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The next day Caitlin went to her mum's house to see her sister and her mum and mainly her dog Peach. It always makes her emotional seeing Peach because she misses her so much whilst she's in London but knows she's being taken care of and is been given so much love from her family. She had also bought peach a new collar and posted a picture of her and the collar on her Instagram story but completely forgot she was still wearing Katie's ring. Katie was about to fall asleep until she saw her girlfriends Instagram story and saw her ring and knew that other people were going to pick up on it too so she quickly called Caitlin and told her that she posted her ring on her hand and Caitlin very quickly deleted the story. Then Caitlin let Katie go to sleep because Katie said she has to get up early tomorrow, for what she wasn't sure but she let Katie go to sleep and Katie promised she would speak to her again soon.

Katie had gotten on a flight to Australia at 6 in the morning (Dublin time) and arrived in Australia at 3pm (Australia time) the next day. Her flight wasn't too bad, she fell asleep most of the way and prayed that the flight would go quicker so she could finally see her girl. She collected her bags and then went to go find a taxi. Katie had called Caitlin whilst in the car just to make sure she was at home.

"Hey love," Caitlin said. Her background noice sounded quiet which was a good sign.

"Heyyy, what're you up to Cait?"

"Just hanging around at my place." She paused. "Wait what're you doing up? Isn't it like 5am over there?" Caitlin asked confused.

Katie paused realising she didn't think about this properly so she just said the first thing that came to mind. "Couldn't sleep and wanted to hear your voice." She said trying not to sound panicked.

"Aww McCabe's gone soft." Caitlin teased.

"Shush you, otherwise I'll come over there and teach you a lesson."

"Oh I wish." Caitlin stated.

Katie laughed and then told Caitlin she might try to fall back asleep but will talk to her soon again. The real reason being that she was about 10 minutes away from her place.

When Katie got to Caitlin's, she grabbed her bags and went up to the door to knock on it. Caitlin was a bit confused about who could be at her door but nonetheless still got up to answer it. When she opened the door, her girlfriend was the last person she was expecting to see.

"What the fuck..." Caitlin said with her mouth hung open.

"Well are you going to let me in or you just going to stand there with your mouth hitting the floor?" Katie teased.

Caitlin continued to stand there with her eyes wide, staring at Katie still trying to figure out if she was delusional or if this was actually happening.

"Baby I'm actually here, touch me." Katie offered with a raised eyebrow.

Caitlin launched herself forward and straight into Katie's arms. Katie obviously wrapped her arms around Caitlin just as tight and took a sniff of her girlfriend, not realising just how much she had missed her smell.

"I can't believe you're here." Caitlin stated. "How?"

"How about you let me in and I'll tell you everything."

"Just two seconds." Caitlin said then leaned in capturing Katie's lips with her own and kissing the girl very intently. Then they pulled apart and sighed then went inside together.

Katie explained how and why she came back to Australia and told Caitlin that she'd be staying with her until they both went back to London, if that was ok with her. Obviously it was.

Since Jordan was still in Australia too for the World Cup, the trio had met up a few times throughout the week and even went out for lunch with some of Caitlin's childhood friends. Caitlin had posted a picture with her friends on Instagram and then Caitlin had gone to the bathroom and Katie posted a photo of the whole group without Caitlin to her Instagram with the caption "stole your friends Cait". When Caitlin came back to the table she was confused why everyone was laughing but then soon realised what Katie had posted.

The whole week Caitlin and Katie spent it together doing absolutely nothing but spend time with one another. Caitlin had shown Katie all of her childhood areas and even went back to Wollongong to see her family again and Peach. Which only made Caitlin realise how much she wanted to go to Ireland with Katie and see all of her childhood things. They flew back to London after a week and returned to training with Arsenal.

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