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Once Belphegor was done cleaning Rini up he undid the water and carried her out of the bathroom as he saw that Satan was waiting for them. "She couldn't hold herself back huh?" Satan asked

Belphegor shook his head no "She wouldn't do anything until her body was quiet."

"Ahn...that makes sense. I was able to get in contact with the Witch, letting her know about the status of Rini. Apparently, she is more likely to get pregnant...but since we're demons we should be safe from doing any damage to her. Had she been around Solomon...that'd be a different story all together." Satan explained with a sigh

"Well then guess it's a good thing she's around us instead of that guy." Belphegor said as he placed Rini on her bed between the two of them. 

Rini looked between them as she had her hands on both of their laps. "Everything okay?" She asked Satan

Satan gave Rini a small smile before he kissed her on the lips. "Everything is okay, don't you worry about a thing Rini. Tell me honestly, would you ever want to have a family with anyone?"

"Hell no. And even I wanted to-I can't. I genetically cannot bare children."

Satan looked at her stunned. "Truly?"

"Mhm, part of the reason my ex would always hurt me. He hated that I told him that I can't bare children. He blamed it on me for being too stupid of a woman and that I deserved every harmful thing that I would get."

Neither Satan or Belphegor liked the fact that she had to deal with such nonsense. Satan pulled her onto his lap before he kissed her on the lips. "Sweet little Rini, you don't deserve any type of pain. Your ex-was a complete asshole. You shouldn't have been harmed just because you can't do something like birth children."

Rini teared up hearing him speak. "R-Really...P-Promise?"

Satan brushed away the tears that started to form before he smiled at her. "Of course I promise you Rini dear. We would never harm you because of something you have no control over. We love you for you nothing more darling."

Rini looked at Belphegor who nodded his head, agreeing with what Satan said to her. She hugged both of them tightly. "Thank you boys."

Satan then gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "Since this is day one of the second part of the curse, you're going to have Belphie in front of you. Every day we'll switch who you see in front of you but you always have both of us inside of you until you feel better within the two weeks. Just know that every Saturday we might get a visit from Barbatos who has been coming every Saturday to check up on us. He also gives me the work we miss for the week so we can keep up with the school work."

"that means in between that at some point in time we're going to be working together on stuff...huh?"

"Mhm that it does, but for right now Belphie and I are going to take care of your raging hormones. Who do you want to see first in front of you Little Rini Belphie or me?" Satan asked curiously

She slipped onto Belphegor's lap and sat on top of him making him moan out feeling her on his lap. "R-Rini...Damn it woman why did you do that without warning me?"

"Don't tell me that you forgot about what I told you two weeks ago, I told you that I wanted you to see just what it's like to see me being pleasured by you darling belphie-I meant that. Now deal."

Satan chuckled a bit and smiled. "She did say that two weeks ago, don't let her down Belphie. You wouldn't want a cranky human girl now would you?"

Belphegor shook his head no as he heard the question coming from Satan. "I don't, she isn't good to be around when she likes like that."

"Then don't complain that she's on you, enjoy that she chose you over me." Satan said with an amused chuckle.

Belphegor let out a small sigh before he cupped Rini's face in his hand and kissed her. "Fine, if you're going to be on top of me then you're going to do most of the damn work, don't make me have to punish you once this is all done and over with missy."

Her eyes lit up hearing what he said. "Okay! I can do that!" She said happily 

Belphegor placed his hand back on her waist as he helped her move off and back onto him while she held onto his upper arms tightly, using them to help her move off and back onto him once more. It didn't take long at all for either one of them to moan out at the sensation of pleasure that came from Rini moving.

While she had, Satan had gotten up and undressed himself before he waited until she went back down onto Belphegor before slipping into her making her moan out louder as her head fell onto Belphegor's shoulder. "S-Shit! S-Satan!"

"Don't stop moving just because of me Rini, you wouldn't want to upset the youngest now would you?"

She shook her head no before she chose to move her hands up to his shoulder and the back of his head as she kissed Belphegor on the lips as she continued to move off and on him. Belphegor enjoyed the feeling of her kissing him as she moaned into the kiss her hold on his shoulder became tighter. The more she moved onto him the tighter his grasp onto her waist his hands were, and the rougher he was when he pushed her back down onto him. The sheer feeling of pleasure that came from her on top of him was just too much for him, but it didn't mean that he like the feeling of her on top of him. 

As Rini came hard that time she ended up passing out against Belphegor's chest as she held onto him tightly with a smile on her face. Belphegor blinked his purple eyes a few times as he looked down at the brunette female who was passed out against his chest. "So...this is what she's like when she's satisfied huh?"

Satan nodded his head, "That's what you're going to need to look for when and if you two are ever alone together like that." Satan said as he gathered his clothes. "Stay with her I need to shower."

"Sure, I can do that."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now