10 Years of Change

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Haku felt heavy, like she was waking from a deep slumber. One finger moved, then another as she slowly regained her senses. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around the unfamiliar room. She was laying on a futon on a tatami mat floor.  Beside her was the hammerhead shark plushie Gojo had gifted her. The room was small, sparsely decorated with the essentials. A single window was on one in and she could make out a figure sitting on the sill. She slowly sat up and the figure became more clear. "S-suguru-san?"

The long haired man in the window turned to face her. It was indeed Geto Suguru. "Well, Haku-san. Glad to see you're awake." He stood up and walked towards her.

Haku jumped up out of the bed, ignoring the lingering fatigue in her muscles and wrapped her arms around Geto. "Suguru-san! I never thought I'd see you again!" She looked up at him, still hugging him. "You don't look a whole lot older. How'd I wake up? How long has it been? Where's Satoru-san?"

Geto patted the girl on the head, slowly guiding her to sit down on the futon with him. "Slow down. It's been about 10 years. I actually broke the seal on you a few days ago. Seems a side effect of breaking it forcefully was a delay in you actually waking. I found where the Namikaze clan had hidden and came to fetch you." He folded his arms. "We'll be visiting Satoru in a little while. You have woken just in time."

"Why are you dressed like a buddhist monk Suguru-san?" Haku questioned his attire. He was no longer in his Jujutsu tech uniform, though she figured he must have graduated at this point. "Woken in time for what?"

Geto closed his eyes and hummed. "I have my own little group now dedicated to changing the world with jujutsu, you see. And, well to be honest I didn't wake you out of the goodness in my own heart. I need your help with a little something."

Haku gave a slight nod. "Sure, if it's something I can really help with."

Geto smiled slightly. Haku was still the same now, though he supposed 10 years had been nothing to a sealed person. "Good. Now why don't you come meet my family so we can head out. We are going to pay Satoru a little visit and maybe pick up another family member."

Family huh? Haku wasn't sure what family really was. If Geto had woken her to be part of his, it had to be for a good reason right? "Family? Did you get married! I bet you have an adorable kid."

Geto chuckled, wrapping his arm around Haku's shoulders. "No, no. Just a band of sorcerers that joined my cause. They are precious to me. I'd like you to be part of my family as well, Haku-san. For now, let's meet everyone else and run our little errand, yes."


Haku rode uncomfortably in the mouth of a giant pelican cursed spirit along with Geto's comrades Himiko, Nanako, and Larue. The two sisters had seemed a little irritated by her appearance, particularly Nanako. When Geto had introduced her to them, Nanako was openly upset that she was a girl and acquainted with Geto. Himiko was not so openly hostile, but Haku could tell she was a little on edge as well. She had no idea what to think of the shirtless weirdo Larue. He was polite enough, but she wondered how he could stand the cold shirtless and without shoes. The others in Geto's family were left to other matters while on this little visit. Haku had to say she quite liked Miguel. He was funny and knew a lot about countries outside Japan and seemed to enjoy answering Haku's onslaught of questions. Negi had paid her little mind, only giveing a greeting in return. Manami on the other hand found her adorable and took pictures. Haku was quite interested in the device called a camera she had used, and Manami had promised to show her how to use it later.

She seemed to be the only one in the dark on their destination. Geto had hinted they would be seeing Gojo, but Haku was unsure what on earth they'd need an army to visit a friend for. "Say um, Himiko-chan, are you friends with Satoru-san too?"

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