Twenty two: Daughter...Son- in law

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It was Thursday morning, Will was dreaming kissing Alex,his sweet lips,his sexy eyes,his magnetic voice he smiled turning his body,there was no one, 'huh!' Will exclaimed. "Alex?" He called. He quickly checked around and sighed with relief. Alex's coat was still at the same position as last night.
"Its not a dream. It actually happened." Will smiled shyly. He fell back on the bed holding the quilt excitedly. He stood up from the bed, opened the door to the living room.

There was Alex,in the kitchen,he was putting the food to the plates with a video call going on.
"Am ready Dad.  I will have breakfast with with Grandma and Grandpa. You still want to watch?" Junior asked picking the iPad together with his bag.

"Yes. I want to say hi to Mom and Dad." Alex answered arranging everything.

"Good morning teacher Will." The kid greeted happily.

"Good morning too." Will answered awkwardly.

"Will?" Alex called turning in suprise. "You are awake, how are you? Feel better? Come over I will prepare breakfast." He added smiling affectionately.

" Am fine now, you finish, I will go wash my face first." Will smiled.

"Okay. Hurry up. "

Will ran to the bathroom,he stared at his reflection. Thought then smiled. He washed up and went out.

"Sit, I will get your medicine." Alex told Will as he left for the bedroom.

"Teacher Will, are you feeling better?" Junior asked.

"Am better, should be back to school soon."

At the other end of the call when the old couple heard Will's voice they are went to Junior's side.

"Will, good morning I heard you were sick? Are you feeling better? Is Alex taking good care of you?" Mrs Watford asked worriedly.

"Alex is sometimes clumsy. Hope he isn't adding to trouble. You can tell me I will discipline him myself." Senior Watford dictated.

Will who finally had the time to speak said. "He is taking good care of me. You don't have to worry."

"Are you sure? Once I told him to take care of Junior and he washed the poor child in cold water..."

"Mom,he had a high fever, what did you expect me to do, I was panicking." Alex said in his defense. He took a seat next to Will handing him the medicine.
"Take after breakfast."

"I guess I was wrong. Such a sweet guy,why act so cool in front of him and act like a wild dog here. My dear boy, don't be fooled by him if you give in you will end up in trouble. He is reckless and naughty." Senior Watford warned before walking back to his seat.

Junior placed the iPad at the table facing everyone.
"Its true teacher Will Dad always wakes up late, mismatches his clothes,after he changes clothes they are scattered all over. Poor servants."

"..." Will didn't really know what to say,he was excited earlier that Alex's family knew they were together but now, he felt like a daughter... sorry son in- law, being pampered, everyone warming up to him even felt like he has already been accepted to the family.

It was too real to be true. He gazed at Alex who was arguing with his family. Was he making his spot in his life known? Will smiled tearfully,but sucked the tears back in. Its embarrassing.
But he had another curious question he couldn't help but ask.

"Mr Watford your legs?" Will asked out. The old man can walk,he saw it not once.

Alex was the first one to laugh followed by everyone else before he answered.
"Dad just pretends in front of others,he is as strong as a horse."

"Yes. Grandpa told me its his fun and Independence."

Will"..." Fun?

"I will explain later, first finish breakfast." Alex dismissed the topic leaving Will even more curious.
"Hey naughty guy that's my story to tell, Will when you are free come visit." Senior Watford added as the madam seconded leaving Will feeling warm in his heart.

After breakfast Junior left for school as Will cleared the table since Alex had a call with Mel.

"I was coming to clean those. You shouldn't be working now." Alex said to Will who was cleaning the utensils. Will said it's nothing but Alex dragged him to the couch and gave him the TV remote control before going to finish up.

Will just couldn't sit still,he turned around kneeling on the couch looking at Alex's back cleaning the utensils. "I didn't know you can cook and clean aren't you supposed to be rich and entitled." Will asked curiously.

"Who said rich people can't do house work?" Alex asked back.

"If you were a woman I would understand but..." Will stopped feeling gender bias.

"Actually I didn't but after I was left with Junior I had to learn, I didn't let anyone come close to us except for one house girl but she needed breaks and everyone I hired partly either tried to take advantage and get close to me or slacked off" Alex paused turning to look at Will, " I decided to learn myself and take care of my own son and also I was paranoid of others coming in and out of my house."

"It must have been hard?" Will wasn't asking but admiring this strong man.

"Mmm! but I managed." Alex smiled drying his hands walking towards Will.

"Anything else you want to know?" Alex asked squatting in front of Will's face behind the couch smiling affectionately.

Will looked at Alex carefully,put his hand on his face and trailed his fingers from the cheek to the lips, so soft. Will looked up to Alex eyes which lingered a trace of warmth.
"Aren't you going to work?" He asked with a low voice his finger still on the lower lip.

"No." Alex said with a low voice " you are still unwell."

"That's the only reason?"

"No." Alex eyes fell on Will's lips, they were moist and bright pink making them so attractive mostly when they trembled as he spoke.
"I want to..."
Alex didn't finish before moving his head closer to bite Will's lips but a hand stopped him.

Alex looked up with complaining eyes.

"Why do you want to kiss me? "Will asked him his hands still between his mouth and Alex's face.


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