Blast from the Past

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Gojo Satoru, the proclaimed strongest sorcerer, walked down the street twirling his bag full of Kikufuku mochi. He skimmed the messages sent to him by his student Megumi who was busy on a mission to retrieve a curse object; one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. A mission that had apparently gone a little awry when the finger was not where it was supposed to be. 

Gojo brushed it off. Megumi would be fine on his own, but of course he had been sent to check up on him regardless. He only came because he was given leave to goof off prior, hence the mochi.

His attention moved down the hill and under the overpass nearby. A girl in a shrine maiden outfit stood in front of another, shielding her from a few 4th grade curses. Long white hair cascaded down her shoulders ending at the small of her lower back.  Bright red eyes twinkled as she focused her cursed energy then released it in a wave of cherry blossom petals that easily sliced the curses. The cursed energy coming off the girl was immense. 

Gojo lifted his blind fold from his eyes and froze. It had only been 2 years, so how was she back here now? Was it really her. No. There was no doubt in his mind, it was her. 


Haku finished off the curses and turned to the woman behind her. "You should be safe now. Next time, don't follow strangers under bridges." The woman bowed to Haku, then sheepishly scurried off, saying her thanks as she did so.

Suddenly Haku felt a presence beside her. She quickly turned and came face to face with a white haired man in black wearing a blindfold. He was bent down to face her, his long lanky frame towering over her. Her deep red eyes widened. He seemed familiar somehow. She felt a longing tug at her heart. She opened her mouth, his name seemingly at the tip of her tongue, but it fell short and nothing came. Similar experiences had plagued her these past 2 years, but none had pulled such emotion with them.  A tug in her mind like a string about to snap. being unable to pull the memory made her ill. Somehow she even knew that behind that blindfold the eyes would shine cerulean blue.

Gojo hummed to himself,. He could tell by her reaction her memory must be gone. Honestly, it hurt a little. there was no way he could forget her, so how had she forgotten him. Forgotten the promise he had made to her. The promise he was set to fulfill in less than a year. No, given everything that happened when they first met 12 years ago and the event from 2 years ago, perhaps it was best she had forgotten.


12 years ago, Gojo Satoru along with Geto Suguru were in Okinawa and in the process of rescuing the Star Plasma Vessel Amanai Riko's friend and essentially family, Kuroi. Geto left two low grade curses outside the door of the building Kuroi was being kept in to stand guard while he, Gojo, and Riko rescued her. It was a laughably easy task. Geto and Gojo had thought it would end just as easy until one of the two curse spirits rushed into the building to inform Geto of the arrival of an unknown person. An unknown person with immense cursed energy.

"Satoru, someone's outside the building and they have powerful cursed energy." He informed his friend Gojo.

Gojo just scoffed. " Eh. we are the strongest so we can handle them. That is some mighty strong cursed energy I feel though." Gojo could not deny how practically suffocating it was.

The boys headed outside, instructing Riko and Kuroi to remain inside the building.  There stood a white haired girl in a shrine maiden outfit, patting the curse that remained outside on the head. "Curious. You act quite different from those other cursed spirits. Almost like a tamed dog. A cursed technique? Binding Vow?" She commented.

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