Twenty eight: With Junior 3

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Will carried Junior to the house as he clung onto him still shivering. Will sat on the couch as Junior sat on his lap still hugging him. "Do you want to tell your teacher Will?" He asked softly patting Junior's back.

"Am sorry I... I just didn't know what to do when I saw her there, am not a crybaby." Junior said back.

"Of course you're not,you are the strongest. Even stronger than your dad." Will persuaded Junior trying to confirm his suspicion.

"Really? I want to be strong so that mom doesn't take advantage of us again,she always comes here to do something bad and then dad and I became sad while grandma, grandpa and auntie become angry. She always tries to talk to me first because Dad won't listen to her."
Will felt a heartache,his suspicion was true. Although Will knew the situation from the rumors and Alex who confirmed he already has custody over Junior and Cathie is a tick that just won't let go. He just never imagined she would put her son in her dirty game.

"Do you want to tell teacher Will about it?" Will coaxed Junior to open up more.

"Its actually nothing I heard some of my classmates say how their parents fight and their Dad brings another mom or the mom brings a new dad who isn't bad as their real mom or dad, I also watched such movies and thought it's alright if I get a new Mom or Dad so we can be more happy...but mom always makes things hard. She never takes care of me and Dad like other moms do to their family and has a new Dad who I don't like. She always leaves us all the time, sometimes I feel sad she is not here but sometimes I feel glad she isn't because we are more happy."

Junior was trying to act strong trying to fight the tears threatening to fall with every muttered word. "I thought she wouldn't come back since she got what she wanted and also because now I have a new Mom (A/N: He meant dad but he was under much emotions he couldn't help it.)

"But she came back, I am scared she will turn out to be like those bad mom's I hear or watch on TV who never want their children and dad to be happy... teacher Will are you going away now because she was here? Are you also going to leave us? Don't leave please, Dad and I will be really sad... I don't want Dad to be sad..." Junior wept as tears finally flowed wetting Will's shirt as Junior tightened his hold onto him, he was shivering weakly on Will's chest like a weak and lonely child.

Will patted Junior more softly trying his best to suppress the anger surging inside him.

' How dare she create such a trauma on Junior at such an early age? Living with insecurities and burden of fear of abandonment, being used as a pawn that causes unhappiness in his own family, being forced to mature beyond his age and she calls herself a mother? '

Will wanted to vent so much the anger surging inside him but he suppressed those emotions which ended up as tears, Junior was looking for assurance that Will won't abandon them. "Don't worry am not going anywhere, your teacher Will promises to stay with you forever and always."

"Really? You will stay forever?" Junior asked popping his head from Will's chest.

"Promise, I will never leave even if anyone forces me to." Will smiled while smiling reassuringly but a bit of panic and anger still within himself yet there was a new emotion it came with a wave of confidence, affection, sympathy pride, need to care, nurture and protect this child crying weakly in his arms.
It was a little different from his teacher instinct, not that different just more stronger like a female lion protection to her cubs not even the pride lion can touch her cubs.

Will loved this emotion it made him feel closer and less panicked to be part of Junior's life.

Junior unglued himself from his teacher Will as he tried to dry his tears. He was a little better as he smiled to Will. "Dad will be back soon,too bad I planned to spend the day with you." Junior said after feeling alot better.

"..." Will was about to say something but he felt Junior was right Alex might as well as be on his way home after getting the news.

"Let's play some games as we wait." Junior said before he remembered he needs a bath and breakfast. He got up from his teacher Will and went to bath as Will sat there thinking about something.
"Such a strong kid he didn't even cry for five minutes and he is back to normal... that witch I will drag her to hell if she comes near Junior or Alex." Will sighed irritated but also sad.

Will left to shower while thinking of something.


I am planning on editing the novel since it has some loopholes and not that good but I try so do vote if you are enjoying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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