Fourteen : Hot and sexy; delicious and captivating

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"Beth, Julie how did you guys get in?" Will asked when he saw them changing Diana's clothes .

"Alexander told the guards to let us in. it was so fun to see those two witches miserable faces, they actually thought Alexander allowed them. It was fun." Julie explained laughing.
"What about you? He treated you like loyalty,he didn't come for anyone else except you." She asked observing.

"That's because I didn't have an invitation. He needed me to look after the kids." Will explained truthfully.

"Why they ran out of invitation? Plus he could have called the guards to let you in plus the work you say is done by the guards and female servants. Such a stupid excuse to invite you. It makes him sound like he had a motive." Beth analysed.

Will felt his face heat up he was sure he was blushing but what they said made sense. Why go through all that trouble? But its also impossible. Right?

"Don't mind us we are like this." Beth said to ease Will's tension.

"Am going to change." Will excused himself

" Will." A sweet voice called. It was the lady of the house. Mrs Watford. "You can change upstairs,am sure there is an open room." She offered sweetly.

"Thank you" Will responded climbing the stairs.

He tried opening countless doors but they were locked,he tried another one and it opened. There was a large made bed but no one in so Will closed the door and begun undressing. He removed his clothes,put the pants on before he could wear the rest a door opened. Bathroom door,a shirtless muscular guy walked out whistling.

'wow! He looks so hot and sexy his chest is so broad, eight abs such beautiful pecs and his biseps I want to kiss them so much. '  Will swallowed a gulp of saliva stuck on his throat,his black orbs taking in the mesmerising view. He forcefully snapped himself out because that is called staring but the other guy's face looked pale, it was naturally white so one couldn't decipher,but his eyes were on his body.
Compared to Alex his body was less mascular he had six abs broad chest and strong biseps but smaller comparing.

"Am sorry I didn't know there was someone else here. Your mom told me there was an open room I didn't check all. " Will apologized getting his shirt to put on. He felt Alex eyes move with his moves and once he was done he only stared at him,he didn't say a word. Will thought he was angry so he took his clothes and left.

"He must be mad, I should have called before undressing in someone else's room. I hope he didn't think I was eye fucking him, what if he is actually mad? what if I loose my job. Maybe I should go back and apologize?." Will said before climbing down the stairs. He turned around to Alex room. He knocked to no reply. "Alex?" He called.

"Alex?" He called again to no answer. ' Maybe he is changing. Should I wait?'

"Alex its me can I come." He asked.

"No!" A reply came from inside he was quite loud.

"Wait for me!" A restless voice said.

"Okay." Will said waiting.

A few minutes later the door opened, Alex was dressed in a white button shirt with a blue jeans,he looked eye catching mostly when the shirt was folded.

Alex smiled at the guy in front of him with a guilty conscience, why? Alex thoughts had gone to the hottest and most arousing moments,he couldn't help it! Will's face and body looked so captivating and delicious.

"I am sorry for entering without permission." Will apologized.

"Don't be,its fine no harm done!" (Liar) Alex answered clearing his mind, 'its your son's birthday so... this can be done another day.'

"Shall we its time to cut the cake, I will go get Junior." He smiled locking the door.

They walked downstairs where Junior and his grandparents were seated waiting on them.
Junior had changed to grand clothes his looked super cute with his fluffy hair and bouncy cheeks.
Alex hugged him tightly ready to cry but Junior escaped and went to hold teacher Will.

"Teacher Will I loved your gift so much its the actual figure of the Telex in Jurassic Park its way real than my cake." He thanked Will who smiled genuinely and nervously. Everyone attention in the house was on him.
"That's unfair you rejected all my gifts and until now you won't say what you want." Alex pouted.

"You always get me the same thing every year,a rocket model." Junior answered.

"You said you love it every year."

"Sorry teacher Will my dad is actually like this, don't be fooled by his mean face." Junior smiled at his teacher who exchanged a sweet glance with Alex.

"Everyone is waiting," Mel announced.

"Let's go make wishes." Alex said lifting Junior.

The cake was was already set,it was a big dinosaur cake. The kids and everyone else gathered around singing the birthday song for the boy.

(Picture of the cake.Credit goes to the owner)

Junior closed his eyes and then blew the candles as everyone cheered,him and Alex cut the cake

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Junior closed his eyes and then blew the candles as everyone cheered,him and Alex cut the cake. Junior took a piece fed his dad, grandparents then teacher Will then himself, Jason then Diana. The caterers sliced the rest feeding to the rest. By five in the evening everyone was leaving,the kids were tired some had to be carried  back to their parents while asleep. Will helped out and ensured every kid was safe with their parents before reporting to Alex he was about to leave. Alex offered to take him home but Will convinced him to enjoy the day with his family and Junior.

"Sweet dreams Junior. Rest now." Alex said tacking in his son. Junior yawned looking at his dad,he held his hand and closed his eyes.
"Thanks Dad today was the best present ever, I really had fun with everyone, you were also happy and not extra paranoid."

"True,it was fun, plus we had dinner with everyone in the family even your aunt,she was fun today." Alex agreed smiling,after everyone left he and his parents his sister and her husband stayed for dinner unlike the other times they made excuses to leave. It was really fun and enjoyable.
"I hope my wish comes true." Junior said slipping away to sleep.

"What did you wish for?" Alex asked but no one answered. He smiled kissed his son's forehead, switched off the lights and left for his own room since Junior refused for him to sleep there.

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