Such a good friend

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Katie drove both of them to training in Caitlin's car, when they both went to go grab their bags from the back of the car, Katie pulled Caitlin into a tight hug and whispered "You got this." Which Caitlin returned the gesture and hugged her tighter. They started to walk closer to the door and noticed the camera man was out recording stuff for a documentary the club was putting on. Katie turned to Caitlin and said "Ah shit the paparazzi are here again" and put her hood up, this made Caitlin laugh.

Katie knew that Caitlin would not want to be caught on camera at this time so she tried to turn the attention off of her friend by saying "don't get me on camera please" knowing very well that they would continue to focus the camera only on her, this gave Caitlin the opportunity to quickly speed past them and go into the other room.

They walked to the change rooms and found Jen B and Teyah G talking.

"Big night last night girls?" Teyah asked teasing the pair.

"Wasn't too bad of a night ay?" Katie said and started a conversation with the girls so that Caitlin didn't have to do much talking and she could just focus on what she was going to say to Lia today and preparing for the game coming up.

Training went well, it was hard seeing Lia for Caitlin and having to restrain herself from going up and hugging her and taking everything from last night back, but she knew for herself and more importantly for Lia, that they both had to move on. It's true that Caitlin had been losing feelings for Lia. In Covid it was just them, there was no distractions or other people around to take her attention, it was just Lia, and Caitlin fell head over heels for her, but out of Covid, friendships started to grow, her and Lia weren't spending every minute of everyday together so it got difficult to piece her feelings together for Lia and try to figure out why when she looked at her she wouldn't get that funny feeling anymore. Katie had been there for Caitlin to talk about everything and that annoyed Lia sometimes that her friend was the one she turned to instead of her girlfriend, so with time Caitlin started to notice how all she wanted to do was talk to Katie. When something funny happened she told Katie, when something that upset her happened she told Katie and when something exciting happened she immediately called Katie and told her. However, Caitlin couldn't do anything about how she felt because Katie was with Rue and Rue was nice, a little possessive at times, but she was funny which was good for Katie because she was also hilarious, and they had also been together for nearly seven years and that is a really long time, Caitlin assumed they would someday end up getting married, so she pushed her feelings for Katie way down deep where no one could find them.

After training, Caitlin caught Lia walking to her car and they had a really good chat about everything that was going to happen with the pair. They had both agreed that they wanted to stay friends because they had great moments together, even though they weren't romantically involved during those great times. They still had love for each other but knew that it wouldn't last in the long run so it was mature of them to call it quits at the moment. Lia was hurt that what she assumed was true, she felt silly and told Caitlin that for a little while she just wanted a bit of space from her, which Caitlin understood and said that she would give her that.

Caitlin found Katie waiting for her next to her car, she saw that Caitlin was looking a bit down so she gave her a quick hug, smiled at her and then they got in the car and drove to Jordan's place.

"Thank you Katie," Caitlin spoke up once they reached Jordan's house, "you really are a great friend, no matter how tough you pretend to be you're quite a softie on the inside."

"Excuse me, I am the strongest person you will ever meet, there is not a soft bone in my body." Katie said back jokingly.

"Well yes I would hope so, otherwise you wouldn't be so good at shooting our goals."

"Alright alright, shut up now." Katie smiled at her. "Lets go."

Jordan welcomed her two friends with a big hug and helped Caitlin move her bags into her spare room. After they had helped Caitlin get settled in and unpack all her clothes and things, they had spent the rest of the day talking about the game from the night before, watching tv and just hanging out like they normally would. Caitlin was still obviously a bit down but Jordan had really helped her and was being really cheery and making her forget about the whole situation, Katie kept going on her phone and typing intensely, Caitlin assumed that it was just Rue asking her where she was.

Katie still being hungover had decided to have a quick nap on the couch but had fallen asleep on Caitlin's shoulder. Jordan had given Caitlin a wink and a suggestive look that she decided to ignore. She too started to nod off a bit but Katie's phone next to them kept vibrating, she couldn't help herself so she had a quick peek at the phone, the screen kept reading "Rue 💞" and messages saying "I can't believe you Katie" "I needed you but you chose her again", Caitlin stopped reading after that one, she just turned the phone on silent and closed her eyes again. This time when she woke up she was in her new bed, alone. 

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