Twenty one: The kiss

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Will couldn't contain his thoughts as he looked at Alex pale extra attractive face,these people are going to be the death of him. How does that fool not

Will felt hot all over, Alex moved closer to him feeling the wetness and heat on Will's body.
"Are you okay? Is the pain coming back? Your temperature has risen again. Let me change the towel." Alex said getting out of the bed panicking. He really didn't think this would happen,he shouldn't have slacked off! Will was here sick but he had the guts to think of how he would sound as he made love to him.(am being respectful here) little did Alex know why Will was hot.

Will looked at Alex who was wiping him,the cold towel made his body twitch and shiver as it touched his sensitive skin,he could feel Alex hand on his skin pulling the shirt up, Will looked up at Alex face,he looked so sexy, Will started feeling like he had been drugged, every point Alex touched became sweaty within seconds and he had to do it again which just added to the sensitivity of his body.

Alex was really patient,after all he did the same for his son but this was different, Will kept turning at first he thought it was pain, but then Will bit his lip and breathed against his hand, his breath was hot and sharp, his eyes were on his face filled with lust? Was he high? Was he really affected?
"Will?" He called.

"Mmm!" Will answered in a low, seductive voice.

Alex subconsciously swallowed a gulp. This can get out of hand. He was about to say something when those guys suddenly stopped. It became quiet. Will should feel better now! He thought.

He retreated his arm,wet the towel and continually wiped Will who was very self conscious.
"Alex?" Will called, "can you stop am feeling uncomfortable."

Alex looked down at Will,he realized it, his hand was holding Will's waist as he wiped down towards his stomach. Alex looked up at Will's face as his hands felt Will's body contract and shiver with his hands movement. Its him who was affecting him? His touch?

Alex retreated his hands,he felt a surge of pride within himself.
His previous nervousness was completely erased,he felt on top of the world and quite in the mood to tease.

"You don't have a fever but you are sweating so much. What are you thinking?" Alex asked in a low deep voice looking down at Will's face which was just a few meters away, while one of his arm was on the bed and the other wiping Will's neck.

Will knew Alex was teasing but he couldn't help it. His body just moved on its own.( Lie) His mind totally agreed with the body,its either today or never plus if his suspicion is correct nothing to loose also if its wrong at least he didn't leave empty.

Will sudden move suprised Alex,he felt Will's lips on his,they were soft like rose petals uniformly falling on his lips then a wet tongue licked his lips. His movements frooze so did his brain,his heart pumped blood so fast he thought he was going to die,the next second he knew was his hand holding the towel was holding Will up from the back as his lips worked their magic on Will's lips. His wet lips nibbled on Will's lower lip as sweetness erupted in his mouth, his tongue and Will's kept swirling around each other wetting the other with their saliva, Will's saliva was like a new, addictive flavor he couldn't get enough of,his mind was savouring the new taste he didn't realize he was out of breath. Will unhooked them as he panted for breath.

Will's plan was just a simple kiss,but when he removed his lips from Alex, Alex was breathless just as he was about to worry he felt his head held up and wet lips on his,his heart and brain all stopped as goosebumps erupted in his whole body,his toes curled up with excitement.
Alex just kissed his lips before he opened his mouth there was no excessive hunger just a taste,he was tasting his mouth, tongue, lips and his saliva. The kiss was so heated up that Will almost choked but Alex didn't stop so he did.

Will felt Alex gaze on him as he panted, goodness isn't this guy out of breath? Or maybe its because am sick?

"Are you okay?" Alex asked after collecting himself.

"Mmm." Will answered still leveling his breath.

"Sorry, I forgot you are actually sick for a moment." Alex apologized genuinely. He actually was except for the fact he still wants to continue. 'I wish you weren't sick.'

"Its fine, I started it, sorry for that sometimes I don't think before I act." Will said with an awkward laugh. Actually he hadn't thought this far before his actions.
'Now what?'

"How about you sleep then we talk in the morning?" Alex asked realizing Will's medicine are beginning to take effect.

"Mmm" Will answered even if he needed answers now,the medicine were no joke. Soon he was drifting off and lightly snoring.
If he wasn't under drug influence he was sure he wouldn't have slept.

Alex covered him well before his phone buzzed.

It was the bodyguards announcing that the job was done.
"Hmmm!" he sighed. "If I knew I would have asked them to take that annoying guy out soon, maybe the moment would have happened sooner." He smiled to himself.

Alex asked his men to shot the neighbors with sleeping dose before going to wipe Will.
Alex felt on cloud nine, mostly if people, women and some men kissed him without his knowledge, mostly his secretaries they would either be fired or punished. But with Will he wants more,he wants him to do it any time anywhere.

He closed his eyes reminiscing over that wonderful kiss.

"Am I ready for this? " Alex opened his eyes to sleeping Will,so handsome.

'A risk am willing to take.'  He answered in his heart quietly.

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