Eleven: The long awaited call

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The week flew by quick,it was already Thursday, everyone received their invitations, funny thing was, people were already asking to buy the invitation from the parents,but it was useless since it was a face recognition invitation,some parents were bragging in the internet with their children invitation,while,some parents received money from paparazzi's to sneak in cameras for streaming, usually it wasn't a big thing but after last year's birthday party where Alexander had invited his son's favourite band and everyone's favorite to perform now everyone was curious about this year's suprise.

As for Will it was a long week, after being told to wait for a call his phone had been in full charge,near him all the time even shower time and it hasn't been on silent mode,he even asked Charlie to call him to make sure it wasn't his phone with the problem. But nothing even a text,he was so disappointed then again expected, he actually didn't have big expectations he only wanted a text from Alexander even if it said " sorry I sent it to the wrong person" as long as it was from Alexander.

"Just call him yourself!" Eli yelled at him after she heard the hundredth sigh from Will after checking his phone.

"And say what?"

"I really want you Alex,kiss me,fuck me till I can't stand again for a week." She said it abruptly as it is.

"Wow, honey that's so specific and utterly true." Charlie who was making coffee gave her  thumbs up.

"I am not thinking that way I just want him to call,he promised." Will pouted.

"He never gave a specific date plus you see each other twice a day he didn't say anything maybe the party hasn't been arranged yet." Eli decided to get real.

"So what he should have never planted that idea in the first place. Then I wouldn't be so anxious whenever someone calls."

As they were chatting his phone rang,new number, "maybe its him pick up" Eli emphasized.

"Okay" Will said answering the call his heart was racing fast he knew this moment was coming but he didn't know he would get this nervous.
"Hello" he said softly.

Will put the phone down in anger,"Spam call."

"Ouch!" Expressed Eli.

Again a number called. "Maybe it's him this time." Eli motivated.

"No I didn't order anything from... You fucker call this number and I will chop your dick and feed it to the pigs." He cut the call again.

Eli and Charlie stared at the angry man,long time no see... angry and foul mouthed Will.

"Don't pick up again. These people are really awful they call at the wrong timing." Eli adviced.

"I won't, I need to keep myself busy. How can I help?"

"That's the spirit. Two ice coffee to the table on the corner." Eli ordered.

"Am going home." Will said after helping for about thirty minutes.

"Hello Will " a deep voice called, it was his ex hand in hand with a woman, beautiful and really curvey, Will was already angry but as usual he ignored him.

"Am sorry about the noises she just can't help it. You know what I mean." He emphasized.

'what a looser does it sound erotic or something to him. He can go to hell for all I care. Or should I yell at him to ease myself but that will make him think his crazy idea works. When does he even sleep? Is that why has become uglier how can someone stand next to him and not puke.'
Will thought opening the door to his room.
He came out of the bathroom picked his phone to find seven missed calls from unknown caller. Spam.

***Phone ringing******

"Hello" tired Will decided to answer.

"Hello,Will it's Alex."  The other end answered.

'Alex? Alex! Alexander?!" Will's mind registered, and now begun to panic,his hands were sweating.

"Alexander,oh you were the one who's been calling,am so sorry I've been receiving so many spam calls and left for the bathroom a moment ago." Will apologized palm slapping himself.

"It's actually fine I just wanted to give you some information about the party. I get Junior didn't give you an invitation, hence when you get to my house just call me also there will be around seventy kids and seventy other guests and performers."

"Big party."

"Yes but not too big, hope you don't mind?" Alexander questioned.

"I don't am actually honored." Will answered genuinely.

"Then I will text you the information, save my number. I will go now." Alexander said before ending the call.
Will was left smiling stupidly like kid he went ahead and saved Alexander, actually he wanted to save something naughty but what if Alexander sees it someday. Calamity.

The night passed quick,he didn't even mind the noises, his mind was occupied by Alexander voice he sounded way deeper over the phone and sexy. It was already morning on Friday, the day went by well everyone was buzzing about the party, some children tried to come near Junior for invitation but Jason and Diana were there Jason might be the youngest but don't joke around him he was tough so was Diana she had quite the sharp mouth.

In the evening as Alexander picked Junior he had arrangements with Will about the time to arrive and everything necessary.

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