding is hers, and him, Alex he is always going on and on how I must listen to her. So tiring."

"So you are telling me it's all for money?" The bestie smirked asking.
"Of course bitch,why else, did you actually buy the story of being in love, I am so tired,he is boring, childish, spoiled and not that hot,if he didn't have money he would be so unattractive and unpleasant to look at."

"Goodness babe you are evil."

"Am not,am just looking out for myself and my future I won't end up like my sister or mom I won't allow it."

Alex standing outside felt his feet numb,he couldn't move, he was holding his mouth with his hands,he couldn't stand this anymore, his head was spinning he couldn't register anything anymore she lied? all the time they spent together from the moment she announced her pregnancy,it was pretense?
He couldn't stand it anymore,he was ready to step in when the friend asked that one question which seemed deliberate was answered.
"Of course Baby Junior is his child I didn't sleep with anyone else after that night or weeks before. I couldn't let my ace card fall off so easly."

"What are you implying?"

"You said it yourself if anyone found out about this charade everything would be over so I needed a bargaining tool..."


"Exactly,he is my child no one can change that not even god. If they chase me I take my baby who I must say everyone adores."

"Well played,well played." Her bestie congratulated.

"Of course I must survive..."

As Cathe was preparing to put the veil on she heard the Madam's voice outside and then the door opened revealing the tearful young man with his personal assistant holding his iPad.
Her face lost all blood as she turned to a vampire.

Hello guys first of all thank you for reading super grateful.

Also I don't own any pictures here (picture above is Alexander wedding suit) so all credit goes to original owners.

It is a BL novel. It will make more sense as we continue.

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