Seven: What did I miss?

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            Two hours earlier.
Alex was sleeping in his son's room even if the doctor  told him Junior was doing fine now, he still didn't want to risk it. He felt someone moving and to his suprise it was Junior, "where are you going? need anything." He asked the young boy who was already up and moving around.

"Am going to school."

"Why? I already informed the school you will go back on Monday."

"But it might be too late then!"

"Late for what,there is nothing they can study you don't already know or your tutor forgot to teach."

"I thought you were a parent representative! today they decide whether teacher Will stays in school or not." Junior explained to his clueless father.

"Stays? Why? What are they dismissing him for?" Suprised Alex asked.

"Well, same as every queer person in the world struggles with.  Acceptance and Equity. Some parents want to do away with him for that." Junior sighed.

"Queer? You mean Mr Will is gay? Why didn't I know that?" Alex asked jumping off the bed.

"Is it important?" Junior raised an eyebrow.

"Not quite!? now get ready we don't want to miss this. Hurry I will shower in my room." He said before planting a kiss on his son's forehead and leaving for his room.

Past 8 am they were halfway there. Alex took Junior to class before him and Mel left for the conference room.

"Sorry am late, I lost track of time but am here." Alexander said seating opposite Will.
"What did I miss."

"Alexander." Christine called looking at him,he looked at her before disgust washed on his face in a sprit of a second then back to his usual calm expressionless face.
Mel looked at her recognizing her its ' whatever her name is' lady how could he forget her,she might have grown older but no brains. She backstabbed her friend on her wedding day and had the nerve to seduce Alex after.

"Mr Alexander, Mrs Smith and others want to dismiss Mr Will your son's teacher..." One of the board member introduced the agenda. From his tone one knew something was off, Alexander never joined any meetings not unless it involved his son, from the look of things he ought to choose his words carefully since everyone knew not to get to Mr Alexander bad side plus he was one of the financiers to the school.

"On what grounds?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Uuh! For... Mrs Smith is the one with the reasons to hence I will let her explain." The smart board member said.

"Well," the arrogant and proud woman stood up showing off looking at Mr Will whose face was down casted. "...we can't let our children be taught by this man, his sexuality..."

"What?" Alexander intervened.

"I said his sexuality,he likes his fellow men, that is not normal,he doesn't deserve to be here at the least he should be in a conversion camp I won't..."

"Am sorry,but I think I heard it wrong, Not normal? And who are you to dictate that." He scoffed.

"Alex!" She called out trying to show they are close and he should be on her side.

"Alexander if you have to call my name." He clearly dictated

"Am sorry,you don't seem to get the weight of the matter. What if our children turn out like him, what if he teaches them to be like him?"

"Then so be it. As far as I know sexuality is not contagious or communicable. But I don't mind if my child grows up to be like him, I don't think there is anyone else who can sit here and listen to your dirty talk and homophobic slurs without killing you. And please separate your personal life from other important matters. Just because your husband is a cheater doesn't mean others have to stoop to your level and be embarrassed for your piece of mind." He paused,stole a glance at the young man beside him whose eyes were filled with hope and not as dull as when he came in.

"I heard we were supposed to be voting today, I vote he stays since I don't see any valid or legal reasons to be impeached." Alexander said for this charade to end fast,he didn't want to see Mr Will sadness anymore.

Everyone looked at each other,They had less than ten seconds since Mr Alexander hand was up,they can't keep him waiting so anyone on Mr Will's side hands up. The first two school committee members hands were up and three parents,few seconds other two parents and then the other committee member only Mrs Smith hand was down so it was a 10:1 vote.

Will looked around joyfully,he won,he actually did,he was loosing but the next minute he won. He looked beside him where Alexander sat hands folded looking at the embarrassed face of Mrs Smith.

The meeting ended, Will didn't have the chance to speak with Alexander as he took off to avoid the board members who were trying to hijack him.  Everyone congratulated Will asslicking him since Mr Watford seemed to favor him. Mrs Smith on the other hand tsked turning her head walking out angrily.

Will returned to class where everychild cute faces were filled with worry. He wanted to laugh and cry as a rush of happiness run through his body,he felt important and loved too. He decided to ease their worry as the kids shouted happily hugging their teacher Will. The day went on happily mostly just talked,read stories,painted, not much studying. Evening came fast and everyone waved goodbye to their teacher, the black SUV was waiting outside, today Will walked Junior to his father as to give his gratitude.

He was walking towards the car when Christine stopped him," just because you won the battle don't mean you've won the war. I will make you leave for sure." She warned.

"Mrs Smith I thought the hearing was finished?" A voice disturbed.

"Alexander,why would you take this homo side? As far as I know they are only good at stealing what others."

"How can he take what was never yours in the first place." He argued. " I don't care your reasons but you should be setting a good example to the child how about the first lesson, apology. "

"What are you saying, I should apologize to this! This! Dirty..."

"Choose your words carefully."

"Its fine I have already forgotten,you should go now, Jason seems tired so is Junior." Will finally intervined, the two kids were talking by the bodyguard not quite far from the heating up conversation. Will didn't want this matter to continue before it affected the kids too. Mrs Smith knew when to quit plus if this continued she might be humiliated again,hence she walked away grabbing Jason.

"Am sorry for that I forgot the environment." Alexander apologized.
Will was surprised,  'what for? You don't know how cool you sounded, no one has ever stood up for me I could kiss you right now' "its fine I was about to say thank you for this morning and also now. Thank you Mr Alexander."

"Glad I could help,why didn't you call me I already gave you my card. I wouldn't have let this matter escalate this far."

"It wasn't in my place to,"

" If you were afraid I would judge you don't worry I don't care about that not unless being gay means you have 38 set of teeth or walk with your limbs too, I don't think I would mind that either. But please if there is anything you would like help with just call."

"Yes Alexander,am really grateful. Farewell I have a meeting with..." Mr Will said feeling all flustered.

'Did he say he wouldn't mind? What? '

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