7 years

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Hello again, sorry its been a hot minute since I last updated, been hella busy and tbh I didn't really know how to write their breakup but I guess this will do, so enjoy :)

End of April - Start of May

Katie and Caitlin had sort of gone back to normal, however they continuously danced around the topics of Katie and Rue, Caitlin and her one night stands, and both of the girls liking each other. They still hung out like they used to, they would also spend a bit more time just the two of them alone, whether that was out on cute little dinner 'dates', or just the two of them at Caitlin and Jordan's house whilst Jordan was out.

Katie's feelings continued to grow for her best friend and at points it was getting harder to hide, when they were alone she would drop subtle hints, such as touching Caitlins arm slightly or staring at her eyes a little longer than she probably should've been. For Caitlin it was getting really hard for her, she had all these feelings, strong feelings, that she couldn't express for a girl who was still in a relationship but she knew this girl felt somewhat the same. Caitlin was confused and it was starting to hurt her head too much, she decided she needed a break so she flew back to Australia to celebrate her sisters birthday, Jamie. She used this time to spend with her Australian friends and her family and to get away from the whole relationship triangle she somehow found herself in.

Whilst Caitlin was away, Katie had to spend more time with Ruesha and very quickly things fell apart for her. Ruesha continued to make comments about how Katie must be missing Caitlin so bad, and how Katie seemed so miserable without her little Aussie, and always said these things with a tinge of jealousy and spite, like she knew something Katie didn't. It got to the point where Katie blew up at Rue and spent the night at Jordan's just to get away from her, of course Ruesha overthought the whole thing and thought that Katie was choosing Caitlin over her again but in this time Caitlin was still in Australia.

After that night Katie went home, she knew it was time, it was time to call it quits before both girls started hating each other.


"Im up here Katie!" Rue called acting like nothing had happened the night before.

Katie made her way upstairs, trying to map out in her head what she was going to say, she was about to end a seven year relationship, that was going to be hard but she had to be real with herself, she had strong feelings for someone else and her and Rue's relationship was getting toxic now.

"I think we need to chat Rue.." Typical start to a breakup.

Rue turned to face her on their bed.

"I think we both know that we haven't been working lately. We've been fighting more than what any healthy relationship should be, you're getting jealous over a simple friendship I have and we barely spend any alone time together anymore, we're both hanging on to something that we both know isn't going to work, delaying this break up any longer in delaying the inevitable and were only going to end up either hurt more or hating each other and I don't want either of those things for us." Katie was crying, so was Rue, this was harder than she though and all Ruesha did was look at her waiting for her to continue. "I love you Rue, I always will, you've been my girlfriend since I was nineteen and I will never forget the loving memories we share together, but I don't want those memories to be over shadowed by the bad ones we've been making recently. I love you but it's time to let go." Katie wiped her tears, looked in Ruesha's eyes begging her to say something.

Ruesha just wiped her eyes and simple said, "Okay." Then got up and packed all her things in front of Katie, then left with a slam of the front door to which Katie flinched at. And that was that, a seven year relationship was ended, and no matter how bad Katie wanted to shake the Aussie from he thoughts she just couldn't. She wanted to fly to Australia and hug her best friend, let her tell her everything will be ok and spend time with her, laughing and smiling like they always do, but she couldn't, instead she crawled up on the couch and fell asleep.

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