Twenty Three: I want you!

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"Because..." Alex looked at Will's curious eyes,he knew his answer will determine if he gets to nibble on those delicious lips and his future too, he never wanted to confess like this but why not
"... I really want you."

Will's eyes burged abit,'what' he blinked twice waiting for Alex to repeat. Will stared directly at Alex as his body trembled and his heart raced against the couch cushion.
"What?" Will asked again seeing Alex wasn't planning on saying more.

"I want you,every bit of you. More, I want to make you mine so no one can covert or take you away from me." Alex's voice was calm and clear yet it stirred waves on Will's heart, Will's breath hitched as he fell back on the couch.

Alex reacted quick and held Will's motionless body that sat on his own legs before it fell and hit the table. After a few seconds Will recovered from the trance and found Alex holding his waist. His legs were numb so he stretched them and sat straight but turned to look at Alex whose hand was now on his lap.

Was this rejection? Alex didn't know what to do after Will went quiet after his confession. Will came back to his senses and smiled at him making his heart warm and calm.

Will chuckled before hugging Alex who soon hugged him back. He let go and now felt like teasing Alex. He looked at him playfully and said "But we barely know each other!" Which was somehow true except for the news about Alex and the texting they didn't talk much.

"Then... we will know each other, its no problem we can go to dates after work, visit each other families,you can come home and spend time with Junior he will be happy,we can also go for vacation on holiday,go out with Junior on weekends you can have sleepover at my house whatever you want as long as we know each other better." Alex gave out ideas,if Will is insecure then they can start somewhere and later get in a relationship after knowing each other well enough.

Will was just wondering but Alex seemed to have tons of ideas which made his heart warm and a sunny chuckle escaped his mouth, Alex was even willing to introduce him to everyone for his own piece of mind.
Will felt like telling him worry not you already have my heart but he didn't say it.
Fact is Will has been worried about Junior and each other families acceptance, earlier Alex family seemed happy and warm towards him telling him he was welcome but raising Junior was a big responsibility hence those ideas can be implemented.

Will nodded vigorously as Alex hugged him tightly burring his head on the nape of his neck.

"So we are dating now?" Alex asked against his skin.

Will nodded happily with the thought. He felt Alex smile too as the hug got tighter.

Alex let go of Will and smiled happily,he put his hand behind Will's neck rubbing it softly,he actually felt comfortable but Will covered his mouth again! He wasn't going to kiss him but Will's reaction made him curious.

"Am still sick." Will explained himself to Alex.

Alex smirked and asked," you were worse last night yet you took advantage of me."

"I didn't. Plus you were the one who...went out completely" Will explain reminiscing over it. Too bad.

"You started it, now you are refusing me after we just started dating, how ironic."

"Am looking out for you,if you don't care about yourself then..." Will removed his hands and moved his lips out to Alex pausing for a kiss. He said it with the thought Alex would say no but he felt his neck pulled and soft lips on his.

Will was first taken aback but the sweetness in his mouth brought him back, Alex licked his lips softly with his own lips and tongue but didn't go any further.
Will knew the reason but he couldn't help it,he opened his mouth and nibbled on Alex's lower lip, this small movement turned the sweet simple kiss to a hot breathless one, Alex tongue was dominant as it swept through his mouth,his lips were bit by sharp teeth yet it felt so comfortable, Will sat on Alex's lap putting his both of his hands on Alex's neck as Alex hand went down to hold his waist for better comfort. Will felt breathless and escaped a bit to breath but his lips were caught again. Alex had his eyes opened for a moment but after his sucked Will's lips again his eyes automatically closed kissing deeper for the sweetness he kept tasting maybe its because he hadn't had such intimacy for a long time that he felt Will particularly tasted like a fresh minty flavor with a sweetness after it touched his tongue. Alex felt Will was breathless only after a minute. He paused giving Will air,he could see Will was about to complain meaning he had his breath back when he kissed him again pushing Will to lie on the couch as he continued, he knew Will would get mad but he didn't stop and Will didn't stop him either.

Thank you@

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