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By the time that Satan had gotten Rini back home, she had fallen asleep against his chest. So he had carried her back to her room and let her sleep. While he slept he looked up online about how to deal with sick humans and what he couldn't find online he looked inside books that he had collected over the centuries. He wanted to be as prepared as possible to help Rini out with what was going on with her. He loved her dearly and wanted to see her get better as quick as possible.

Throughout the first week of her being ill Satan had to learn the hard way on how to deal with the rather ill human girl. She was rather moody and wouldn't move much for anything, he had to feed her when it was time for her to eat. Satan also had to pick her up and bathe her every three days just so she wouldn't be sleeping in her own sweat. While Satan took care of her Barbatos made himself known to see just how Rini was only to see that she hadn't gotten any better.

But Satan was doing the best that he could to help her out, when he saw the time demon he looked at him curiously. "May I assist you Barbatos?" Satan asked curiously

"I wanted to see how Rini was fairing out, it seems like she hasn't gotten out of her sick rut yet."

Satan shook her head. "This is only week one, she has one more week to go."

"Is she still vomiting like she had before?"

Satan shook his head once more "That stopped three days ago. But she's been on and off coughing and sneezing a lot with shivers. She's become completely paralyzed throughout the entire sickness which she had warned me about. So I've had to take care of her the best that I can."

"I see...I have the work that you two have missed since you had done what you had. As long as the work gets done by the end of the month, nothing will be held against the two of you. I'll be back every Saturday to see just how you two are fairing out."

"Very well then."

Barbatos placed the papers on a table in the room before he left out. Satan knew that Rini kept her school books with her at all times, so he grabbed her books and chose to use them to help him with the work that he was given. Throughout the second week of Rini being sick she was a bit more lively and talked with Satan a bit while he did his work. She even talked to him about the work he was doing to help him out with what he didn't know. 

As it came to Saturday Barbatos came back to see how they were fairing out to see that Satan was just finishing up some work while Rini rested. "So you actually came back." Satan said before he got up from where he sat

"I wanted to see how you faired out with the work given to you." He said with a nod of his head

"While rini was awake she had helped me out with what she knew, otherwise I had to use her text books to help me out with the rest. I was able to finish the work from the week I was locked up and half of the work from the week after that." Satan said giving Barbatos the folders with the paper work he had done

Barbatos was stunned that he was able to do so much, but smiled and nodded his head. "Very well, I will be sure the school gets these papers Satan." He said before he left out

Once Barbatos left out Belphegor popped his head into the room. "Hey Satan, how's our little Rini doing?"

"Better, she's been sleeping more than not. No doubt it helps her more than the medicine she had me get from her bag. Today should be the last day she ends up being sick." Satan explained

"Which means tomorrow should start off with her hormone unbalance then yeah?"

Satan nodded his head "Indeed it should, but who knows for sure what will happen."

Belphegor came into the room and shut the door behind him. "Well, at any rate I don't like being alone. So I'll stay here with the two of you. Beelz is out and the others are busy right now."

"I see, well do what you wish. I have work I need to do just to be caught up with everything."

Belphegor nodded his head and he went to go lie down beside Rini, when he had it startled the brunette female only to see that it was the sloth demon who wanted to cuddle with her. Instantly knowing that he wanted to be close to her she scooted herself closer to him and nuzzled her head against his chest as she clung onto his jacket tightly. She didn't want to be alone on her bed, she didn't like that Satan didn't cuddle with her or comfort her throughout her time being sick. So knowing that Belphegor had, it made her happy. It made her realize just how much he really truly loved and cared for her. 

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now