long-distance is hard

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Since the football season had kicked up quite a lot in the past couple of weeks, including arsenal games and national games, which meant they both didn't really have much time to just relax and be together unless Caitlin was over at Katie's at night and vice versa. It was rare for them to actually be able to go out together, due to either one of them being too tired or the fear that fans might bombard them. There was one night where they were able to go out on a date to teppanyaki which was special for them. But then they both had to return back to their national countries to train and play a few games, and it was getting harder for them to communicate with each other.

There was one moment where Katie had been super stressed with Ireland games and keeping peace with everyone on the team (especially Ruesha since she hadn't stopped the sly comments she kept saying) and then Caitlin had been getting short tempered with her because they hadn't been talking as much as what they could've and she was dropping slight hints that Katie interpreted to it being her fault. Which Caitlin didn't mean, she just missed her and was upset that they weren't talking a lot because she was used to seeing her everyday and now they've gone to talking for a max 30 minutes a day.

Caitlin: yk I miss you babe (2 minutes ago)

The message was very out of the blue, they hadn't spoken for a few hours and Caitlin had sent that message out of no where. In Katie's eyes, this was Caitlin's way of saying "why aren't you talking to me" which it definitely wasn't, Katie was just stressed out and her mind wasn't very clear. So she definitely shouldn't of texted the girl she loved back when she was feeling like this.

Katie: Jesus Christ Caitlin I do know but I can't help it that I have training and I'm sorry your insecure that I'm with my ex but you need to get over it! If I could change the fucking time I would but I can't so deal with it! (30 seconds ago)

Yep, that hurt Caitlin. She knew Katie would be stressed at the moment but didn't think she would snap so easily at her when she was just trying to be kind to Katie and remind her that she was missing her to make her know that no matter what she's still on Caitlin's mind. Caitlin opened it and then ignored her. They would be seeing each other in two days, after Caitlin flies back to London and then Katie flies back as well and to join training for Arsenal.

After about an hour or two of calming down, Katie realised that she hadn't seen a message from Caitlin for a while and decided to check up on her, this was when she realised what she had said back to Caitlin and instantly felt guilty for it.

Katie: Cait I'm so sorry, I'm not mad at you I've just been really stressed lately and I didn't mean to take it out on you. I love you.

Caitlin would be asleep by now so she hadn't replied to Katie for a few hours until she woke up the morning and saw her text. She wasn't going to immediately go running back to Katie, she had to learn that she didn't get to snap at her and then be forgiven straight away. But in saying that Caitlin wanted Katie to know that she loved her and this wasn't the end.

Caitlin: Okay.

Was all she replied with.

Katie: I really am sorry babe, I can't wait to see you xx

It strung a chord in her heart when Caitlin read this, seeing that Katie couldn't wait to see her was nice but the message from the day before was still on her mind.

Caitlin: xx

Katie didn't really know how to respond so she fell asleep instead and would reply in the morning.

The next day Katie had asked Caitlin a few questions trying to start up conversation as normal but she only received one or two worded responses from her girlfriend, it felt like the awkward texts they had when they were distancing themselves from each other before they got together. It was understandable for the first few days because of the hurtful comment, but Katie drew the line when they were both back in London and she still hadn't seen her girlfriend. Katie had landed over 3 hours ago and texted Caitlin that she had landed and whether or not Caitlin wanted to come over and see her. Since Caitlin had just got off of a VERY long plane ride and it was around 10ish in London, she told Katie that she just wanted to stay in at Jordan's and get an early night. She also wasn't ready to face Katie when she was so tired and still a bit upset about the message.

Katie felt her heart sting as she read that Caitlin didn't want to see her, Katie really thought she screwed up massively and that a break up was inevitable. Once she did get home, she was too stressed to sleep so she paced her house trying to find things to do to busy her mind. This was until her phone buzzed showing a notification. She raced to her phone thinking it was Caitlin but instead it was Jordan.

Jordan: what happened with you and Cait, she came home and I was lucky to get three words out of her

Katie: Well you're getting more out of her than I am

Jordan: what happened? Did you say something?

Katie: I cracked it with her when I got stressed out and now she's not talking to me

Jordan: Idc what you said or did just come over here with the biggest bouquet of flowers you can find and come apologise in person. I'll get out of the house so you can be alone but leave now so I can give you my key.

Katie: no florists are going to be open at this time but yes I'm leaving now, thank you Jords xx

Katie was over at their house within 10 minutes, she ended up stopping quickly at a nearby house that had the same flowers Caitlin gave Katie before admitting her feelings for her and the ones she gave her on her birthday. Then met Jordan outside the house to say a quick hello and give her a hug as a thank you and because they hadn't seen each other for a while. Jordan went to go stay at another friends house for the night and Katie made her way inside the house. She cautiously knocked on Caitlin's door before entering.

"I'm tryna sleep Jordan." Caitlin spoke with her back to the door, still clearly not herself.

Katie went to sit on the bed, still keeping her distance. "Hey," Katie spoke softly.

Caitlin quickly whipped her head to face the voice now in her room. "Katie? What're you doing here?" Caitlin asked confused.

"I really missed you babe and I couldn't sleep knowing you were still upset with me." Katie said, getting upset now because she was scared she was going to get rejected.

"Oh," Caitlin said, still a bit confused.

"Cait I am so so so sorry for what I said to you," Katie said turning more towards Caitlin who was now sitting up and facing her. "I know it's no excuse at all but when I sent that text to you I was so stressed out with Ireland stuff and keeping the peace with Ruesha even though I wanted to attack her with every word she said and I was missing you so much as well. But when I read your message I interpreted it as you being mad at me because I hadn't been responding as much as I could of so I snapped at you which was so totally not fair on you at all, I'm so sorry Caitlin and I totally understand if you want me to go, just tell me and I will." Katie had let a single tear leave her eye as the thought of Caitlin telling her to leave hit her and she slowly let her heart break at the idea.

Caitlin's heart broke in a similar way but because she hated seeing Katie upset and the fact that she was upset because of her was making her more upset. Caitlin reached her hand up to wipe away Katie's tear. "Katie I never ever will want you to leave, I love you so much and that's why I got so upset. You just mean so much to me and to see how easily you cracked it at me hurt because it seemed like I hadn't even crossed your mind."

"I though about you everyday Cait. I know sorry doesn't make up for it right now but please tell me we're not over." Even saying it out loud made Katie's heart break again.

"Katie I am no where near done with you, I'm sorry I was distant with you."

"You have nothing to apologise for baby." Katie said and then leaned in because she desperately needed a kiss from her girl. After a pretty heated kiss, Katie broke away. "Oh god, I missed you so much."

"I'm not done with you." Caitlin said then captured her girlfriends lips again. Let's just say neither of them were mad at the other when time came to actually falling asleep.

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