Nineteen: Sick day confession?

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Will slept on his bed,its was past ten at night, except for the exaggerated neighboring noises there were more noises in his head. More questions kept popping up after suppressing the previous one. Parenthood. He loves children and would love to raise one. The thing is he was raised by his mom for as long as his memory can serve him he doesn't see a male parent in his life.
His mother always told him that looser left them since he was an alcoholic and by left he died from smoking and drinking. His mom always took care of everything he ever needed,she said what that man could have provided she also could and she did. As for him? Can he? Raising children and teaching children are two different responsibilities? Or not? What if Junior doesn't accept him? What if he is a bad dad and Alex leaves him for that? Worse! What if Junior turns out wrongly because of his guidance?

"Will sleep! Nothing has even happened,you are thinking too far. Alex might be straight or even might not like you."
He felt abit of relief and closed his eyes.

"What if he does? Is that a good thing anymore? My goodness am panicking this isn't f*cking happening now? Am chill. Deep breaths deep breaths? ......... how am I supposed to sleep."

Will turned on his bed and decided to focus his mind on something else. The annoyinge noises he actually hates.

Will was outside the school premises welcoming everyone,he felt tired. He had been panicking and didn't sleep, he forgot
yesterday he was supposed to pay for power and water bill,he woke up in the dark, took a bath in cold water in this cold weather, only had coffee since he was late now he felt like he would fall.

He welcomed everyone but today something changed, Alex didn't even spare him a glance instead when Junior stepped out of the car Alex didn't he left after Junior had entered the school.
Okay! What's happening?
Did that snitch tell on him?

The day went by well except Will felt he was thinking too much he might get a headache worse he was coming down with something. Its enough it was raining and cold season a cold is worse.

Will went ahead with his day and at the evening same thing repeated itself. Was Alex avoiding him all was he overthinking things?

At the cafe Eli excused Will since he looked awful,she advised him to rest early so as not to be sick.

Good evening Alex.

Will decided to text Alex to clear or confirm his suspicion.

Are you busy.

The message was read but ignored. Will felt awful. Was Alex actually mad for what happened? Is it because he had feelings for her or he liked the sweet, kind and respectful Will?
Or did he do something wrong, his mind was hayfire and now throbbing painfully.

Will felt his body was becoming weak and sleep would fix that.
Poor guy he didn't sleep for two hours before the leech next door begun. He hit the wall to shut them but it just made things worse. He took his blanket to the sofa where he slept for the night.

"My goodness,are you crazy? Have you seen your temperature? Why did you sleep on the couch on such a cold night knowing very well you'll be sick?" Eli asked Will who was sleeping on the bed with a high fever and shaking body.

She sighed and added. "I already called the school and don't worry I have proof you are sick so you have three days leave or whatever I didn't care about the rest. Just try to sleep I will get you something."

She left Will who was sleeping dump with sweat even with a cold towel pressed on his forehead. Its was past ten in the morning when Will begun to feel better. His body was wiped and he was fed something warm. He opened his eyes and smiled warmly. Even in such a sick state he still saw Alex is this the fever or a dream?  but then what if he leaves him or ignores him and never talks to him again like in reality. He sulked looking at the guy wiping him, Alex's hands begun drifting away.

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