Twenty Five: More bonding???😛

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Presence of a little bit of steamy content at the end of the chapter I will warn you before it starts for those who are not comfortable no worries it won't affect the story either the end of the content will be the end of the chapter so no loss.
Also,any chapter with an emoji 😜 which ever means explicit content but I will be giving a warning,no worries.
Enjoy lovies 😊 and comment your thoughts.
Thank you ❤️

Will sat inside the black SUV car, he knew Alex had many cars question being Why black SUV?
Everytime he sees a black SUV but different number plate.
"Do you own this car's  company too?"

"You don't like it?" Alex asked.

" I do, just curious?"

"It's actually for promotion purpose,the owner provides the rides everyday for me in exchange for photos of me in the car,he said it helps market the cars so I accepted. Free ride everyday without delay."

"Oh! That works too." Will wondered.
"Apparently it does, but I have my own cars just rarely use them. We can take them out one of these days." Alex suggested.

Will smiled looking at the view outside,they were both on their way to pick up Junior from school. Its already Friday and the next day Alex was staying out. Will planned to get up early tomorrow and get to Alex's house but Alex and Eli convinced him going today is more convenient and more bonding.

"You don't have to worry about anything just do your own thing and be comfortable doing so, don't do anything you are not comfortable about just to because others do."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know you are going to ask the internet and its fine I still do until today, but don't listen to everything they say sometimes they exaggerate. A lot."

"Experience?" Will turned and asked curiously.

"Yes. Bad one."

"Care to share?"

Alex laughed. "Actually there was this time Junior had a cold, I was panicking so much and it was raining so hard. I called my mom and she told me to dry him with a wet towel but I had already tried but it didn't work so I asked online and this group told me to use kerosene..." Alex narrated.


"Yes, so I..." He stopped blankly.

"Why would you think that would work?" Will asked bewildered.

"I was nervous and it happened in the heat of the moment my brain just short circuited and I did it." Alex tried to explain his side of story.

"It didn't feel right from the moment you said it out loud."

"Yeah! I was gullible at the time. I still am don't take advantage." Alex said smirking.

"Pft! Who likes taking advantage between us." Will asked giving him a side eye.

"We are here sir." Announced the driver.

"Okay. I will go get him." Alex told Will getting out of the car. Will hid down even while knowing the windows are tinted.

Junior was waiting inside the school gate bidding goodbye to Jason when he also ran out to his dad. Alex picked him up even with Junior's resistance.
"Dad am big now can you let me walk." Junior asked.

"I missed my son so much but he won't let me even hug him. Where did I go wrong?" Alex asked pitifully walking to the car.

"I missed you too but that no excuse to... Teacher Will?" Junior jumped off his Dad and went to hug Will who smiled at him warmly.

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