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The next day, Rini had a bit of trouble getting the sloth demon from on top of her. Especially since she knew if any of his brothers knew that he fucked her that it wouldn't be on just her for what happened. He'd get reamed as well, she ended up having to tickle the sloth demon for him to get up. Once she was able to get up, she could barely feel her legs for many reason. One of them being the fact that Belphegor had fucked the feeling out of her legs the previous night.

Belphegor let out a small laugh seeing that she was having trouble walking, he knew it had to do with what he had done to her and felt more than a bit accomplished that he managed that much. He waited for Rini to get out of the bathroom before he got up wearing his pants, he went up to her and hugged her tightly.

"I have to get dressed in my room, so I'll see you in the dinning room alright?"

She hugged him back and smiled at him. "Okies, I'll see you there."

Belphegor then left her room and she got herself dressed whimpering most of the time while she did. As she finished she saw that Belphegor left his cow pillow in her room, she let out a sigh and took it with her as she went to the dinning room. She saw the sloth demon and threw the pillow at him. "You derp you forgot this."

"Oh that's where I had it. Sorry Rini." He said as he got it from his face

"Why did Rini have your cow pillow?" Satan asked

"Belphie stayed with me last night after he found out about the rashes on my arms from the soap that is used for laundry. I'm allergic to it and I had a mind spike up about it. So he stayed with me last night in my room to comfort me." Rini explained

"That doesn't explain the mark on her neck." Asmodeus commented

"He talks in his sleep, I think he and beelz were having the same dream or something since he kept talking about food in his sleep. He thought my neck was food even though I kept pushing him away from my neck." Rini said with a sigh

Asmodeus laughed a bit "Oh dear, sorry you had to deal with that."

"Eh I'll live, have any way for me to hide this though. I don't want to get questioned anymore."

"Oh of course! While Lucifer is making breakfast let's fix that shall we?" he said with a smile

She nodded her head and the two of them went to his room where he sat her down at his vanity table. "So tell me honestly what happened between you and Belphie. No way what you said actually a thing." He said with a smile

"You knew it was a lie?"

"Naturally, we are brothers after all. I know their little quirks Rini." He said with a hum

Rini let out a sigh before she looked at the lust demon. "Belphie as you know is clingy as hell towards me as of late."

"I'm aware of that."

"Last night he found out about the rashes on my arms and the fact I'm allergic to the soap used for laundry."

"So that's not a lie? You're actually allergic to it?"

"Mhm, I have bandages over my arms cause of how much they itch. And when I itch them I bleed."


"Yeah, and he didn't like that Lucifer was going to take me shopping to get new soap that I could use. Being the rather possessive little sloth demon he is...well he marked me."

Asmodeus laughed and smiled. "Now that sounds like Belphie. Alright no questions or judgement here. I knew he has been rather protective over you as of late. As long as neither of you get hurt that's all that matters to me." He said as he finished with hiding the hickey on her neck "And there you go!"

She looked in the mirror before she smiled "Thank you very much Asmo, you're a life saver!"

"Not a problem~ Come to me any time and I'll give you a bunch of tips!" He said happily

"Alright, I'll keep you to that."

when they got back to the table she sat beside Asmo and Satan who seemed more than tense by her. She raised an eyebrow knowing that he was tense. "Are you alright Satan?"

"Yeah...I'm fine. Just my hand still hurts from last night." He said with a sigh as he showed her the bandage

"Did you change it this morning like you are supposed to?"

The silence that came over him as she asked gave her all the answers she needed. As lucifer came out with breakfast she looked at him. "I'll be right back with Satan, I need to change his hand bandage. He can't do it himself."

"Very well, don't take too long we do have school today."

"Right we won't be." 

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now