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When they had gotten back, Belphegor talked with Rini in the living room about what she had told Satan and him earlier that afternoon.

Half way through their conversation belphegor ended up falling asleep against her lap. Instead of hugging his cow pillow, he chose to hug her torso instead. Rini ended up falling asleep knowing that she wasn't getting out of his grasp any time soon. Rini didn't know how long she had been asleep for, but she did know that she was startled awake by someone only to see that it was Satan and Belphegor was no longer lying on her legs like a pillow.

"H-How long was I out for?" Rini asked confused

"Four hours, Belphegor had to get up to make dinner tonight. Which he's finished with, I figured I'd wake you up before the others found you asleep."

She nodded her head and went to get up but almost fell if it wasn't for Satan who caught her as she fell forward. Rini blinked a few times as she looked up at him flustered. "T-Thank you Satan."

"He was on you for a while, he isn't light and I don't think he understands just what he did. Let me carry you to the table."

"Okay...sure...T-Thank you Satan."

He carried her bridal style to the table and sat her down before he placed a hand on her shoulder. "By the way they won't be bothering you any longer."

She nodded her head hearing what he whispered in her ear, Satan then went to talk to Belphegor in the kitchen. "You were asleep on Rini too long, her legs lost all circulation in them."

Belphegor stopped what he was doing and looked at him. "Is she alright?"

"Yeah I carried her to the table before the others got to the table."

He let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear. I'll be careful next time."

"Good you need to be, she isn't a demon. She can't handle the weight of one on top of her like that."

As dinner happened, it was rather loud with the usual banter from the brothers until Mammon tried to throw a knife at Leviathan who sat beside Rini. Satan saw the knife going towards Rini and caught it just before it ended up getting close to her face. Rini's brown eyes widened in shock seeing just how close the knife was to her face. She then saw the blood that came from Satan's hand.

"S-Satan! Y-Your hand!" She said shocked

"I'm fine Rini." He said as he placed the knife down

"Oh don't be like that. Your hand is going to be infected if you don't treat it!" She hissed out as she pulled him by his arm out of his chair

He was shocked that she was able to pull him out of the chair, and let out a sigh as she dragged him to the bathroom for her room. She sat him down before she treated his hand, it made him raise an eyebrow at her seeing she had band aid's in her bathroom. "Just why do you have these in here Rini?"

"I'm a klutz nough said Satan." She said as she treated the knife cut on his hand

He didn't trust her answer and when she finished wrapping his hand in a bandage he grabbed onto her hand before he pulled down the sleeve of her hoodie only to see bandages wrapped around her wrist down to her elbow. His green eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

"Are you really going to be this dumb Rini? Do you have any idea how much Belphie and I care about you?"

"W-Well yeah...b-but I-" She started to say before he kissed her forcibly but passionately on the lips

Rini's eyes widened in shock for a moment before she kissed him back as he pushed her back against the wall next to the sink as he pinned her arm to the wall above her head. As he pulled away from her he pressed his forehead against hers. "Listen Rini, Belphie and I adore the hell out of you, we'd do anything for you as you should be more than aware of. You even think about doing anything more to your precious body and I'll make my own mark upon your body, do you understand me?"

"Y-Yes...I...I understand Satan. I...I apologize."

"You're forgiven this time, I won't be so forgiven next time. You didn't finish your dinner so go on and get back to your dinner. I have homework to do."

"Okay...can we spend time later Satan?"

"Of course, always." He said with a smile as he let go of her hand

She slipped past him and finished her dinner as Belphegor was cleaning off the table, he noticed she was back at the table and looked at her curiously "How's satan's hand?"

"The cut wasn't too deep so I was able to patch it up. Every now and then I'mma have to change out his bandages if he doesn't do it himself."

"That's good, are you alright? That must have startled you."

"I'm okay, just a bit frazzled by it happening. Thank you for dinner by the way Belphie." Rini said with a smile

"Of course Rini." He said with a smile

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now