War and Promises

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After finishing up in the cafe, Nanako and Himiko ran ahead looking at the various shops that lined the streets. Haku walked beside Geto, only occasionally cutting cold glances at him. He sighed, guiding them into a nearby shop.

"I really wish you'd have tried the crepe's Haku-san." He stated as he looked through the merchandise.

Haku scoffed. "I hardly had an appetite after that." She bit her lower lip. "Suguru-san, what happened with you after..... After Riko."

Haku had hesitated in asking, worried about hurting Geto. She remembered the somber, grief-stricken looks on his and Gojo's faces after everything. Still, the man replied easily, less to the question and more to his motives. "Haku-san, the era you are from saw many more sorcerers or at least those that could perceive cursed energy. Curses and the like were still secretive, but the time was considered a Golden Age of Jujutsu for a reason. Today the masses live simply producing curses without ever seeing them or being aware of the chaos and carnage they cause. All the while sorcerers fight and die, forced to deal with something they aren't even a cause of. And those like Riko and you are pulled into fates you had no choice in. In my world that is null."

Haku could not deny he had a point. The time was entirely different now. In the Heien era, cursed spirits were rampant monsters and there were in fact more sorcerers to deal with them. Curses the likes of Sukuna roamed the lands, gaining statuses of deities and being worshipped the same. 

"Still, I can't condone the eradication of normal humans. Besides, you plan to use my power whether I agree or not. How does that make my 'choice' in the matter any different?" She idly looked through what appeared to be blindfolds on display, stopping to pick up a silky black one. Her mind wandered to Gojo. This would suit him better than a bunch of bandages. Why did he change from sunglasses? She grimaced at the thought of how much he must be hurting knowing his friend was on such a dark path.

Geto walked over and took the blindfold from her. "I can only argue that the end justifies the means in this case. You'll grow to understand, in time Haku-san." He waved the blindfold and walked over to the counter and paid for it. He brought the blindfold over to Haku and handed it to her. "Satoru will grow to understand as well. He is my best friend after all. Now I think I've had enough of the stench of monkeys. Let's head home." He turned to head out of the shop before he stopped. He turned back to Haku ans caressed her cheek. "Oh, and next time, let me buy you something more suited for yourself. Like a ring or something. From me to you. Though Satoru might object."

Haku tucked the blindfold into her pocket. A ring? She had never been one for jewels. There was a time when the clan was certain they would wait a generation to seal the Wellspring meaning Haku would not be the one sealed. At that time, it had been decided she would marry, and a man calling himself Kenjaku had offered quite a dowry for her. She did not really care for the jewels he offered, and really preffered to avoid the man entirley. His aura was dark and made her nervous. It was strange to her and screamed dangerous. The man had no strong clan connections, so he would be adopted into the Namikaze clan and marry Haku. Haku thought for a moment, trying to remember what changed and why she was then suddenly sealed. She could not remember.

She followed behind Geto. Yes, a lot of the old Geto was still there. She could tell as much the moment she woke up, but there was a darkness like a curse hanging all over him. She had to find a way to keep him from using her powers, no matter what that meant she had to do.


Geto had made sure to keep Haku at arms length since he woke her. She sat next to him while he met with some of his members, some that came offering money and others who were being haunted by curses and Geto would absorb the curse from them. Many of them gave Haku awkward glances. A woman in her 50's came in to give her monthly donation to Geto. she looked at Haku who was seated beside Geto and laughed obnoxiously. "Oh my, Geto-sama! What is such a homely girl doing beside you?"

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