Nine: Call me Will.

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Weekend, by six in the morning Junior and his father are usually jogging outside,it sounds like torture in the cold morning but its actually Junior's idea but today Alex refused completely for him to go outside now he has to run on his own. Morning runs helped him plan for his day and wake him up, today Alex wants to spend time with his son like every other weekend but indoor so he is brainstorming ideas.

'Maybe paint, Junior loves painting...but he does that almost everyday in school, watch a no I might end up asleep who watches animal documentary for fun. I know, mind my own business and let him do whatever he wants, that's what I always end up doing every other time.

I wonder what's his talent is, reading, painting, spelling, studying? Is that even a hobby? Well he does know bigger words than me, what's that word again...the longest word in English. Pneumo...


Alexander is running while randomly stopping to think,he is sure he knows the word his son has told him over ten times, don't get him wrong he is a businessman ask him about ledgers, balance sheets, business proposal and he will tell,he has too much in mind to remember one word... really long word.


"Yes, exactly!" Alexander said, 'I knew I had it in the tip of my tongue. Am I smart or what? Come to think about it I seem to talk really familiar...'

Alexander came to his senses,he must be really growing old, he looked behind him and wow! A handsome man smiling at him." Mr Will?" He asked in suprise.

"Call me Will,what are you doing this side of town?" Will asked just as suprised to see Alexander.

"Oh, I ran too far I guess (liar) I didn't know you live this direction?"  ' why does it sound like a justification.'  Actually yesterday he asked Mel for all of Will's information for the case but he memorised everything in one go, including where he lives and running this direction was out of curiosity he didn't think he would actually see Will, even if he run past his building twice, this is a coincidence.

"Oh its good to see you though" , Will answered back, Will actually saw him running ahead of him,he wasn't sure but hearing his voice trying to figure out something he couldn't help it.

"Same,you live around here?" He asked innocently.

"Yes my building is right over there I woke up abit late today, sorry to have disturbed you, you seemed to have trouble and my teacher instinct jumped in."

"Thank you, Junior kept saying that word so it kept popping in my mind."  'I can't say I forgot its embarrassing.' he smiled back.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked Will who seemed frozen.

" fine... I... I..."

"Are you sure?" Alexander asked getting closer and anxious.

'That million dollar smile, how can I be fine,he actually smiled at me,huh! Maybe am dreaming, definitely. But he is so real.'

Both Will and Alexander were the same height, although Alexander was more built Will had his share of muscles. Will had pitch black neatly short hair with a rich flawless skin unlike Alexander dark brown hair with a pale white skin.

"Am fine,am sorry I just remembered something important." Will snapped  himself off his thoughts and stepped away before their closeness became dangerous.

"Oh! Then I will excuse myself,see you soon."


"I meant see you in school. Will. Enjoy your weekend." Alexander left jogging.


"Dad? You said a bad word." Junior said to his father while they were eating breakfast.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell Will about your 8th birthday party."

"You were with teacher Will?"

"Yes, I met while exercising. How could I forget,am really growing old." He dreaded.

"It's fine I will invite him its my
birthday after all." Junior suggested.

"But I need his help since your classmates are invited, I need him to help manage those brats I don't want it to be like last year's." Alexander reminisced over all the broken things and that irresponsible teacher who was busy streaming the party to his followers,he actually became a big time influencer and quit teaching.

You can talk to him on Monday,am going ahead to finish my anime." Junior said excusing himself.

"I will join you, give me ten minutes."

"No need I am a growing boy I need my own time, you can do your thing." He answered walking up the stairs and a closing door was all Alex heard.

"My own thing? Growing boy? Is he? No! No! He is too young? Right!!" Alex let his mind wonder like every other parent with a kid who is growing up fast.

Will on the other hand went to Eli's cafe to give a hand well he gets paid but today he was in a great mood anyone could see,Eli wanted gossip and Will needed to tell someone. Eli was estatic after the news,the day went by with her and Charlie advising Will to make his move.

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