Three: Have you seen my son?

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            8 hours later

"Julie what's wrong?" Mel asked the tensed receptionist.
"The bodyguard hasn't reported yet its 4:30 pm already sir I told the boss it's the camera that had a problem as you ordered but until now nothing... Am gonna loose my job who will feed my baby?" Julie begun to cry.

"Calm down am sure he will be here soon." Panicking he tried to console,he also know this is this is a catastrophe. He had reassured Alexander but now what...

"What if he was kidnapped?" Julie said in the midst of her tears.

"Stop that it's nothing am sure they will get off that elevator any minute now."
And they heard a dong as the elevator opened. Inside was a well- built man in Black. Alone.

"Where is junior?" Mel demanded.

"Oh! The madam said she will pick him up?" He answered.

There was quiet for one,two, three,four...  ten seconds before a body fell on the floor.

"Julie? Jules? She has fainted?" The bodyguard said.

"You are soo fired? No! Dead."

"What?" Paled guy asked."Why?"

Mel chuckled sadly and pitifully.
"You don't know what you have done?" He sighed and hurriedly added,"hurry back you better arrive before us and ensure the safety of Junior or..."

"NOW!" Mel yelled to the confused bodyguard.

"Now what?" He asked himself as the others were taking care of Julie.

"Mel? Why hasn't Junior arrived?" Alexander asked looking around,the atmosphere was dense and tense.
"There has been a problem sir!
Mam arrived and insisted on picking junior and..." Mel looked up to see Alex face twist he knew this will happen but he deserved to know,the whole place could feel the ugly air they looked down... how could they not know,touch anything but Watford Junior the whole city knows this and the unfortunate story about Miss Catie and Boss Alexander.

"How long will it take to reach there? Why so slow?" Asked Alexander seated at the front seat, he felt like it took hours, this is his poor baby, who told him to listen to Mel? Who even does that? Leave their child to strangers to pick them?
"Just pass the f*cking red lights" he continuously yelled at the poor sweating shivering driver.
"I can't or we will be stopped?"

"Stopped? this is literally a global emergency? Drive faster or you will be fired like everyone else."

"Calm down the car can't fly!" Mel tried to reason even if he knew it was completely useless.

"Right! I already called the helicopter but the field there is occupied maybe I should sue them?"

"It is already past 5 pm everyone should have gone home,what if Junior is kidnapped and that woman is busy in the spa? Her nails are more important than her own son? I will kill her today! "

Outside the gates everyone came in,it was four cars with men in Black. "Junior? Dad is here to pick you? Where are you? Son please? " Alexander called.
They entered the school premises, panicking and yelling out.
Mel was already looking for reporters phone numbers when they heard a soft yet deep voice.

"Junior's father?" A young male teacher called out.
Alexander recognized him im mediately,he is teacher Will, "Mr Will, have you seen my son, Junior he is in your class,he is shorter than his classmates,he has black short hair,his skin rich and has a black mole next to his left ear, he likes covering it but its quite visible,aah yes he has a black big bag almost Bigger than him have you? Pleaded Alexander.

"Calm down sir he is in the office, its cold outside I was coming for you actually."

He is? Where?"

"Calm down,this way." Mr Will smiled walking fast ahead as others followed.
In the office, Junior sat with a cup of warm milk in hand,he smiled at his father who came hugging him.
"Are you okay? Its fine dad is here? Did anyone hurt you? Are you cold? Someone get him another jacket and..." Alexander commanded checking out his son.
"Am fine Dad I didn't wait long outside teacher Will came to get me. "

"Are you sure? Mel call doctor Kevin to meet us at home."

"Yes sir." Mel replied making calls.

Alexander after ensuring nothing was missing from his son's body he held him in his arms and walked to the teacher who was just watching.
"Thank you very much, I owe you more than anything. What can I do for you ?" Alexander asked genuinely.

"No... Its my job just glad he is fine, need to repay me."
He replied

"Are you sure?" Alex insisted.

"Please, its okay, I think you should head out now,its late he might catch a cold."

"Okay? But allow my men to drive you home."

"Its fine, I have a car." Mr Will smiled reassuringly.

"I will take my leave then, thank you again in case of anything don't hesitate to ask me Mel will give you my card. Thank you again." Alexander smiled to the teacher and left the building with his son on his arms.

Outside the driver and others were waiting when a car pulled in. A beautiful,petite woman with long blonde hair came out,she was wearing a short diamond dress with black complement heels. She came running towards Alexander
"Junior Baby are you okay? Mommy so sorry I didn't mean to be late I just didn't realize the time. Forgive mom." She asked trying to hold the child but he hid on his father's chest.
Mel snirred as Alexander looked at her with disgust before entering the car and driving off.

"Boss wants to see you at this location." The bodyguard said to her and walked away. The speeding car left as the woman stared at the card and walked to her car driving away.

Mr Will who was watching all that sighed and went to his car, he was ready to start the car when a message chimed in. He read it as his face filled with sadness.

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