Fifteen: The sailing ship

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Will arrived at his apartment by seven in the evening, it was a fun unforgettable day but he was so tired. He took a shower and went to bed, he didn't have to cook since he already ate to much at the party,he was seated on the bed going through Instagram when he received a friend request from"Junior's father".
He was curious but the profile was private and no followers or people he followed. He had his doubts so he accepted the request.
A message chimed in.

Its Alex Junior's father.

Will chuckled to himself,he actually calls himself that,no wonder his IG hasn't been rampaged it's the simplest name to use no one would suspect. But the profile looked new, Will was on cloud nine he was the only person who knew.

Cool username.
You are not asleep yet?

It was already past 9pm and considering how tiring today was he should be snoring.

Not yet
Just making sure you got home safe. I've just finished everything just about to doze off.

Good night then, let's talk tomorrow when you are fresh.

Okay then, tomorrow it is, sweet dreams.

"I will dream of you." Will said but didn't dare write. He was just sorting ideas to talk about but Alex seemed tired plus he didn't turn down the offer of talking tomorrow.
"Is it me or has Alex and I been getting closer? In a friendly way nothing else." Will said putting the phone down but then picking it and going through the messages again acting like a teenager in love.

Will doesn't remember how he fell asleep but he was fully awake by seven,he doesn't even remember hearing any noises all he can remember were dreams from the previous day event he wished happened.

Today on a Sunday the cafe was opened in the evening like a club so he went for a walk, returned the house, made breakfast ate ,sat on the couch with his phone in hand.

Its past 9am so Alex should be awake.


Good morning Alex.

Will sat waiting,

Good morning to you too.
Am sorry but I can't quite talk now my parents pulled me and Junior to church to pray for a new and blessed year in his life.
If my mom sees me using my phone I might receive a beating later.

I will text you later or you call.

"Long message. You should have just said you are busy." Will said reading the message again and again.

He sat there looking around, sighed took his phone and checked for the party video. Alex released a version of the video,he was in it too so were others,if one checked correctly him and Alex were in it more often but it couldn't be avoided they spent almost all the time together.

He decided to check the comments.

( Alexander looks so hot and sexy. Marry me Daddy.)
"Continue dreaming. The only time you will come close to him is in your dreams, little piece of shit."

(Wow it looked fun, I wish I was a kid too.)  The comment had over a thousand likes and many people in agreement.

(Did you notice it, Alexander spent alot of time with that guy.)

Reply 1( True, that guy is so handsome,are they related, maybe cousin.)

Reply 2( No way maybe business partners.)

"Cousin, business partner? You stupid excuse of netizens
can't appreciate two people meant for each other standing next to each other. Are you blind? Do you need glasses? You should be saying are they dating? And I should be the one trying to explain you got it wrong?
Since when did netizens become so boring." He ranted

Will got mad and decided to listen to music while waiting for the cafe to open. What he didn't know was the comments didn't end there. There are some people who have a good eye sight.

(Wow, I am shipping them, look at how they look at each other. Aaaaah my delulu mind can't take it.)

Reply 1 ( I know sister, my ship has started sailing. His name is Will he is the teacher AlexWill... I will come up with a new ship name.)

Reply 2( Can you two lunatics mind your own business. Alex is married and straight.)  A buzzkiller intervined.

Reply 3( Did you guys see that, what language is that? you talk like an abandoned dog,such a fake, like your news.
He is not married and I didn't see that witch there plus look at that beautiful family frame.)

Reply 4( well said sister,am starting a group for the ship dm if interested.)

The abandoned dog who was fuming with anger put her phone down.
Cathie was furious,her plans were not working anymore,she was humiliated yesterday her followers are mocking her after a video was made of her trying to force her way in.

She sat staring at nothing, her mind wondered to eight years ago on her wedding day. She had prepared for everything,it was supposed to be the happiest day of her life but Alex had to ruin it like he always did.

She remembered when he asked her out,she pretended not to like him, but he instead of pursuing her like other men,he skipped away to other women. But,she is Catherine,if she wants something,she gets it, that party, she took her chance when he was drunk,they had sex but it was supposed to make him know her worth and how good she can take care of him but no he forgot and skipped away again.

When chance knocked on her door she grabbed it tightly,she announced her pregnancy and everything went smoothly. She was living in a mansion,wore designer clothes,sent money to her mother so she could leave her alone,she was respected,she became famous and even the man of her dreams noticed her, now that guy thinks he can take everything she has worked hard for away. He must be crazy.
"I can't live in poverty ever, I have to get Alex again."

"But how baby?" Asked the red head guy seated next to her.

"Don't worry baby, I have my way,we still have money to stay at the most expensive hotel. But we still need more,we still have to make a trip to LA after all."

"True baby,shall we,the jacuzzi is waiting." Said the guy smiling.

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