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While Rini was with Leviathan, Lucifer went to look for Satan and Belphegor only to see them in the living room arguing about whose 'fault' it was that Rini wasn't talking with them. "Are you two done acting like children?" Lucifer asked unamused

They looked at where Lucifer was and was silent as they had nothing to say to their elder brother. Lucifer crossed his arms as he let out a sigh "I just got done talking with Rini and it seems like it's rather clear who is to be around her. Satan you've scared that poor human girl too much with the amount of aggression you've placed towards her. Leave her alone. You've done what you had to yourself, there's no reason to do anything towards her. "

Satan glared at Lucifer as Lucifer looked at Belphegor. "Belphie, she has already made it rather clear to me that she truly loves and cares a lot for you. I would suggest that if you wish to keep her in the mental state she was in that you should go see her and apologize for arguing with Satan. She already made it rather known that she had spoken to you about how she felt about you."

Belphegor left out without a word as Satan had his arms crossed as he looked at Lucifer. "How is it that she talked to you about what's going on?"

"I had overheard her talking with Asmo while they were doing dishes. She seemed rather depressed and overly stressed about the situation. She didn't wish to burden me with the problem, so I suggested that she spoke to me when she finished with her chore for the day. Now you need to calm down and think about all of the actions you've taken towards Rini, if you truly care about her do you really think your actions have shown that you have?" Lucifer asked as he looked at Satan seriously

Satan was silent as he heard Lucifer speak, it was obvious that there wasn't much that he had taken into account that Lucifer had. When he thought hard about what he had done while he was alone with Rini-it was obvious that he scared her. Made her no longer trust him, which made grounds for her to want to be around Belphegor instead of him. He let out a sigh and placed a hand on his waist. "Shit."

"You figured it out that easily huh?"

"I hadn't thought so much about my actions, I thought my actions spoke for themselves about how I felt about what had happened. I never thought to think that she didn't see my actions as actions that showed how much I cared for her."

"You choked her, how does that show that you care for her? Honestly, I'm not surprised that Belphie was the one she sees as a capable person for her to be around. You can barely keep that temper of yours under wraps." Lucifer said seriously

Satan huffed out a bit before he averted his eyes. "How the hell does he get to hear her say 'I love you' but I don't? He choked her too."

"True, but it was before they got to know one another as well as they do now. She has already forgiven him for what has happened. While when you had done so, you've already established a friendship with her. You've already had her trust which by your actions I believe you've completely lost. Your actions brought tears to her eyes." Lucifer said seriously

Satan stiffened up hearing what Lucifer said as he realized that what he was doing was the complete opposite of what he and Belphegor were trying to accomplish. He let out a sigh as he shut his eyes. "Shit...Tomorrow I will apologize to her for everything. I only hope that she'll forgive me."

"Only time will tell what will happen tomorrow when you speak with her. For now I would suggest that you take time to cool off and think about what you'll say to her. I don't know what Trauma she has gone through before being here with us but it seems like you've made whatever it was worse." Lucifer said before he walked off back to the library

Satan sat down on the couch with his hands over his face, he couldn't believe that he truly made Rini cry. He wasn't supposed to do that! He wasn't supposed to be the reason that she cried her eyes out. Knowing that he had done so, he knew what he had to do. He chose to write a letter for Rini and place it under her door before he left out for diavolo's manor. When he got to the manor he spoke with Barbatos who greeted him.

"Evening Satan, how can I assist you today?"

"I...I need to speak with Lord Diavolo, it's rather important that I do." Satan said weakly

Barbatos was rather curious on what Satan wanted to talk to the young master about, but nodded his head as he took the wrath demon to the young master. When he did Diavolo smiled seeing Satan. "Satan! What can I do for you tonight?" Diavolo said with a smile

"I...I need to make a confession...just so someone I care about stays safe." Satan said weakly

Diavolo and Barbatos looked confused hearing what Satan said.

"What are you talking about Satan?" Diavolo asked

"The missing demons...it's because of me. The demons have been wanting to take Rini alone somewhere just to kill her for her ignorance. I have been trying to keep her from dealing with that and killing them instead. I know I should have just reported them but my anger got the better of me. I just wanted to protect her." Satan said sadly.

Hearing what Satan said Diavolo let out a sigh as he shut his eyes. "I see. And no one else knows about that?"


"I had no idea the missing demons were due to one of you protecting Rini. What can happen is for you to be in the cellar for the rest of the week. Afterwards you will be let go and all will be forgiven. I will tell your brothers and Rini about what has come to pass but no one else will know about it. Does that sound fair?"

"Please don't tell Rini, I rather her not worry about me. She doesn't need anything more to worry about." Satan said shaking his head

"Very well I will tell your brothers discreetly about what has come to pass. Thank you for coming to me and being honest about it. In the future if something happens, you need to tell me and I will take care of it alright?"

"Very well, I will do so."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now