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When Belphegor and Rini got back to her room, she spent the evening with Belphegor in her room. She was happy that he was so concerned about her that he checked up on her. It wasn't every day that she had any of the males she lived with be so concerned about her. It made her realize that it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing that made Satan and Belphegor want to be around her. They wanted to protect her because they cared and loved her. 

As they sat down on her bed talking with one another about what was going to happen the next day, Belphegor didn't like the idea of her being alone with Lucifer. He knew that her first kiss went to Satan-and that made him rather angry. Satan was supposed to wait until she was ready to be theirs to kiss her! But he didn't, so he wasn't going to keep his promise to Satan either. If Satan was allowed to break part of their promise then so was he!

Belphegor moved closer to her as he placed his hand softly on the side of her face. "Rini, I know a lot has happened since you've been here, a lot of people have wanted you gone. But you do have people that want you here that care and love you so much and so deeply."

"You're talking about Satan and yourself yes?" Rini asked curiously

"I am."

"I'm aware that Satan does, he kissed me earlier." Rini admitted

Hearing from Rini that Satan did indeed kiss her, just made his blood boil, he hated that Satan didn't wait like he was supposed to. Belphegor took a deep breath as he shut his eyes, he then opened his eyes as he pressed his forehead against hers. "Satan and I made a promise to one another about you and I want you to be aware of it."

She raised an eyebrow at the sloth demon. "W-What promise?"

"We promised each other that we wouldn't kiss, touch you sexually or show any romantic like interest in you until you were certain that you wanted to be ours and ours alone. We know it would mean that we'd be sharing you, which doesn't phase either one of us. But I want you to be comfortable not just around Satan but around myself as well. Ever since you forgave me for what I said to you and I realized just how horrible things have been for you here...I wanted to make your life better here as much as possible. Rini...I love you. I love you so much sometimes my mind blacks out hearing that other people want to take you away from me." Belphegor stated sincerely to her

Rini blinked her eyes a few times as she looked at the sloth demon flustered. "Y-You...You love me Belphie? I...I didn't think that you or any of the others would ever be able to find it within yourselves to love a pathetic human girl like myself." She said as she placed her hand over his softly

Belphegor gave her a soft kiss on the lips before he spoke up to her once more. "You aren't pathetic, no where near close Rini. Satan and I have been waiting to hear from you that you want to be with us and just us. But Satan lost himself earlier when you were treating his hand, which angers me that he had done so without even consulting in you to see if it was okay for him to do so."

"He broke part of that promise by doing that...didn't he?"

"He did."

Rini then moved herself so she was on top of Belphegor. "As you know Satan took my first kiss since prior to that I've been completely pure. I want you to take my first time Belphie...and honestly because of so much going on. I'd love to be with the two of you, knowing that you two love me so much and are so protective and possessive of me."

Belphegor looked at her stunned. "A-Are you sure you want me to do that? You only lose that once you know that right?"

"I'm well aware of that Belphie and honestly I'd prefer it if you were the one to take my first time. You give me the best cuddles and comforts me the best out of the two of you." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Please Belphie? Won't you show me just how much you truly love me?"

"You realize if I do this, I'm not going to let go of you. Once I do this to you, you're accepting to listen to my warnings and do as I say just to keep you out of harms way."

"I'm aware and as long as you don't get caught and don't hurt yourself I'm more than okay with it."

Belphegor's eyes darken as he grabbed a hold of her and placed her back first against her bed as he kissed her passionately on the lips. "Then I won't disappoint you Rini, for this moment you belong to ME."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now