Harsh words

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Katie had gone back to Dublin to spend more time with her team and her country celebrating the fact that they made it to a World Cup for the first time. One night the team went out partying and had a few drinks together. Ruesha was getting very friendly with another girl and Katie decided that she wasn't in the mood to watch that so she said goodbye to a few girls and left early. When she got back to her place she tried to call Caitlin but she must've been up and training already so Katie left her a very long voice message just explaining everything that had been happening with her lately. No matter whether Caitlin was present or not, knowing that she was talking to Caitlin was all the comfort she needed to start feeling like herself again. Ruesha had also been very vocal online about hers and Katies break up, not in so many words but hinting a lot at the fact that she got cheated on which made all the heat go straight to Caitlin.

Katie could tell that she was struggling a bit but played it down a lot. But she would see the hateful things people would say about her, not only about football but also about her as a person, it was all disgusting and it made Katie feel like shit. It made her went it all to turn not her because none of this would've started if it wasn't for Katie. She just couldn't understand why people were hating on such a lovely person and put her soul focus on performing to the best of her ability for her fans. Katie also couldn't help that because Ruesha is an influential person, that majority of her fans were following her lead because of the things Ruesha was posting or commenting. Especially after the World Cup and the photos of them fighting after the game were released and Ruesha refusing to shake Caitlin's hand.

One time Katie kept getting tagged in posts of Ruesha liking a post saying "I can't believe I allowed myself to be disrespected so many times just because I care about people's feelings more than mine", which she thought was so unfair because she knew Rue was referring to her and their relationship and she knew Rue knew that the fans would interpret it that way too. So as a response Katie posted a quote saying "Stop thinking you need a relationship to be happy, sometimes all you need is just money and new clothes", basically telling Rue to stop obsessing over their old relationship and hers and Caitlin's new relationship and to start focusing on herself. Which did shut her up for a while.

Caitlin on the other hand was trying her hardest to distract herself with football related things. However when she wasn't practicing for the World Cup or talking to Katie or actually playing a game, she was reading the hurtful comments left for her on social media. It really did get her down but she was good at hiding her emotions, or so she thought. Katie could tell, which sounds cliche but she had figured out Caitlins tell after being around her for three years. She could tell by the look that Caitlin had when she though no one was watching, but Katie being Katie was always watching her. But it was harder to tell when they couldn't be face to face or they would rarely talk one on one besides through text. So it was getting harder for Caitlin to manage her feelings without Katie being there to cheer her up when she knew she was down. And then Australia were knocked out of the World Cup because they lost to England.

Arsenal had tweeted a 'well done' to Steph and Caitlin with a picture of the Aussie team and how they got knocked out of the World Cup. Katie had retweeted with "💚💛" to the post to which then Ruesha retweeted with "I've always been a big England fan", which is weird because the Irish never ever support England in anything, so again this was a punch in the face for Caitlin and continued the hate she was getting. Caitlin had fully blocked everyone out of her life in that moment, she wasn't replying to Katie when she saw it or even picking up any of her phone calls. Even when Katie had called Alanna or Mackenzie, Caitlin still didn't reply to anyone.

Katie started to get very mad, so she called the first person she thought of to try and make this better.

"Ruesha!" She raised her voice when the dealing finally stopped. "You need to stop saying this shit online about me, about Caitlin and about our relationship. I'm sorry we broke up and Im sorry Cait and I got together so quickly and you had to find out through a drunken photo that Jordan posted, but that is absolutely no excuse for you to be causing havoc online just for it all to backfire on Caitlin who now isn't even talking to me." Katie ranted.

Ruesha paused for a second. "Katie if you think this is my fault then you're delusional." Ruesha said calmly.

"What does that even mean? You're the one that has been dropping hints that I cheated on you with Caitlin or that I treated you badly which isn't even true! It takes two people to end a relationship."

"Look Katie if you're just going to yell at me then Im going to hang up, but if you're willing to have a decent conversation with me then yeah we can talk about it."

So that's what they did, they talked for about half an hour trying to sort out their differences. They both agreed that Ruesha would stop the subtle hints that Katie cheated on her because they both knew it wasn't true. Then Katie tried to call Caitlin again but she didn't pick up. Katie had stayed up until 2am trying to call and text Caitlin repeatedly. Katie had finally heard back from Alanna saying that Caitlin was pretty down at the moment and left her phone at home and would call her back once she got home again. This put Katie at ease and told Alanna to tell her to call her at any time, no matter if it was early in the morning for her, she just wanted to speak to Caitlin. Alanna thought that was very sweet of Katie, because on the outside and when she's playing football Katie looks like she is this tough person but on the inside she does have a very soft personality and so much care for her loved ones.

Absolutely no hate towards Ruesha, pls don't come for me, just thought it would be nice if Katie stuck up for Caitlin to her.

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