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Katie's phone started ringing around 9am in the morning the next morning. Since she was up so late the previous night she was having a sleep in but the vibration of her phone made her joint awake and once she read the name she immediately answered.

"Cait." Katie tried to sound enthusiastic but instead her words came out sounding groggy.

"Hey Katie, I'm so sorry, Lani told me to call you when I got home."

After Caitlin had saw the tweets and comments left for her and about her on social media she started to spiral into unhealthy habits she went through before she joined Arsenal and her love for football was slowly going away. Luckily for her though she had an amazing girlfriend who knew almost instantly that something was off and called her two best friends who knew what to do. Macca and Lani had made their way to Caitlin's place and found her in the bathroom floor sat next to the toilet. She wasn't looking too good either, they could tell that she had been hysterically crying for a long time and at some point she had thrown up. The two girls sat with her for a little while waiting for her to catch her breath and let her talk at her own pace. Then they helped her up and walked out to Alanna's car and they went back to Alanna's place, where they talked and ate their feelings away for a few hours, until Katie had called again. Then they talked about Caitlin and Katie's relationship. Caitlin's best friends had stated that they believed Katie was serious about her and that they were cute together, Caitlin couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as her two best friends were giving their approval of her girlfriend.

Around 7:45pm Caitlin had decided it was time for her to go home. She called an Uber and thanked her friends for the intervention and hugged them both showing that she was very grateful for them both. As soon as she made it back to her place, she searched for her phone in the bedroom where she left it and instantly felt a shit tone of guilt way on her because she saw around 20 missed calls from Katie and about 50 messages asking her if she's ok or where she is ect. Caitlin picked up the phone and dialled Katie very quickly.

"No don't be sorry babe, I would've waited all night just to hear your voice but Alannah said you were with her and you were doing better so I fell asleep." Katie spoke. "But please tell me how you are."

Caitlin breathed in, ready to show Katie the vulnerable side of herself. Caitlin explained to Katie how she saw Ruesha's comment and then saw all of the replies to her comment stating things about how Caitlin played in the games and how she was the reason they lost, Katie tried to reassure her that they weren't true, which Caitlin really appreciated. She also spoke about how everyone was blaming Katie's and Ruesha's breakup on her and that she's 'a home-wrecker' or 'if it weren't for her then Ireland wouldn't of lost in the World Cup because Katie was so distracted'. Again Katie completely disagreed on everything all the little shits hiding behind screens were saying about Caitlin. Katie explained everyday that she loved Caitlin and reassured her that nothing that happened in her last relationship was her fault.

After about an hour of talking about everything they decided to change the subject and talk about anything but Ruesha, soccer or any social media what's so ever. They talked for hours on hours and then found Caitlin falling asleep listening to Katie talk about her family, not because it bored her, because she had a very big day and Katie put her at ease and made her so relaxed that she could fall asleep. If she could have one wish in that moment it would be for Katie to be with her in that moment. Little did she know that Katie had already booked her plane tickets back to Australia to see her girl. 

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