Chaos of Two Beasts

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The cursed energy Haku felt was immense and terrifyingly cold and calm. Almost divine. Sukuna moved and snatched a blond haired boy who was about to be crushed by the source of this cursed energy, a white monstrosity with a wheel floating behind its head. He quickly retreated with him to Megumi's side. The young sorcerer was completely still, slumped against metal shutters that were dented in from impact and covered in his blood. Sukuna was eyeing him carefully for signs of life.

Haku instantly jumped from Sukuna's hold and crouched down beside Megumi. "Megumi? Megumi!" No response. She started focusing her cursed energy on him to start trying to heal him. He was alive, at least it seemed that way. His wounds started to slowly heal with her reversed cursed technique, but the overall near deadness seemed not to change. Haku glanced back at Sukuna who had let the blonde drop to the ground. It was that kid's lucky day for sure.

Sukuna looked at him disgusted then turned back to Haku. "It's suspended animation from initiating this ritual. This blond piece of trash is part of it, so saving him was a good move. If the ritual ends before this thing is destroyed, Fushiguro Megumi will die." Haku gasped and looked towards Mahoraga.Gojo had mentioned Megumi's trump card, but this was insane. She was already pushing her limits. Fighting this thing would be bad, yet alone defeating it. Sukuna smirked at her. "I'll defeat it as an outsider and nullify the subjugation ritual. Just take care of his wounds for now."

Haku nodded her head. Sukuna started walking towards Mahoraga. "Oh and one more thing Princess" He looked back at her with one of the most threatening gazes she had ever seen. "Don't you dare move from that spot."

She gulped, ice in her veins. A moment of silence and the stare continued demanding verbal affirmation. "R-right Sukuna." She stammered out. This satisfied the king of curses and he readied himself to fight.

Mahoraga moved first, unsheathing a hidden blade from its arm and slamming down on Sukuna who blocked it. The blade then started to glow and Haku felt a strange energy from it. It was totally anti-curse. Sukuna then quickly moved away as Mahoraga slammed into the ground, cracking it and scattering debris.

Sukuna attacked from behind and much to Hakus' surprise, was thrown into the movie theater nearby. Haku moved to head towards him, but stopped, remembering the glare and Sukuna's orders. She settled back down beside Megumi who was no longer bleeding, but still in suspended animation. Sukuna emerged from the building comically drinking a soda with a bowl of popcorn. He ate the popcorn then spit it back out disgusted. Haku huffed, disrespectful. Popcorn was amazing. Maybe even Sukuna was tired of it after the movie marathon training Yuji went through. Haku glanced at the blonde beside her, Haruta, who was frozen in shock. At least she doubted he would pose any problem for her while she was guarding Megumi. Haruta was far too scared and on thin ice as was. He was only alive right now out of necessity.

Haku looked at Sukuna and bit her lip. "Kick his butt Sukuna!" She felt she needed to give some sort of acknowledgement to him saving their butts and 'thank you' was out of reach given the devastation he had already caused when fighting Jogo. She had no idea how much worse it was about to get.

Sukuna grinned. "With pleasure." Sukuna kicked Mahoraga, sending him flying across the city and away from the three terrified sorcerers. Haku almost sighed in relief, but the chaos that erupted allowed no room for it. Haruta went to start running away, but did not get far before a car fell from the sky and stopped him. That was the edge of Sukuna's invisible border he had set to keep Haku and Megumi from being harmed. The blonde sorcerer just stared in awe at the chaos.

Buildings collapsed everywhere, flames and smoke erupting into the sky. At times it was as if time was frozen and building pieces floated around, though they did finally crash to the ground. Haku could hear screams echoing in the city and car alarms blaring all before being cut short as the lives were snuffed out by senseless slashes and the clash of battle. Haku felt sick. So many people were dying and being seen as no more than pebbles in the way.

A plane was a ball of fire falling from the sky and quickly sliced to pieces as the fight between the two monsters made a path straight through it. The power shut off in about 150 meter area as Sukuna summoned his domain and sent slashes all around. Haku could see the slashes dancing around leaving practically no room between them. This bubble of chaos stopped only just before reaching her and Megumi. Haku's blood ran even colder when she remembered Inumaki was nearby. No. Dear Kami. She wanted to search for his cursed energy , but she was in too much shock at the chaos before her to move.

She clutched Megumi close to her chest. Thank goodness he could not see this. Then there was a searing heat. Haku recognised the same technique Sukuna had used on Jogo. The Fuga burned even more powerful than before, making the one used on Jogo look like a joke. Oh Kami. Sukuna fired and a raging inferno engulfed the designated area. Haku could feel the heat of the flames as they danced meters in front of her at the edge of Sukuna's designated border. A tornado of flame twirled into the sky, higher than the mushroom clouds from the nukes in the movies she and Yuji had watched together. The flames condensed and gathered into a small red orb before blinking then vanishing. An eerie silence hung over the area and Haku no longer felt the presence of Mahoraga.

Megumi's breathing seemed to return to normal, no longer near death from the suspended animation. He was still unconscious, but overall fine. She felt tears in her eyes. She glanced up in time to see Haruto fall to the ground, slashed in half from the front and saw Sukuna walking back towards her and Megumi. Sukuna paused for a moment, looking at a shaking hand before huffing and walking up to them.

Sukuna smirked as he saw Haku clutching Megumi tightly. "Don't smother him to death with your chest after I did all that to save him." Haku realized how she was holding him and quickly loosened her grip much to Sukuna's amusement. "Now then, I should take the two of you to that woman who uses reversed cursed technique." He reached to scoop up Megumi then moved towards Haku.

Haku took a step back, wiping the few tears that had spilled from her cheeks. "I have to go help the others still in the station and get Satoru back."

Sukuna eyed her for a moment then sighed. "Fine. Do what you want." he grabbed Haku's chin and lifted her head. "Just remember who you belong to." Haku pulled away with an irritated hiss. Sukuna chuckled. "See you again soon Princess." and with that Sukuna vanished taking Megumi with him.

Haku stared at the devastation before her and let out a frustrated scream. She was supposed to have protected these people and instead she was standing above their fiery graves. She was the Wellspring. She should be able to use her cursed energy better, be more powerful, take down all these curses and keep the one she cared for safe. She looked at the ring on her finger. Even Satoru had fallen victim to this. She tasted a bit of blood from where she was biting into her lip. She reached up and wiped the blood away before turning towards the train station. This was nowhere near over yet. 

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