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A couple days later Katie had a game for Ireland against Northern Ireland that she had to fly back to Dublin for. Since the Arsenal team had a few days off because there weren't any games happening, Caitlin decided that she wanted to come with Katie to Dublin to see all of her family again and watch Katie captain her country again. On the flight over Caitlin was getting pretty nervous. Yeah she had met majority of Katie's family before but this was the first time she would be seeing all of them again and just by herself because Katie obviously had to go to trainings. She was nervous because there was about 100 McCabe's she had to remember and also have to try and impress. Katie noticed that Caitlin was getting anxious because she had been bouncing her legs up and down for majority of the take off so Katie reached over to put her hand on Caitlins thigh to stop it and smiled at her. Caitlin stopped bouncing her leg and smiled back at Katie for about 5 minutes before she started again with Katie's hand still being on her leg.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Katie asked lowering her voice slightly so no one could hear their discussion.

Caitlin took out her AirPod to answer. "What? Oh nothing." Caitlin said smiling back again.

"Babe." Katie said, not letting this go. "Please, talk to me." Katie tightened her grip on Caitlin's leg to show she was there for her.

"It's nothing, really." Caitlin tried to dismiss the conversation but Katie gave her a face that she couldn't ever say no to. "It's just that you have like a hundred family members and it's going to be the first time its just me and them because you obviously have to go to training and that is totally fine, it's just intimidating and I want to make a good impression. Especially because you and Ruesha just broke up and she was Irish, she had more in common with your family and she had known your family for more than seven years, she..." Caitlin was starting to spiral down a hole that would not lead her anywhere good.

"Cait." Katie interrupted her. "Caitlin, listen to me, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now because it's what you need. If you keep comparing us to my past relationship there is no chance of us working out. You are not Ruesha and I am a different person from who I was when I was with her. That relationship was toxic because she was obsessed with the friendship I had with you and couldn't ever find it within her self to believe me. You are completely different. You are kind, loving, funny, caring, gorgeous, need I go on?" Caitlin shook her head no with a smile. "The amount of times I've talked to my family and all they do is ask me about you is crazy. They already care for you so much because they can see how much I love you and how happy you make me and that's all they care about, unless you have any plans to stop doing just that then you absolutely have nothing to be worried about. Okay?" Caitlin smiled back at Katie and nodded her head. Katie then leaned in to capture her girlfriend's lips in a loving kiss.

Katie tried to deepened the kiss but was quickly stopped by Caitlin. "We can't do that, here."

"There's a bathroom for a reason." Katie said, going to lean in again. "I've always wanted to be apart of the mile high club." Katie said half joking, half not joking.

Caitlin giggled slightly but couldn't help the heat that went straight to in-between her legs. "Maybe on the way back when we're not about to meet your family."

"I'll hold you to that." Katie said, giving her one more kiss and then going back to watching the movie they were watching on Katie's phone, this time holding hands and Caitlin's leg stopped bouncing.

The rest of the flight was peaceful, neither one of them letting go of the others hand the whole flight. Once they did finally land in Dublin, they collected their bags and then went to the front of the airport where Katie's mum and Ella were waiting to pick up the duo. So far the greetings had gone perfectly, Caitlin loved Katie's mum and Ella was awesome and so welcoming. In the car ride to their house Caitlin was starting to get nervous again but Katie grabbed her hand and started a new conversation with the three other girls to take Caitlin's mind off of it. Katie had been given a VERY warm welcome back home, majority of her siblings were at the house to welcome her home and to say happy birthday as well. This would've been daunting for Caitlin but she was distracted by the equally if not more welcoming that she had received as well. Lauryn had immediately gone in for a hug from Caitlin and then was greeted by Amanda, Gary, Melissa, Vanessa, Jade, Dean and Calum, then Caitlin went back to go greet Katie's dad and speak to her mum again to thank her for the warm welcome. Katie saw the massive smile on Caitlin's face and instantly relaxed on behalf of her.

Katie had to go meet up with the Irish team for a quick training session so Caitlin was left alone with her family, which was going well. She helped Katie's mum out in the kitchen, preparing dinner and was talking to Melissa and Venessa whilst doing so since she didn't get to see them at the World Cup. Katie had come back after about an hour and a half for dinner and then the girls left to go stay at a hotel since there wasn't enough room for them at the family house because everyone else was staying, but that was all good with the girls because it meant they got some peace and quiet from the very big family.

The next day was pretty much the same as the last. Katie was out majority of the day because of trainings and interviews as Captain of the team, so Caitlin had stayed with the McCabe's and got to know Katie's brothers a bit better and some of Katie's younger siblings as well. The day after that was the Republic of Ireland vs Northern Ireland game. Caitlin had been given one of Katie's jerseys to wear which she did with pride and went to the stadium with Katie's family to watch the game. At the stadium Caitlin was asked for a few photos from Arsenal fans, which she felt bad for declining so she took a few but then quickly joined up with the McCabe family again. The Republic of Ireland had ended up winning 3-0, which meant another massive celebration for the McCabe's.

They had rented out a function room where Katie's whole family, extended family included, had gone to celebrate the Ireland win. Caitlin had more introductions to get through but luckily had Katie holding her hand throughout the whole process and hardly ever left her side. Caitlin had also been asked a few times for a photo with some of Katie's family members which she found very amusing as did her girlfriend. One of Katie's little cousin's in particular had asked for a photo and then posted it to Tik Tok. The next day after celebrations and Katie and Caitlin had gone back to London (where Caitlin had upheld her promise on the plane), they had gotten home and kept getting notifications from fans and friends of something Katie's cousin had posted. They had a quick look at the photo and didn't think anything was wrong with it but then in the comments someone had asked if he had met Caitlin before, to which he replied with "She's Katie's girlfriend." A bit of panic set in for both the girls so Katie had quickly given her aunty a call to ask if the Tik Tok could be taken down, which later on it did.

"Well, turns out we're not so good at keeping secrets then what we thought." Katie said lying down on the couch next to Caitlin.

Caitlin giggled and moved Katie's head so that it was resting on her lap. "It's fine, not like we were trying very hard to hide anything anyways."

There was a slight pause before Katie spoke up again. "I love you." Katie said. "Thank you for this weekend, seeing you with my family and seeing you get along so well with everyone made me realise even more how lucky I am to have you."

"I love you too Katie." Caitlin smiled then leaned down to kiss Katie softly. Then they fell asleep on the couch watching the TV together.

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