Four: My son... not yours!

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In the mansion,a doctor came out,he announced that the child was safe but should watch out in case of cold or he gets a fever.
Alex walked in his son's room and found him looking at the ceiling.
"You are not asleep yet." He asked seating beside the boy's bed.
"Not yet the medicine will work after some time." The kid answered.

"Am sorry son,its my fault I shouldn't have listened to Uncle Mel."

"Am fine, actually it wasn't that bad I got to spend extra time with someone smart and nice as me teacher Will was fun and took care of me."  He assured looking at his dad and smiling widely.

"Don't worry I won't let it happen again, what about your mom?"
Alexander asked looking down disappointed,these were not things an eight year old should have to decide but he always like his son to decide for himself.

"It's fine, I don't understand why you always give her a chance,she is fine alone and so are we plus she is no fun I prefer to stay just with you."

"Sorry for that, but am glad we agree on one thing we are better off without her." He smiled at his son before planting a kiss on his forehead. "So teacher Will?"

"Yes! He is fun,he loves science fiction movies and alien too,he told me he has alien figures in his house like mine." He explained happily.


"Yes! And his favorite movie is Jurassic Park? He has rewatched it more than me and I have rewatched it five times already also he has a beautiful smile more than yours." He said looking up at his dad.

"No way my smile is more valuable than gold you know why coz its just for you..."

"This way?" The bodyguard showed the woman to a room, she entered as the door closed behind her. It was dark inside she struggled and finally switched on the lights. The dark figure standing looking at the curtains with a small space showing the bright city under the starry night.

"I can explain Alex!" She said to the figure which didn't even look behind.

"What will you say Catherine? Let me guess. 'Its the last time I promise it won't happen again' or ' I didn't mean for it I am sorry.'  you left my son outside in this cold weather? " He let out a small chuckle. " But you are right it's my fault I shouldn't have let incompetent people near me or you! the only reason you are not bleeding is because he has your blood, as much as the only thing I want to do is kill you and burry or throw your body in the well or swamp you are still his mom."

"Am sorry I... I admit am at fault but I wanted to get close to my son..."

"Son? Don't make me laugh, do you know how much pain he has gone through because of you? Its my fault I let myself think maybe he can feel complete with you even if its once in a while turns out am the one in denial here?"
He scoffed.

"No! This time its real I got late at the salon nothing more?"

"Salon? Why? Was my son in the spa that you had to wait for him there? Oh yes he was in the Pink convertible with your cheap manhole fooling around." He said sarcastically.

"That!" She stopped abruptly looking at those dark orbs looking at her digging in her soul for the smallest lie to come from her mouth.

"What? Cat got your mouth?"

"I... Its my fault this time ..."

"And every other time,my son was kidnapped when he was five because of you?" He gritted his teeth with anger as his green blood veins clearly seen on his face.

"But that was done by company enemies it wasn't my fault!" Cathie said quietly and slowly shivering deep down. She knew Alex can get angry but this!

"You were with him! you were supposed to look after him! but no; you didn't even know he was kidnapped because you were busy being all slutty with your stupid men." His eyes were red with anger he really could commit murder right now. Better finish up before things get out of hand.

"Alex can you at least listen."
She begged.

"No! Never Catherine,you listen, I see you near my son again you won't live to see the light of day again."

"Are you threatening me? Am the mother of your..."

"Never Catherine!" He boomed clenching his fist. The nerve to say such words. "... have you been nor will ever be, I know before we meet you post it on social media because you are afraid I will kill you but I won't stoop so low I don't need to dirty my hands I will let you die slowly, I already know the seven million dollars you took are finished that's why you are back believe me this time I won't let you take a penny I already have the papers you signed now we are done with each other. Hope we never see each other.
Come near my son again and you won't know what happened?" Alex completed put the wine glass down and exited.

Catherine sighed relieved but disappointed, but then she smiled taking out something from her purse when the door opened

"Yes I forgot to tell you this room you can't record anything but the chicken here is delicious." Alexander smirked leaving.

Cathy hurriedly opened the recorder but nothing only noises. She flung it and broke it in a fit of anger she gritted her teeth and mouthed.
"You haven't seen the last of me Alexander Watford."

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