In the Void of Death

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Yuji screamed their friend's name in horror. He held his hands out in front of himself, shaking as tears started streaming down his face. Haku forced her shaking legs to move to Nobara's side and crouched down. Could she heal this? By all means, she was dead right now. 'If she has yet to eat..' The same thought that had invaded her mind once before was again forcing its way in. She had her memory back now, and was slowly remembering some of her Heien era time, but why this thought made sense to her still eluded her.

Mahito gave them no time to grieve and mercilessly came at Yuji, hitting him with a black flash and sending him flying across the room. Wait? A black flash? Mahito used it! Haku threw up a wall of petals around herself and Nobara as Mahito tried to land a punch on her. This deterred him. Mahito wanted to kill Yuji most of all, so he left Haku alone with Nobara and rushed to continue fighting Yuji. Haku was extremely worried about Yuji. Not because he could not handle himself some, but because he looked broken.

Haku had to focus on Nobara. Time was limited. She placed her hands on Nobara and started to try and heal her. "Come on Nobara. Hang in there." While the wound stopped bleeding, it was not healing. Damage had been done to her brain and also to her very soul. Haku could not detect her breathing. Tears were dripping from her eyes, blurring her vision. She wiped them away. It was now or never. She started pushing more and more cursed energy, more than she had ever done. She closed her eyes and focused, letting that darkness she felt before, the one that dyed her petals black, encompass her.

Her eyes fluttered open and she was in a strange void. She could feel a slight breeze and smell cherry blossoms though she could see nothing. She took a few steps, ripples forming below her. She was walking on water. A small light became visible up ahead and she ran towards it. The source was a peach tree, sitting on a mound of soil. Someone was standing by it, holding one of the fruits. Haku instantly recognised her, it was Nobara. The girl started to move the fruit towards her lips to take a bite.

"Nobara no!!" Haku reached out to her and rushed forward, knocking the fruit onto the ground.

Nobara turned to her, her face normal with no evidence of the wound Mahito had inflicted on her. "Hey! I was about to eat that. I'm starving!" She yelled.

Haku shook her head. "You can't."

"Why not? I am starving!"

"I can't save you then. I'm not sure why, but I just know. You have to come back with me. Fight that hunger. Please." She held out her hand and pleaded with her friend.

Nobara scowled at her then let out a long sigh, reaching out and taking Haku's hand. "What are ya? An Angel of Death or something?" She gripped Haku's hand and gave a small smile. "I trust you no matter what. You just better do something about me being hungry. Cook me some of those meatballs."

Haku smiled. "Of course! When this is over, I'll make a whole Hot Pot for everyone!" A bright light then engulfed the both of them.

Haku's eyes flew open. Pain was gripping her body and she was breathing heavily, practically hyperventilating. She felt a hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her. "Miss? Hey! Are you alright?" She looked up to see the concerned and shocked eyes of a boy in a suit with shoulder length blond hair. Arata Nitta.

"I-I-I'm...I'm fine. I just..." She stammered, trying to catch her breath. "Nobara!" She quickly recalled what had happened and looked down at her friend. She was holding her hand tightly. Haku felt warmth from her friend and she could detect her breathing. The wound on her face had mostly healed, but the eye itself had not returned.

"H-how did you.." Arata sounded shocked. "She was dead. When I got here you were in some trance and she was dead."

Haku's body was still shaking from the strain of using so much cursed energy and from whatever she had done to save Nobara. "I-I dunno. I just...did."

Arata stood back up and removed his hand from her shoulder. "I'll be right back to take you two out of here. I just need to check with Todo and that other kid real quick." He did not wait for an answer and headed off down the hall where Yuji was being thrown around by Mahito and Todo had appeared to help him.

She suddenly desperately wanted Gojo. He may have an idea what had happened and why, or at least she could find comfort with him. She looked at the ring on her finger and fiddled with it, trying to calm herself. Finding Kenjaku and saving Gojo was a priority, but now it seemed evacuation of anyone alive and taking down these remaining curses was most important.

Haku forced herself to her feet. Arata would be back any minute to get her and Nobara, so she needed to go while she could. She was not giving up on saving Gojo. Besides, if anyone was still alive or at least almost alive around, she could be of some help. She took off deeper into the train station. 

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