Six: You are bigger than this,

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It was quarter past four in the evening, Will was just leaving towards the parking when someone stopped him,it was John his fellow teacher.
"Good evening John, what can I help you with?" He asked warmly.

"Actually its about your case,there will be a voting on Friday so..." John sighed"... I really hope that you win coz you are an amazing teacher but that woman has swon her life to ruining you. I don't know why she is targeting you in specific when there are many of us here but I do know its because her husband is cheating on her with a guy who is just as cute as you. I don't even know how she found out about your sexuality?" He summarised the situation.

"Oh.. I..." Will was about to explain but didn't know where to start.

"You are handsome but my husband is more handsome don't get me wrong, just know we are rooting for you." He elaborated.

"Thank you I hope for the best too." Will answered back.

John excused himself as Will left for home.
"Am back need help?" He asked once he got to Eli's cafe.

"What happened?" Eli asked worriedly.

" Nothing much, just I might loose my job in two days." He said seating and laying on the counter.

Eli and Charlie looked at each other and sighed sadly.
"Don't worry!" Eli said "if they fire you we will strike and parade till they finally put in action what they promised. Equality."

Will chuckled feeling a bit better, Elinor was the best,she was his best friend and lifesaver. She always knew what to say at all times. He looked around it was evening so he went to help Charlie prepare before it got busy.

Will as usual was welcoming the kids,he could see from most of the parents  faces they were pitiful,some were distant and didn't even greet him,but what made his mood more sullen was that he wouldn't get to see Junior and Alexander in case these were his last days. He just welcomed the last bunch of kids but no one came,he went back to class to make most of the day. He smiled and laughed with the kids but deep down he was tearing up,he really depended on this job for everything, it's really hard to get a job with his status and also this happened to be the biggest school in the country. If anything happens his life is definitely going downhill from here onward.

The day ended as usual, parents picked up the kids,he left for the cafe, helped abit went to the apartment to rest, couldn't sleep because ' don't say his name! ' guy couldn't keep it down. It felt deliberate like rubbing salt to a wound. He stood up ready to break someone's jaw or curse out his anger but he stopped midway.

"You are bigger than this Will, don't give him what he wants we can't loose hope until its its actually over. Breath in, breath out."
Will still felt helpless,he couldn't help but pick his phone and called.

A warm and sunny voice answer at the other end. "Willy. Dear, how are you? You are not asleep yet?"

"Mom, I miss you so much?
How are you feeling? Do you want me to come over?" He asked trying to hide his cracking voice.

"My boy, what's wrong. Are you worried about me? Don't worry am as strong as an elephant nothing is gonna take me down. Did you forget our family is made of strong people. Don't worry if you miss me that much come visit. But promise you won't pick up a fight with my new boyfriend." She urged.

"Mom? I don't like that guy he reminds me of my chicken shit ex boyfriend."

"Watch your mouth! You are a teacher. Am going to sleep now I will call you again and don't forget dear,you are stronger than any wave stirring your life. After all you are my son."

"I know Mom. I love you. Sweet dreams." Will said feeling a new wave of hope covering the helplessness he felt.

He picked headphones and put them on and tucked to sleep.

It was past 6 am when Will woke up, even if he didn't sleep a wink, tidied the bed, prepared breakfast, ate, took a shower, prepared and left, today he wore a bright cream colored cashmere sweater,a white collared shirt inside,white trouser and white pair of sneakers. He smiled greeting the neighbors all the way to the cafe. Today was different,Eli for the first time had made him coffee and smiled reassuringly. Will smiled back genuinely with his coffee waving back.

He welcomed the kids as usual,he looked out for Junior and Alexander but they didn't show up again.
He only talked to the kids for a while before being called. He went to the conference room where majority of the Representatives had arrived.

There sat three school board members and six parent Representatives and him. They begun discussing as Christine added fuel to the fire, homophobic slurs and hurtful words were used,Will tried talking his case but those witches wouldn't give the chance,two of the school committee were on his side and two other parents but that wasn't enough to shut the distasteful words from the evil witches. Within thirty minutes they had already begun voting.

Will felt all energy and hope drained off,he looked  around at the arguing members he felt himself drift off from them he heard none say his fault,no child complained being verbally or physically abused,he didn't fail to teach,he didn't reach class late or miss the classes,he didn't go to school drunk yet here he was being persecuted for something natural,he can't control he just falls in love with men.

He looked down and waited for the judgement to come, everything was going the wrong direction and he swore if he lost his job they would see his other side. He was contemplating on what to do, when the door opened, outside stood a tall white skinned with rich brown hair,his face was still and emotionless but didn't hide the glow in his face as he entered followed by a man wearing glasses. Everyone in the room stood up mostly suprised than anything.

"Mr Watford?" One of the board members called.

Alexander's face drifted off to Will who was seated looking at him in awe. It was nice seeing his face with another emotions rather than a smile but a smile looks much better on him.

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