Twenty six: With Junior 1

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Its been almost an hour since they arrived, Junior sat down obediently at the living room doing his homework, Will sat beside him as Alex made calls waiting for dinner to be served.

Alex hired a chef, a nanny (a house girl who helped him with Junior since he was born) gardeners and other cleaners to help him with the house but they always went home everyday and come in the morning. It might be inconvenient but the pay is good.

The only people who lived at the house but the outside building are the bodyguards and guards. Others are not allowed for security issues. They are also under a very strict contract.
The only people allowed freely in the house were Alex's family members, Mel and now Will.

"Do you need help?" Will asked Junior who was solving some math homework.

"No need teacher Will I already tackled others before so I already knew plus am almost done." Junior answered going back to his work.

After dinner was announced Junior had just completed his homework, he pulled Will along and sat beside each other at the table. The dinner table was full of healthy and delicious food. Will was expecting something he had never eaten but turned out to be rice,beef stew, vegetables and fish? Then again, Alex didn't act like other rich entitled brats who wasted money on expensive food that was not even a spoonful.

Dinner was great and interactive, Junior kept to himself most of the time 'dont talk while eating' etiquette but sometimes he forgot and kept telling teacher Will which meal was sweeter and his favourite food. Chicken nuggets. But his dad only allowed it on weekends and most of the weekdays always had vegetables and fish.

Will witnessed it, fact was Alex never forced Junior to eat fish that much, but vegetables were a must. Alex mostly ate fish himself and if Junior asked he would remove the fish bones and happily add it to his bowl and the same for Will, tonight he ate more fish than he does in a month that is if he ever does.

"Teacher Will can we go to see my room first? You and Dad locked yourselves up before and I didn't want to disturb so can you come with me now before Dad abducts you again?" Junior asked with the most innocent eyes ever.

Will became flustered and stared at Alex who seemed so proud of himself. Will felt like smacking him to wipe that smirk away but instead he ignored him and warmly smiled at Junior who excitedly took the lead.

"Teacher Will my room is big it has many games, like lego,a drone which is a gift from my grandma and grandpa, I also have an iPhone but Dad only allows me to use it on weekends which is actually healthy." Junior Introduced before hand. He opened his room and it was huge with the lights on. There was a bed at the middle of the room, shelves and tables at the other ends, two chairs and a sofa,the shelves had books, action figures including dinosaurs, shapes and comic books. The corner table had drawing books and many colors. The other table had books some which an eight years old shouldn't be reading, Will knew so since he always gets a splitting headache just by reading some of those huge books.

"You love to read?" Will asked curiously.

"Not really, mostly when I watch animals documentaries I always want to know more about some of the animals or when I don't understand some words and they just won't get out of my head till I know the meaning. But some are just to tease dad." Junior laughed remembering how his Dad racks his brains off trying to figure out a word, which Will has seen when Alex was jogging and trying to remember the longest English word.

Will chuckled and went to the drawings on the wall mostly Junior's work others really exquisite works from renounced painters.
"Dad got me then, I was just joking but he still did. Never joke in front of him incase he has the power to get what you asked for. Experience."

"He only does it with the people he loves. Like you." Will added.

"True. Look teacher Will I also have the T-lex figures from Jurassic Park movie." Junior excitedly took out the figures.
"I wanted the actual thing but someone already bought it and if Dad knows he might get it for me no matter what." Junior added quietly.

"He really spoils you." Will said.

"Yes I know that's why I love him too. Just don't tell him he gets too much possessive and paranoid."

Will smiled at him as Junior continued showing his amazing collection.

"You have so many toys. Who do you play with?" Will asked Junior who just put back his drone.

"Mostly Dad, Jason and Diana, other times the workers, bodyguards, grandpa and grandma. Sometimes when I feel like it I ask Dad to allow my school mates here and we play."

"Oh... Which days?"

"Dad decided to dedicate most Saturdays as father and son bonding day. So mostly Sundays I spend time with Jason and some other kids Jason comes with since Diana is at church. Also some Saturdays I just spend it watching, reading comics, drawing or on secret missions." Junior said with a low voice at the end of the sentence.

"Secret missions?" Will asked in the same low tone.

"Yes! Shhh! Its secret, I will tell you when its complete." Junior added.

If it wasn't that Will knew Junior's temperament and maturity he would be worried but at least Junior has creativity and plays like his own age.

"What do you and Dad usually do on Saturday?"

"I will show you tommorow since we will be spending the whole day together, you can also add your ideas too."

" Then I can't wait." Will smiled broadly.

Junior was already under the sheets,he hugged teacher Will and closed his eyes, not sleepy just noticed some impatient eyes on the door. After he closed his eyes he felt his Dad kiss him good night and a chuckle following.

Junior felt tonight was warm and safe better than any other time. He smiled as he drifted off to sleep.

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