St Paddy's Day

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Arsenal had lost an extremely embarrassing game against Chelsea, whilst wearing their socks. It would be un understatement to say that the arsenal girls were disappointed when they lost the game, but mostly they were angry. Angry because they were humiliated by the loss and whilst wearing the oppositions socks. Katie couldn't of taken her jersey off any faster than what she did and gave it to a fan. She needed something to cover herself with so she found her girlfriend and asked for her jacket. Caitlin of course said she could have it and tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood but Katie was clearly not in the mood for it so Caitlin took the jacket off and distanced herself from the angry Irish women.

The locker room was dead silent the whole time people were getting ready to leave. The bus ride back was equally as silent with most girls putting their headphones in and not speaking to anyone else. This made the car ride back home to their place a little awkward because Caitlin wanted to comfort Katie but knew after a loss like this all she wanted was to be left alone, so that's what she did, she left her for a few hours. Once they made it home Katie went straight upstairs to bed and Caitlin hung out with Ella for an hour or so before deciding to go to bed too. When Caitlin made it into their room, Katie was facing the inside of the bed but was fast asleep. Caitlin tried to slide under the covers without disturbing her girlfriend as best as she could, but once she made it in and turned so her back was to Katie, she felt the Irish women twitch and wrap her arms around her waist and pulled her into her body. Showing that she wasn't mad at her but mad at the game that jus happened.

The next night Caitlin, Katie, Ella, Jordan and Teyah all went out to dinner together. Ella had been getting along with all of Katie's soccer friends very well, so when Katie and her friends had planned something, Ella was always invited. Each girl had also thought it'd be funny if they all posted a video from their point of view of where they were sat on the table, because all the plates were similar and the cups were very unique so the fans would be able to point out that they were together.

That night the girls had also gone out drinking because the next day would be St Patricks Day. Of course Ella and Katie had to get their non-Irish friends into the tradition of getting absolutely sloshed. They were at a bar that Katie had discovered last year for their Irish decorations round about this time every year. The good thing was that not many football fans went there but the bad thing was that it was mostly filled with men.

After a few drinks, the girls were sat at a round table just talking, Caitlin was at the bar trying to order another round of drinks for them. Katie had been so engrossed in conversation until her eyes wandered away from the table to find her girlfriend at the bar with a guy a little too close to her for her liking. Caitlin was laughing at whatever the guy was saying but this only encouraged the guy to move even closer to her. Ella had noticed that Katie had gotten distracted and followed her line of sight.

"It's nothing Katie, they're not doing anything." Ella said trying to regain Katie attention because she knew she could get very jealous over small things and act rashly.

"I know, Im just watching." Katie said not turning to look at her sister.

She let Katie be for a few more seconds before she realised that they guy and grabbed Caitlin's waist and was trying to pull her into him.

"Yeah okay go." Ella said and pushed Katie up towards them.

"You alright Caitlin?" Katie asked once she reached her girlfriend and stood in-between the two so the guy would let go of Caitlin's waist. Caitlin nodded and smiled at her girlfriend, still pretty drunk.

"I was just telling your friend here that I thought she was really pretty." The guy said and continued to stare at Caitlin.

Caitlin started laughing knowing exactly what was about to happen but too drunk to intervene. "Well my friend here knows she's pretty and is reminded of that every day by her girlfriend but thank you for stating the obvious." There was a pause, waiting for the guy to take the hint but he kinda just stood there shocked. Katie looked at him with a judgmental face, "You can leave now." She said and pushed the guy away. Then turned back to her girlfriend and gave her a very long kiss. Then pulled apart with a big smile on her face. Satisfied.

"Jealous much?" Caitlin asked still laughing.

They turned to grab their drinks and bring them back to their table. "Yeah." Katie simply agreed with no shame.

Once they took their seats again at the table, Caitlin sat even closer to her girlfriend and whispered into her ear, "It's hot." Then gave her another kiss.

"Alright you two, enough of that." Jordan said.

The rest of the night had gone very well. The girls made their way to a club and continued drinking until they basically couldn't function. After a few hours the girls decided to call it a night and went back to their houses. Katie had other intentions when they got home to show Caitlin that she was hers and Caitlin wanted to celebrate St Paddy's Day with her girlfriend in another way. Let's just say they ended the night/morning off in a very good way. 

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