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Haku stood with Choso in a tunnel, waiting for Yuji to lead some curses down their way. "Honestly, wouldn't I be better bait? Curses are attracted to me after all."

Choso shrugged. "That's my little brother for ya. Doesn't want to put you in any more danger."

Haku frowned slightly. She was worried about Yuji. He was a bit of the self-sacrificing type and cared deeply for his friends, but lately he had a level of recklessness and disregard for his own life that really unsettled her. "He's the one who needs to be kept out of danger."

Choso was about to say something when Yuji came dashing into the tunnel, "Choso, Haku!"

Choso readied and fired his piercing blood at the swarm of curses. The blood bulleted through the curses, killing them easily. One stray curse managed to avoid it, but was quickly slammed into the wall and killed by Yuji. Haku sighed. "See, I would've been better bait."

Choso chuckled as he walked towards Yuji. "As impressive as ever, little brother."

Yuji rolled his eyes. "You still calling me that? I trust Haku, but I still can't accept it."

Choso spoke without hesitation. "I'll keep calling you that. Try and remember, your father has stitches on his head too, right."

Yuji had an unsure look on his face. They were then interrupted by an unpleasant voice. "I don't see Megumi? Am I the first one here? Is it possible he is really that slow?"

The three looked up to see someone atop the tunnel. Haku grimaced. "Zenin Naoya."

The dyed blond sorcerer looked down. "This is perfect. The both of you together. If only Megumi was here too. So, you gonna run?" He teased.

Yuji saw the look on Haku's face and knew this guy was bad news. He glared at him. "Why would we run?"

Naoya smirked. "Haven't you heard? Now that Satoru is gone, your execution is back on. Then there's the matter of apprehending little Haku there." Haku had been right. She knew something like this would happen. Naoya threw out his hand. "Well, my business is with Megumi. Though I will be collecting my fiancee as well."

Choso and Yuji quickly looked at Haku, confusion and shock on their faces. Yuji blinked and tilted his head. "But doesn't Gojo-sensei kinda have a thing-" Haku cut him off as she snapped at Naoya. "I'm not your fiancee! I won't marry you just because some old guys said so! What do you want with Megumi anyway?" She stamped her foot.

"I think I'll have him die." Naoya grinned. "Though I'll have him write a little something for me first." Naoya moved fast and appeared behind them. Thankfully, everyone was able to easily counter him and Naoya jumped out of the way. "Tougher than I thought. I'll try upping my speed."

Before Naoya could make a move, a heavy cursed energy had them all frozen. Haku recognised this energy. Looking up above them confirmed she was right. "Okkotsu Yuta?" It had only been 2 years, but he looked so much more powerful.

"Okkotsu? The guy Fushiguro mentioned." Yuji echoed the name.

Yuta amped up his energy and crushed the bridge he stood on, bringing himself down to them and displaying his power at the same time. He glanced at Haku before returning attention to Naoya, Choso, and Yuji. "So who is with Itadori Yuji?" He asked, katana drawn and ready to attack.

Naoya threw up his hands in surrender. "I'm on your side. You must be Okkotsu. I'm Zenin Naoya, Maki's cousin. I'm also here to kill Itadori as well as collect my fiancee. I won't get in your way, but in return, if you do end up killing Itadori, can you refrain from telling your superiors for a while. He's bait for someone I want to meet."

Choso and Yuji were discussing their next moves, but Haku was not listening. She was eyeing Yuta seriously. He was assigned as Yuji's executioner? Her thought went back to what Gojo had said. She was then thrown back as Yuta and Naoya made their moves. Naoya flew in and kicked Choso while grabbing Haku and throwing her down at the same time. Yuta and Yuji took off in the other direction. Choso struck back at Naoya causing him to jump back. "Go with Yuji. I'll be fine." Choso instructed. Haku nodded and got up, running in the direction of Yuji and Yuta.

Haku caught up in time to see Yuji using a tactical knife to block a katana strike, which cut through the knife and cut into Yuji. Yuji managed to kick the katana and break it. Haku summoned her petals. Yuta was aiming to kill Yuji for sure. Haku sent her petals at Yuta forcing him to jump back more away from Yuji. "Yuta! What are you doing? Satoru wouldn't want this!"

Yuta flicked his broken Katana. "I see your memory is back now. Sensei said it may return."

Yuji prepared to attack again when Haku felt a dark energy. Rika had manifested behind them. Haku quickly covered her and Yuji with petals, stopping Rika from grabbing them. Yuta quickly moved in and kicked Haku, sending her flying. Haku moved the petals behind her to stop herself from flying far. She then rushed forward, only to have Rika move and grab her. Rika also had Yuji in the other arm, held in a choke hold. Haku struggled, but Rika was insanely powerful.

Yuta walked towards them. "Good, Rika, hold them still." He came up to Yuji and plunged the damaged Katana into his heart.

Haku screamed. "Yuji!" She summoned her petals and they darkened black. She sent them flying out, causing Rika to lose her grip on her. She grabbed Yuji and moved away, placing him on the ground before turning to Yuta again.

Rika let out a growl and readied to attack. Yuta discarded his broken katana. "No Rika. We completed our vow." He looked at Haku, a pleading glint in his eyes. "Haku, please listen."

Haku glared at Yuta, her black petals aimed to strike. Completed their vow? What did he mean by that? Gojo's words echoed in her mind, to trust Yuta no matter what. She took a few deep breaths and her petals vanished. "Alright. Satoru said to trust you." She glanced down at Yuji. "But what exactly is going on?"

Yuta smiled. "The higher ups made me Itadori's executioner, and to assure I actually did it, I had to make a binding vow that would kill me if I tried to disobey. He can still be saved with the reversed cursed technique I can use. We need to check back with that jerk fighting your friend. I'll then revive Itadori once we are away from here."

Haku let out a small sigh. She trusted Gojo's words, but the situation had really caused her to doubt Yuta was keeping Gojo's trust. There was another issue, however. "What about me? Did they order you to capture me?"

Yuta shook his head. "No. Well, not in a vow. Technically, all sorcerers have been ordered to capture you, but the Zenin clan is of course most interested. Hopefully I can sway Zenin Naoya into believing I will hand you in." Yuta then explained the 6 decrees given by the higher ups.

Haku gritted her teeth. "Since everyone had been ordered to capture me, you can't just say I got away. Not when you're Special Grade." She was silent for a few moments. "Whatever. I won't just sit there anyway. They can't seal me, and I can pass through barriers and veils. If worse comes to worst, I'll manage. We have to keep Yuji safe and find a way to rescue Satoru. I'm not in danger of being killed, they just want to contain me and keep Kenjaku from finding me. And I'll manage Naoya. Somehow."

Yuta agreed. He then grabbed Yuji by his hood and started to drag him back towards where Naoya and Choso were. Haku walked beside him, pointing at Yuji with an awkward smile. "You think you could be... a little more gentle with him?"

Yuta closed his eyes for a second. "Well, I'm supposed to hate him and blame him for Inumaki getting hurt and losing an arm in Shibuya."

Haku halted. "He lost an arm?" She felt tears in her eyes. "No, he survived at least. After what happened when Sukuna was fighting Mahoraga....." She trailed off.

Yuta nodded. "True. I blame Sukuna, not Yuji, so don't worry about that." He hardened his expression and grabbed Haku's arm with his free hand. "Alright we are almost back so I need to keep appearances. Please don't tell Sensei I was so rough with you."

Haku nodded her head and laughed a little before hardening her own expression. "And I need to be pissed you killed my friend, and also mad I got caught."

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