Twenty: Same bed!

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'No! No! No! No! No! This can't be happening,they can't do this today. '  Will closed his eyes, Alex was giving him a look that made his body hot all over, considering he was already sweating from the fever which was a great cover up. His mind sure was thinking alot of options for the night.

"They sound so... deliberate. Can't they keep it down." Alex said after a quiet moment.

"They never listen. Just bear with it plus aren't you sleeping in the couch. Its not noisy there." Will urged after pushing some thoughts aside.

"Who said so?" Alex asked Will.

"Where do you plan to sleep?" Will asked subconsciously.

"Here,you might need something? Why I can't?"

Will smiled, "you are welcome,you can sleep at the left side." He patted the empty side of bed looking at Alex waiting. 'Does that sound cheap? Do I care? Of course not such a chance comes once in a blue moon and I take full advantage plus its just sleep.'

"If you don't have clothes to wear while you sleep you can use mine or sleep..." Will stopped before saying everything his mind thought.

"Thank you but I have mine." Alex said raising one eyebrow,he already knew and observed Will was straight forward but this is kind of scary. He did plan on sleeping on the bed but he was nervous but this guy in bed sounded impatient.
Alex went to the bathroom after a bath he changed and came out. Will slept on the right side leaving a space for him. Will stared up at the guy Will just took his medicine sleep should be kicking in soon he had to be sure Alex really slept next to him.

"Do they ever stop?" Alex asked after checking on Will and getting under the sheets.

"Late at night. You can put on the head phones beside the bed, am used to them he will stop when he is tired." Will advised.

"Maybe I should tell them to keep it down..."

"Don't! He will just make it worse, I tried it yesterday. He just made it worse."

"Does he have a biff with you?" Alex asked.

"Maybe. He is my ex,we broke up long ago but he just doesn't seem to know how to accept it now I think his plan is to get me jealous or try to reminisce over the old days or annoy me to get my attention or kill me.
I don't know I never stuck around him to know."

"Is it working?" Alex asked turning to look at Will.

Will feeling peeling eyes turned to meet Alex's eyes.
"No! He is stupid and I don't eat expired items. Plus those are women its so different he cheated on me with many others and tries to make me jealous using women?" Will sighed tired.

"Good to hear." Alex added smiling at Will.
His mind was telling him to do something to keep that guy quiet. He actually was about to text his guards to take those two out but he didn't. Its suspicious this is not his resident.
"Do you want me to do something about him?"

"No its fine he will stop soon."

"Be honest."

Will bit his lip. ' Beat him while naked? Give him Viagra and tie his hands behind his back and make him suffer or keep him awake for a week till he can't think straight? Better fuck me hard till all is heard is me?'

"No! I plan on getting my revenge soon."

Alex looked at the smirk on Will's face,after he saw the video of Will sent by the guard he couldn't believe it. At first he was suprised but then totally attracted to this Will, sweet and thoughtful Will made him feel warm and possessive but this Will bold, foul-mouthed, strong willed Will made Alex quite a stone edge and really want to hear him say those dirty slutty words...

When he realized this he was abit scared, soon he was going through the group comments Mel already told him Will's username and did Will have thoughts. Not only his desires laid out there about how he thought Alex tasted (soft juicy lips, sweet dominant tongue swirling on his lips and mouth making him breathless and pant begging for more, small bite on the lips leaving him yearning for him to do more.) This guy was not shy and after coming here he just realized it. When they first talked Will stammered, Alex thought its because he was shy or not confident but now maybe he was just suprised or...

Alex didn't want to think he just knew he appreciated all of Will good and bad sides,he was so curious and needed to know more.

Which is weird considering facts Will might be two faced and end up heart breaking him but Will was nothing like Cathie,its like comparing a diamond and charcoal.
Will doesn't show his good side to take advantage of others but to keep peace,lead a good example and make a living.

Will stared at Alex who seemed lost. Maybe he went too far,is Alex mad again from his remark. Did he sound like a miniac?
"Sorry I didn't mean to sound psychotic." He apologized.

Alex who snapped back to reality answered reassuringly. "I think its fair. You have suffered enough."

Will eyes brightened. Did this mean Alex is in terms with him. All of him?

"You can give it a try if you want!" Will said after some thought,after all Alex needs sleep for work tomorrow.

"Okay, I will go there." Alex said trying to be civilized.

"Don't just tell them from here am sure he can hear." Will took upon himself and yelled.

"Can you keep it down someone is trying to sleep here."

"Did you hear?" He shouted again feeling his throat get itchy.

The other room a hoarse voice yelled out of breath. "Sorry baby but this baby can't help it!"

"Quit pretending my boyfriend is trying to sleep." Will added glancing at Alex whose face bright and smiley.

"What, come on babe! Are you jealous you can join us!" The guy added maliciously.

"Keep it down, no one wants to hear your turn off groans. Don't make me say it again." Alex thundered making everything quiet.

Will smiled at Alex, he licked his lips from yelling, his heart was racing the strength he got to say 'boyfriend'  he didn't know where it came from,he was testing Alex and putting the idiot to his place. He never expected Alex to play along, nothing can describe his immense joy right now.

He looked at Alex who smiled back tentatively but before much could happen the guy decided to unleash his energy on the beauty who decided to fall on their room wall mourning loud as slapping sounds echoed through the walls making things abit heated up.

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