How Much Loss?

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Familiar cursed energies of her allies and enemies flooded her senses as Haku searched for them. Much to her dismay, many were weak and some unfindable. She headed towards A7 in the train station. She could feel many transfigured humans in the area, and Nanami's cursed energy was moving towards that location, and it was weak. There was another cursed energy with the transfigured humans as well. It felt familiar but smaller making it hard to decide who it was for definite.. It was also trying to mask itself. Haku snorted. Who cares? Nanami was fading and she had to hurry.

She came into the area from outside and was instantly attacked by a mass of transfigured humans. She unleashed her petals at them, slashing them to pieces. Nanami then made his way down the staircase. Haku gasped. He was severely burned on one side; charred muscle visible the whole way and his eye had melted completely from the socket. He hardly noticed Haku and just went straight to slashing the remaining transfigured humans. Then Haku saw him, the cursed energy she had sensed that was familiar, Mahito! He was quickly making a b-line for Nanami. Haku used her petals to propel herself towards Nanami. She only just managed to slip between Mahito and Nanami before Mahito made physical contact with Nanami.

Mojito's outstretched hand placed itself on Haku's chest instead of on Nanami. She felt that painful probing sensation of Mahito fondling her soul. She pushed it away and aimed a swift kick at Mahito. The curse jumped back with a smirk. "No fun. You ruined my reunion with the 7:3 sorcerer! We had so much catching up to do." He gave a sadistic grin. "Before I killed him that is."

Haku spat at him. "Not while I'm here!" She summoned her petals.

Nanami was dazed from pain and depleted cursed energy, but he noticed Haku. "Haku?" He gave a small smile. "I leave it to you."

Haku turned her head and gave a slight nod. Nanami then slumped down, knees buckling. Haku just managed to catch him and ease him towards the ground. His condition was bad, his breath faint and energy quickly fading.

Tears stung the corner of her eyes as her mind filled with rage. So many people had been killed already, innocents caught in the crossfire of this attack as well as sorcerers and suits. She glared at Mahito who was smiling gleefully, loving the chaos and murder, reveling in it like a child at a carnival. She took a few steps towards Mahito.

The curse laughed. "Wow! What a glare. So scary." He placed a finger on his cheek. "Hmm lets see. If I capture you now, Geto will be pleased. You can use reversed cursed technique, right? So I don't have to hold back to avoid killing you. Then I can kill the 7:3 sorcerer as well as any others that come around. Perfect!" Mahito took a fighting pose.

A mass of petals scattered around aiming for Mahito. A small portion lingered over Nanami ready to protect him. Haku bit her lip, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. Curses. They were just that. Perhaps one could consider them a 'pure being' of a sort. A pure mass of the hate and curses spewed from humans. Spewed from herself, not just as a human, but as the Wellspring. The supposed first curse; a neverending curse. What even was the curse? Where did it come from anyway?

Cursed energy started to flow even more heavily out of Haku, dying her once pink sakura petals a deep purple that edged on the color black. She felt a darkness rise in her that was both terrifying, yet somehow familiar. Her own thoughts and voice seemed to mix with this familiar other half. "What is a curse really? Hate, resentment, grief, desire, regret. Just a human emotion discarded by reason and supposed dignity? I suppose it was born with the world then. I was born with the world, then cursed it. Cursed all those descended from it."

Mahito narrowed his eyes. "Now that's an interesting take. Let's

talk more about it later hmm." He was uneasy, the change in the white haired girl bothered him. Her very soul seemed to darken with the cursed energy around her. He needed to end this fast.

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