The Plan Begins: We Will Save Gojo

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Yuta and Haku entered the tunnel where Naoya was fighting Choso. It looked like Choso had an upper hand and was set to win. Haku absolutely loved the idea of Noaya getting his butt kicked, but she and Yuta had already agreed on a plan. They had more than Naoya to deal with, after all.

Yuta let go of Haku's arm and slammed his fist into Choso's head with great force. Choso was thrust face-first into the ground, cracking the concrete. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground. Haku grimaced. Poor Choso. Hopefully he'd understand.

Naoya crumpled to the ground and spat up blood. The poison in Choso's blood had taken effect. Haku fought back a snarky comment. She didn't need to risk stirring things up right now, even if she really wanted to see Naya get what he deserved.

Yuta focused his energy in his hand and walked over to Naoya. "You're hurt, Zenin Naoya. Allow me to heal you with my reversed cursed technique, and in exchange, inform your superiors of Itadori Yuji's death." Naoya spat out an irritated 'fine' and Yuta healed him.

Naoya stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. "Alright then, I'll tell them he's dead. I'll also be taking Haku there with me." He pointed his finger at her, and Haku narrowed her eyes.

Yuta was stone-cold in his reply. "I'll turn her in later. I might get some useful information from her." Haku appreciated his attempt to spare her from dealing with Naoya, but the blonde haired prick wouldn't let it fly.

Naoya rolled his eyes and spat. "Seriously? We are ordered for her immediate capture. You've done your job already." He pointed at the 'deceased' Yuji. His lips curled into a smirk. "She's my fiancé anyway. The higher ups want her monitored by the Zenin Clan. And it will make good use of her for the next generation."

Haku and Yuta exchanged glances, the latter of which was highly surprised. Haku just rolled her eyes, a silent signal to Yuta that Naoya wasn't joking. The higher ups had been at this since Gojo brought her back to Jujutsu Tech. It was just Gojo wouldn't let them near her with a ten-foot pole. Now he was sealed.

Haku had expected it to go this way. Naoya was too prideful to pass up on bringing her in himself. Yuta promised right before they entered the tunnel that if things went this way, he would not leave her with the Zenin Clan for long. He said he had promised Gojo to keep her safe if things went sideways. There was no way he was letting someone special to his Sensei get roughed up by a bunch of jerks. Both he and Haku knew there was much more at stake. Besides, Haku could handle herself. And hopefully she could bite her tongue long enough.

Yuta had to relent. "Fine. I leave her to you. I'll get information from this guy instead before I kill him." Yuta gave Haku one last determined glance, then left with Yuji's body as well as Choso's.

Naoya walked up to Haku and placed his arm around her shoulders. "Now I'd really hate to have to rough you up. Just come quietly, okay. Satoru is sealed and banished, and that Itadori kid is dead. No reason for you to keep running around now, is there?" He tightened his grip, pulling her against his side and under his arm.

Haku clenched her fist and bit her cheek, tasting blood as she did so. She wanted nothing more than to punch his smug face, but she needed to play along for now. Needed to keep any suspicions away from Yuta so he could get the ball rolling on the plan to save Gojo. She straightened up and tried to compose herself as much as possible. "Fine. I'll go."

Naoya gave a snarky smile. "Excellent." He clapped his hands. "Well then, my dear, shall we?" His voice drips with arrogance, and he starts walking towards the less damaged area where a black car awaits, expecting Haku to follow.

She holds her hand, looking at the ring Gojo had given her, twisting it around her finger a few times. She just had to hold on long enough for Yuta to lay the groundwork. Gojo had made her another promise, and she had made the same promise in return, and she intended to keep it, just like Gojo had kept his promises to her.

With newfound determination, Haku followed Naoya to the car. A man in a suit opened the back door, and Naoya motioned for her to get in with a snarky smirk. "After you." He slid in beside Haku after settled in. "Oh, and don't even try jumping from the car. The doors locked, and I'd catch you before you got anywhere anyway." He threw one hand out dismissively while the other snaked over to rest on Haku's thigh.

Haku flinched slightly, biting the inside of her lip. Time to use some of the decorum of a Heian Era princess. She slid to the other side of the car, creating distance between them, sitting up straight, posture practiced. "It is unbecoming of someone of stature to so salaciously touch an unwed woman, engaged or not."

Naoya snorted, his nose crinkling in annoyance, though his snarky grin remained. "You think I care? This is the Modern Era now." He crossed his arms. "No matter. Play the proper princess, it's appropriate. You are to be the wife of the next clan head." He cocked his head to the side, a devious grin on his face. "They'll be plenty of time to show you your place on our wedding night."

Haku clenched her fists in her lap, body almost shaking in annoyance. Oh, he could try and 'show her her place', but he'd quickly learn her place was nowhere near him. She stared out the car window, keeping her composure, remaining the proper princess of the Namikaze clan. As soon as Yuta gave the green light, she was going to kick Naoya's butt.

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