Ten : Knight in shining armor

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Weekend ended fast maybe because there is nothing much to do,no dates,no work just staying in the house with Junior and finishing some work from the office plus Alex already quit alcohol so no parties the only thing he drunk was wine to entertain his business partners, this was suprising since he owned alot of clubs in the city.

Alex planned to talk with Will today in the morning, Junior's birthday was a week away, Alex always invites his classmates to make it more fun,he knows Junior isn't the best in social skills hence this helped him make friends and have fun. Today Junior distributes the invitation cards and only the ones with the cards could enter since it had a picture of the kid invited and a stamp of the Watford family which cannot be forged.

As usual they arrived as teacher Will was welcoming everyone in.
Today Alex decided to take Junior in to have a word with Will. "Good morning Alexander and Junior?" Will greeted with a warm smile.

"Good morning teacher Will I will go in Dad wants to talk to you, bye Dad." Junior walked away after a forehead kiss he can never escape.  "This way" Will ushered Alexander.

"Boss, teacher Will? Good morning?" A fairly voice greeted.

"Julie? And you must be Diana." Alexander inquired. He was the one sponsoring Julie's daughter in her studies. He noticed the curious look of Will. "She is my receptionist, I know her and her fiancee Beth."

Will smiled and allowed Diana to join others as Julie walked away confused. Her boss was never one to introduce his people or himself to others so?????

Will and Alexander were standing just a few metres away from the gate as Alexander didn't want to get inside.
"Junior's birthday is coming up soon, well this Saturday and as usual the kids are invited,as much as I want their parents to supervise them it's a kid's party and don't need parents playing paparazzi hence I was wondering if you would be the one to keep  an eye on those small monsters." Alexander summarised his request.

"I heard about it, that party is the reason I got a job here,the former teacher became famous from that party?"

"Yes, I hope this time its just the kids enjoying themselves that's why I came to you."

"I would love to. I will be there at your disposal." Will agreed feeling butterflies in his tummy, Alexander made it sound like a very important mission only he can get it done. Does that make sense?

"Well then, expect my call anytime, I will fill you in all the information you need to know. I will get going now, enjoy your day." Alexander finished taking his leave, every one was looking at his direction but didn't dare approach not just his cold aura but the two big mean men who seemed like they could grind your bones to powder.

"Mel,get everything prepared,there is the list of what Junior wants." Alexander said handing over a notebook to Mel who was seated opposite him.

"Dinosaur shaped cake (T- lex),no Coke drinks." Mel read," wait, where will the candles be placed?"

"How should I know, I don't bake leave that for the experts."

"Mm! Bat-shaped pinata... no adult music,no nursery songs" Mel raised an eyebrow. "Okay what is this? I will leave this to the experts too." Mel said closing the book.

"Okay, don't forget the security and ensure anything that can be broken to be removed also double check with the amusement people on the safety of their machines and the bands invited,the catering,the photographer, literally everything must be safe and keep an eye out for the paparazzi's too."

"Okay,by the way what about the kids? Am sure some parents will try to sneak cameras in and who will be keeping an eye on them."
Mel inquired.

"Don't worry I've taken care of that. I hired people for that and invited Will he will take care of them, they listen to him." Alex answered and smiled.

"What was that??" Mel asked suprised.

"What?" Alex poker face returned.

"Wow, this is new and unexpected but in a good way,he looks like someone with a good influence."

"There is nothing."

"Nothing you say! After you played knight in shining armor which you never do and smiling so widely and what happened to 'Mr'  Will? Don't try lying, you have a meeting now I will take care of everything." Mel smiled about to leave before Alex punished him with extra work.

"Wait, give me Will's number." Alex requested.

"Already, that fast? I will bring it now." Mel laughed leaving.

"Its not what you think it's..." Alex trailed off but Mel had already left.

"Plus he is too sweet to be single."

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