Two: Father and son.

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               7 years later.

Faint snores could be heard in a dark room,a door opening slowly,a small body tiptoed quietly towards the king sized bed, the gentle small body jumped on top of the body sleeping on the bed.
"Oh oi! Ouch!" The body still under the blankets complained pretending to be in pain.
"Dad,wake up or we will be late." The sweet voice called trying to remove the blankets covering the tall sleeping figure.

"Its still early Junior. Ten more minutes.okay?" He pleaded.
"No! You will also be late for work and then you will yell at Mel for not calling you when I already did." The little boy said still waking up his Dad.

"I don't yell at Uncle Mel he does."

"He does not,am leaving you am going to brush my teeth and dress up for school you can sleep all you want you are rich after all." The little man said getting down going out of the room.

"Hey little man! am your father." The man reprimanded getting out of the bed,he stood up 6.1feet tall,he looked down at the little boy looking up at him.
He lifted the boy up kissing him on his face.
"Good Morning junior."

"Morning Dad, hurry or we will be late it already 6:30 am., I will help make your bed then we can get prepared."
They made the Dad's bed, brushed their teeth,took a bath, dressed up and went down for breakfast.

Outside the big gates of the most expensive school, cars moving slowly to avoid being late. A black SUV made it's way slowly to the school. "The traffic here is worse than the highways." Complained the Dad seated on the back seat together with his child.

Outside the car the Dad placed a kiss on top of his son's head,smiled before looking at the gate where a young male teacher stood welcoming the children like every other morning. "Go in the car will be here waiting for you I have a meeting today I can't pick you up ."

"Its fine dad am not a kid I can take care of myself. See you at the office in the evening." Junior smiled as he bid his dad goodbye.

Alexander stood there looking at his son,he still couldn't believe it, he has read countless books about raising a child alone,all the drama and broadcasts to ensure his son lacks nothing,he couldn't be more proud. Junior was smart, mature and responsible than himself for a fact. Sometimes he feels maybe he lacked something that's why his son matured too early,Alex watched as his son entered the gate,the male teacher, Teacher Will was his son's teacher,he always saw him waiting for the kids, smiling brightly welcoming everyone. His life seemed lovely.

Alexander went directly to the office,he was the chairman of the family business,he took after his Dad and has been doing a great job,he believed so and Mel said so too. Two Rivers Mall was located at the center of the city hence was very popular.
He got out of the car after putting his cold CEO face, he was wearing a long black trench coat,black tie  and matching  trouser and shoes too. He walked to his assistant who was standing outside waiting for him.
Mel had grown more mature and older,he wore a pair of glasses which he looked dope with.

"Welcome sir." Humbled Mel greeted the boss.
Alexander nodded walking past,the employees watched as they walked past them face expressionless emitting a cold powerful aura. Upon reaching the top floor the bodyguards stayed opposite the receptionist desk as Alex and Mel entered the office.

Alexander's office was large,a glass table and black Cool and comfy chair,two mini couches at the left corner next to a coffee table. There were shelves with documents and on top trophies won by him and his father displayed.
Upon reaching the office,he removed his trenchcoat and asked Mel about today's schedule.
Mel looked at him and begun explaining his plans.
"What? No am not going to meet with him Mel you go."

"But sir! I can't he won't talk to me."

"Well am not,you can cancel or postpone." Alexander insisted.

"We can't cancel or postpone again the sixth time,you might not need them now but we both know how important the company will be later on. Sir please reconsider." Tired Mel explained again.

"Well you go I will talk to them after the deal done, isn't that your job."

"Seriously Alex,am I your secretary, manager or personal assistant? Huh? I have to wake you? Prepare your meetings? represent you when you are absent?..."Mel reprimanded, 'so what Alex is the boss sometimes he acts like an eighteen years old. you see him putting up this cold, powerful face... when am the one to suffer when indoors with him.'

"But Mel I have to pick Junior up at the time."


"I know I had planned for the bodyguards to pick him but what if they are incompetent? I can't lose him!"

"And why would you hire them if they are useless? I know you are worried but this is important plus when he arrives Julie will notify you." Hopeful Mel dictated.

Mmmh! I think but I have to Know every detail, when he leaves school,enters the car,the traffic when he arrives here, I mean everything."

"Good I will give you the camera video."

"Fine, now make me coffee." Alexander ordered sitting on the chair.

"Am not your secretary." Yelled Mel.

"Am not deaf." Countered Alexander.

Mel sat on the couch looked at his young boss,he might put on this overly powerful, strong, cold and controlling face but he is just a lost soul. He has those traits but they are recessive but when facing the world they tend to show up alot. They are his defense mechanism from pain and disappointment.
But most important his loved ones are safe because people can't read him easly.
Mel sighed looking down on his I pad,
' wonder when Alex will get a secretary am tired of his face,but who am I kidding;no one can stand him even I can't. Hmm!'

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