Five: William Wagner.

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Today a chilly Tuesday morning, William Wagner woke up early,he was already ready by 7am he left his apartment to the ground floor. Will lived at the middle class part of town where he could afford,its not that the school didn't pay well just that he had many responsibilities.
He stepped out of the elevator greeting his neighbors, good thing about this place is that people knew each other and respectful too.

He walked in a cafe that seemed busy,he went directly to the.....
"Is my coffee ready today?" He asked the barista who paid no attention to him.
"Good morning beautiful Eli."
He asked sweetly.

"Good morning to you too Will" answered the gorgeous light skinned woman who was in her early thirties,her smile was bright as her brown eyes. She has long brown hair tied behind wearing a black apron covering a black below the knee dress she had.
" No! your coffee is not ready, I am so busy and so Is Charlie can you help abit."

"What? But I will be late today."

"Come on its just one table,you can also tell me why you were late yesterday I waited for long." She argued handing him coffee and dessert to serve.
"Well crazy things happened?"

"Your mom called?"

"No but she will soon, actually do you remember the handsome billionaire dad of the century?"
He asked smiling.

"Alex? What happened he caused a teacher to be fired again. Let me guess the teacher threw chalk at the kid? No! you are not fired? P E teacher made him run till he became short in breath so the bodyguard beat him. No! That can't be, Oh! got it. Junior failed his test and the teacher failed him so now he is fired?" She guessed curiously.

"No!" He said sharply. " Junior's mom forgot to pick him so his Dad had to pick him up late you should have seen his face he was red with anger. But he is really mature he didn't even shout a word to her so not to scare his son. Not only is he hot but also considerate " he completed daydreaming.

"Yeah! He has matured. Am glad but why would he let her pick Junior up has he lost it?" She asked angrily.

"Calm down,she lied to the bodyguards. I will fill you up later, I have to go the kids are about to start arriving. "He took his coffee hurriedly leaving.

"You know you don't have to receive the kids but then again how will you admire the hottest bachelor in the country?" She yelled smiling....

"Shhh " he heard his handsome husband mouth. " You know Will is getting in trouble don't add to it you Know gossip travels very fast."

"My! I totally forgot." She looked around as everyone was minding their own business.

Will stood outside the school building entrance, receiving the children from their parents, he was a handsome 24 years old man,with black hair hiding his forehead, his black pair of eyes shinning bright with his rich brown  smooth face  as he smiled assuringly capturing both the parents and children's attention, today the black SUV hasn't pulled in yet, maybe they were late but they are never late.

"Mr Will where is your attention on other women husband's?" A sharp venomous voice asked.

"Morning Mrs Smith glad you are okay, good morning Jason?" He smiled at the young boy.

"Am fine teacher, sorry about mom she woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The kid answered sheeply.
"Go in and join the others" Will told the kid as he went in.

"I don't know what the school was thinking hiring a gay man like you to teach our children but I won't let my kids to be led astray by the likes of you so mark my words your days here are numbered." She said ugly like.

"Mrs Smith I saw your husband drunk in the club with a young man did he get home yesterday." A sweet voice said from behind.

"Miss Beth, good morning and to you too Diana. Come in and join the others." Will said smiling warmly.
"Go in dear Today Mama will pick you up okay?"

"Okay Mom." Answered the little girl running by.

"Look who we have here. What has happened to this school letting people like you here?" Disgusted Mrs Smith said.

"What did you say bitch?" Ms Beth asked angrily.

"Calm down please." Will tried calming the ladies.

" How about you go look for your husband who is likes being with'the likes of us' coz I know that talk is from someone who hasn't had 'that' for long." Miss Beth countered laughing quietly.

"Hhm!" Mrs Smith snirred, turned sharply stranding away.

"Am sorry Will you have to go through this,some people just don't know to let out anger with the right people, don't worry I will try to convince others not to listen to her. Our children need a teacher like you I won't allow them dismiss you." Miss Beth sympathized.

"Thank you." Will smiled as the others came along.

Truth is everything was going well,the school management already knew about his sexuality since some other teachers were too but two weeks ago Christine Smith begun causing trouble,she begun making a big deal out of his sexuality,she planted ideas in the minds of other parents that he would make the children turn out like him. Adding to the fact she was one of the parent representative in the committee intensified the matter.
Mr Will had already been called by the school board members regarding the matter,they didn't want this to affect the other teachers hence he had to handle this matter.
Will has already tried prior his abilities but no avail she seemed stuck to the idea of ruining him.
Will was hoping on the voting of his dismissal more parents would side with him.

Will was seated in the grade 4 class,he has been teaching for 6 months now and everything had been well,the children loved him like he did,he looked around to see Junior's seat empty, Alexander had called the principal of the absenteeism since Junior was coming down with a fever.

Will looked outside the window smiling, yesterday was the first time they ever talked all the other times was him stealing glances at Alexander as he brought Junior to school, he was a great parent and really handsome but rare to see him smiling except in front of his son.
But that didn't change the fact he was hot.

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