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Satan glared at Belphegor "You really had to coax her more than me didn't you?!"

"You're the one that said that you wanted to be the one to cover tracks. Not to mention you've been working with Solomon to figure out why demons are missing when you're the main damn reason it's even a damn problem to begin with!" Belphegor said seriously "I did nothing to 'coax' her like you said that I have!"

"I highly doubt that."

Rini hated that they were arguing about her and chose to leave her room, she didn't want to deal with their nonsense if they weren't going to properly talk with her. Instead she chose to spend the evening playing video games with Leviathan to blow off steam ignoring the duo for the evening. She didn't even want to sit by either one of them, she instead chose to sit between Leviathan and Asmodeus who were happy to have her between them. 

After dinner while Asmodeus and Rini were doing the dishes together, he spoke with her. "So I noticed you aren't even talking with Belphegor and Satan, what's going on?"

"It seems like they've been fighting over who is 'better' for me without even asking me who I prefer. Going by assumptions and their own actions alone." Rini said sadly "I hate it when people fight like that. Too many times in the past have things like that happened where people get hurt because of me. So I've just chosen to ignore both of them until they've chosen to apologize to me for their idiocy."

Asmodeus chuckled a bit "Lucifer may be the avatar of pride-but both of them have their own male pride Rini. You're going to be waiting a long while for an apology."

"Then so be it. I have other people I can be around until they've chosen to straighten themselves out and talk to me like proper people." Rini said as she placed the plates away

"Fair enough, so what brought it along anyways? I never knew either one of them to argue that much around one another."

"Apparently even before I knew about it, they've been scheming to have me be around both of them. But they've gotten too possessive of me and can't share me now that it's uneven that Belphegor has had me and Satan hasn't. Which that wouldn't have happened had Satan not taken my first kiss." Rini said with a stressed out sigh

"Oh...oh! So you were pure when you came here?!" Asmodeus asked shocked

She nodded her head. "I was yes."

Asmodeus stopped washing the dishes and he shook his head. "Those two, they have no idea what they are doing to a precious little girl like you. You're only human, they can't be arguing over you like that."

"That's exactly why I'm not talking with them."

"Tell me honestly...do you feel anything for either one of them?"

"Belphie." She stated quickly

"Then you need to let them know that."

"And have a pissy ass Satan on my ass? Thanks no thanks." She said shaking her head

"What made you fall in love with the youngest of us?"

"Well...he's kind and sweet to me. He listens to me when I need someone to talk to and makes sure that when I'm having bad head days that I don't over do myself." Rini said as she messed with her fingers shyly

"And Satan doesn't do that for you?"

She shook her head no. "Sure he and I bond over books and all. But he doesn't like to hear me out and refuses to let me lean against him. He doesn't care that I'm not sound minded...if anything his actions and words makes my brain stupid moments become worse."

Asmodeus let out a hum in thought before he looked at her. "Looks like Satan needs to learn a thing or two from Belphie if he wants to get your full attention."

Rini let out a small scoff. "Not going to happen. He's too aggressive. As it is he's already choked me for allowing Belphie to get close to me."

Asmodeus looked stunned hearing what Rini said before he shook his head. "I knew he was a bit of a huffy child and all, but to lay his hand on you like that? I can't believe he'd do that to you. Honestly, if he's going to do that with the purpose of being jealous that you were around Belphie instead of him-then you need to tell that to Lucifer."

Rini averted her eyes. "Do you think he'd actually do something about it? I don't want to burden him with nonsense."

"Who will you be burdening with nonsense?" Lucifer asked as he came into the kitchen

Rini stiffened up seeing Lucifer come into the room, she said nothing as Asmodeus looked at Rini sadly, then at Lucifer. "Rini is dealing with some things right now and it's obvious that she can't deal with it on her own."

Lucifer looked from Asmodeus to Rini. "After you get done helping out Asmo, come to the library and we'll talk. If something has happened that needs my attention it is not a bother. As the eldest here it is my job to make sure things aren't chaotic here."

Rini nodded her head but didn't say a word to him about a thing. Lucifer then looked back to Asmodeus. "I came in here originally to speak with you Asmodeus. There are five boxes in the front room with your name on it. I would like for you to take them out of there at your earliest convivence." 

"Oh! They came by already?! Sure thing Lucifer!" Asmodeus said with a smile

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