The photo that started it all - Day 4

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The next morning/afternoon, Katie didn't slip out of bed before Caitlin had woken up. This time she stayed in bed and pulled Caitlin into her front. Katie was feeling nervous and loosened her grip on Caitlin, because she was worried that Caitlin might not of have remembered much from the night before because even though she said she had hardly drunk anything, she still drank a few drinks, and Katie didn't want her to wake up and have regrets about anything.

Just as she was having these doubts, Caitlin had grabbed her hand that was resting on her own stomach and wrapped it tighter around herself. Katie smiled to herself then leaned her head in closer so it was resting in the crook of Caitlins shoulder and head. They had laid like that for a few more minutes before Katie released she was busting for the bathroom. She thought Caitlin had fallen asleep again so she kissed Caitlin's cheek then quietly made her way out of the room so that she wouldn't wake either Caitlin or Jordan.

After she went to the bathroom, she made her way down to the kitchen to find two of the girls that were sat at the bench just talking.

"Oh sorry, I can come back." Katie said thinking the were in a deep conversation.

"We weren't talking about anything important." One of the girls stated, "So you and Cait, huh?" She continued to tease.

Katie just blushed.

"You guys are cute together." The other girl said.

"Yeah, how long have you guys been together?"

Katie didn't know how to answer this because they weren't actually together together yet. Yeah she'd had strong feelings for Caitlin for a while now, but because it took so long for her to break up with Rue and finally admit to herself that she felt romantic feelings towards Caitlin, she hadn't actually had much time to process how things would work with her and Caitlin. They kinda went from 0 to 100 in the span of a few weeks. For now, she just had to assume that they would sort it out as time moved on.

"Uhm, not too long." Kati answered simply.

The conversation kinda sizzled out and Katie found herself walking back upstairs to her room with two glasses of water. She walked into their room and sat on the other side of Caitlin, who was in the same position of when she left her 30 minutes ago, and she put the glasses of water down. Both Jordan and Caitlin were still asleep. Katie put her hand on Caitlin's back and stared at her in a deep thought about how Caitlin was going to act when she woke up, she kinda didn't want Caitlin to wake up (not in a murdery kinda way) because she didn't want this feeling, the feeling of attachment and such intense feelings towards this girl that made her mind and stomach do cartwheels, to go away. She felt as if there was a string attached to both of them and no matter what they did, that string would continue to bring them back to each other. Katie was scared that if Caitlin woke up and acted in a way that showed she regretted what she did last night or that she didn't mean to do it, then it would absolutely crush her.

"Your hand is really warm." She heard someone mumble. Katie looked down to where her hand was and realised that it had slipped to Caitlin's lower back. Caitlin turned over so that she was facing Katie and realised that Katie seemed like she was thinking too much. "What're you thinking about?" Caitlin whispered cautious not to wake their sleeping friend up.

"Nothing." Katie smiled down at Caitlin.

"Yeah sure." Caitlin said not believing her. "What time is it?"

"It's around 11:30." Katie said looking at her watch.

"How about we go to lunch?"

"I wouldn't mind some lunch." Jordan mumbled and sat up in her bed.

"Oh so you do know how to wake up by yourself." Katie teased.

"Shut up." Jordan replied

"C'mon, we'll get ready and we'll all go to lunch together, I saw a really nice place the other day." Caitlin said.

Jordan agreed then got up and went to the bathroom, as Katie was about to get up, Caitlin put her hand on Katie's hand and leaned in and gave Katie a kiss on the cheek. Almost as if she had read Katie's mind and knew she was worrying, this was Caitlin's way of showing her that she didn't need to worry and that she didn't regret anything from the previous night. Katie smiled at her and then watched her get up from bed and get ready.

Katie was wearing a white tank top and an open white shirt and some black shorts, Caitlin was wearing a blue tank top and some white shorts, Jordan wore black shorts and a white t-shirt. Out at lunch Jordan thought it would be cute if she got a photo of Caitlin and Katie together, so Katie moved her chair closer to Caitlin and put her arm around her and they took a photo that could very easily be interpreted as a 'couple' photo which was kinda Jordan's intention. They had a continuous conversation about their upcoming games after the break, Jordan noticed the two girls giving each other a few looks here and there, then Jordan brought up Ruesha and asked if Katie knew how she was and if they were talking yet. Katie explained that they weren't talking and especially after the picture Jordan so kindly posted on her story she didn't expect to hear anything from her soon, but from the most recent story Rue posted she seemed like she was fine. Jordan and Caitlin were confused because they hadn't seen that post, turned out Rue had blocked the two girls, most likely because of the picture from Katie's story. Awkward.

The rest of the day was pretty chill, they spent it with each other, tanning on the beach and then went out to another concert kinda of thing at night but didn't stay out too late. They got home and all crashed in bed.

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