Eight: The glass house.

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"So..." The moment Will entered Eli's cafe,Eli and Charlie curiously waited for the outcome, Will wanted to play a prank at them but on second thought he was mature...
"What do you think? That witch ganged up on me now I have to look for a new job..." He sobbed looking completely distressed. How mature!

"Hey its fine, I will help you get a new job guess what? I will also help you get revenge, Charlie honey, look for her address I bet her house is made of glass."
Charlie nodded while Will stood there frozen. Eli came hugging him saying sweet comforting words,it was supposed to be a joke but now Will felt like crying.
"Am so sorry I lied..."

"Its fine, no worries I will help you with money till you get a new job."

"I wasn't fired, I won..." Will said looking down with guilt,he looked up at Eli whose face was unreadable.
"Really?" She questioned.

"That's amazing,you bad..." Eli hit him on the arm before hugging him again. "...am so happy, I mean I had already started calling my friends and everything but you won? Actually won ? in this country? Guess I underestimated people's open mindedness...but seriously how?" 

" You are not mad I lied right now?" Asked Will with the most apologetic puppy eyes.

"I am but am more curious,so fill me in while I get us a drink I saved for the occasion."

"Saved? What if I lost?"

"We would drink our sorrows away. But now let's celebrate... No more questions tell me everything?"

"He sounded really cool and mature!" Dumbfounded Eli gave her thought after listening.

"I know right, and the way he put her in her place he looked so hot and understanding he talked for two minutes and everything was over, can you believe I had to stop him from embarrassing her again..." Will continued.


"She had the nerve to trash talk while picking up her kid, Alexander wanted her to apologise but I stopped him and let it slide."

"What? Why? You should have let her beg. You don't know to take advantage of a situation,if I were you I would have her kneel then slapped her..."
She said demonstrating with her hands.

"Her kid was there, how heartless could I be, I don't want him to be bullied in school or grow up with anger or low self-esteem or self-love. I wouldn't wish that for anyone."

"Right! Why do kids have to pay for parents mistakes? Sooo cancel the stone throwing party at her glass house?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well... They are rich a few stones won't hurt. Right?"

"Exactly!" She smirked real mature. "So, Alexander? What happened? Don't you dare lie I have not forgotten the prank from before."

"I apologized, plus there is nothing. I thanked him then we parted ways. Nothing more." He said sulking.

"Why don't you call him with the excuse of thanking him you can even ask him to dinner?" Charlie suggested.

"Great idea honey,then you can behave casual and maybe he might. you know!!" Eli seconded smiling, naughtiness in her voice.

"No! Plus I already thanked him I don't think he would go out with me,let me live in my bubble I don't want it to burst too soon, like have you seen him,he is handsome, bulky, tall,rich and seriously possessive not on me but his son,he is an amazing dad, caring, sweet, his million dollar smile which if he smiles at me like that I am gonna die. So Charming." Will finished daydreaming.

"You are pathetic,you are almost the same size." Eli summarised.

"So? He is still hot and sexy!"

"Am going back to work, man up or you are going to be sleepless every night, don't you want to compete or put an end to 'dont say his name'  guy for the sleepless nights, that man has no shame,he breaks your heart,moves in to the next room and decides to have sex with a slut every night. "
Eli sighs, " you should leave get some sleep before they begin, goodness doesn't he get tired, everyday." She sighed. " Think about your life too, live it, don't just get by or it will be too late and you might have missed your happiness trying to protect yourself from something you are not sure about its tomorrow." She patted him finished her drink and left.

Will knew what she was talking about,life hasn't been fair to him,he has had sleepless nights,dark days and trecherous past years, when he thought life was a rainbow filled with happiness and love it showed its dark side. Its been two years since he was heart broken,or had any close relationship with anyone except for friends. Its not that he still loved his ex,he just decided to temporarily close his heart but it lasted until now,well not necessarily.

He did know its not the life he desired but he was afraid of that pain. But then again,human nature,the moment he walked to the new school he couldn't help his mind but wonder to Alexander one  of the hottest men in town, Will didn't know Alexander well but from the internet he was a rich, handsome single Dad. Will knew it was unrequited love but Alexander just swept him off his feet now he can only dream.

He sat by his bed,he had headphones on, maybe he should take Eli's advise and get a partner for competition, actually this guy,his ex lover of four years not his first love but a man he thought he would spend the rest of his life with ended up being a leech,he had countless rich women and when Will found out he had the nerve to say he was doing it for "us"  but later he heard with his own words that man call him a fag even when they shared the same sheets for four years.

After Will was left heartbroken the guy had the nerve to try come up to him three months ago asking for another chance, Will ignored him and now he can't get quiet nights those women are always moaning against his wall,the thing that annoys him is, Yes there is action but those noises are so fake and exaggerated.
If the guy plan is to make him jealous then it's a complete fail the only thing he feels is moving out.

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