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During school, Rini didn't act any different. Even though she did itch her arms more than a few times. As she had lunch Barbatos had came up to her as she was eating her lunch. He sat across from her as she raised an eyebrow at him. "May I assist you?"

"Lucifer told the young lord and I about how you are allergic to the laundry detergent that the brothers use. May I see the rash it has given you? I may be able to assist in decreasing the pain you feel due to it." 

Rini's eyes widened hearing him speak, but nodded her head as she took her jacket off of her before she undid the bandage wraps around her arm. Once it was off of her he looked at the rash intently before he looked at her. "This is defiently a rash that is due to an allergic reaction. This began to show while you've lived with the brothers yes?"

She nodded her head. "Yes, first it was just the school uniform. But then my other clothes started to do the same after I washed them here. I didn't know what was going on before figuring out that it wasn't my clothes but the soap that was making me feel itchy."

"I see, interesting. I've never known anyone to be this allergic to something and it showing so much on a person."

"So...can you help me out with this Barbatos?" Rini asked concerned

He looked up from her arm and nodded his head. "Indeed I can. Once the wounds on you have healed up, I can help make the rash on your arms lessen. If I try now the wounds would probably worsen and I don't think that'd be preferred."

She shook her head no. "Alright...I'll try not to scratch at my arms. But it's going to be difficult since they itch so much."

The butler demon hummed out in thought before he tapped his finger against his chin a few times. "I'll see what I can do about helping you out with that, for now try not to open them up more than you already have."

"No promises there, but I'll try." She said as she put the bandages back over her arm once more.

Barbatos then got up to talk to Diavolo and Lucifer as Asmo took his place. "I saw the marks and rash on you. Poor little Rini, he might not be able to help you out but I can. After you get back home with Lucifer, come find me. I have the perfect Lotion that you can use that heals things like rashes and wounds. It might work on what you have going on with your arms. Though it does make me curious. Is it just your arms or is it your whole body?"

"It's the worst on my arms, but just about everywhere else I have a rash." Rini explained

Asmo let out a small sigh. "Oh dear, well I'll see what I can do to help you out. I can't believe it's taken you this long to talk to someone about this."

"Satan was concerned and confused about why I didn't say anything about it either. I'll tell you what I told him. All of you are stuck inside your own little worlds and barely hear me out-why should I explain to all of you that I have an allergic reaction when I can't even get any of you to truly listen to a thing I say to any of you?"

Asmodeus averted his eyes hearing her speak, he knew she was right and got up. "I see your point..well-I can assure you that things will probably change after today. Especially since you have our youngest brother so close to you."

"Doubtful but alright."

After lunch, Rini kept to herself until after school where she went with Lucifer to get different samples of laundry soap that were different from what they had. Plus a cleaner for the washer so her clothes wouldn't be contaminated with the others soap. When they got home, Rini first began a deep clean of the washer so she could start laundry up before she went to see Asmodeus who was happy to see her. 

Once the lust demon saw her, he pulled her into his room where he had her sit down on his vanity chair while he went searching through all of the lotions and body scrubs that he had gotten over the centuries. He hummed out a bit before he found what he was looking for. He then sat on his bed across from her. 

"I should warn you that this may burn your skin a little bit, but it's only due to the healing qualities of the lotion." Asmodeus stated as he patted the lotion with a finger

Rini took her blazer off and undid one of her bandages before she showed Asmodeus her arm. He gently placed it in his hand before he gently smoothed the lotion onto her arm softly. The lotion did burn her arm, but it didn't itch as it had before which was a good thing for her. She then undid the other bandage and he did the same thing to her other arm. Once he was done he washed his hands off before he smiled at her.

"There you go Rini, come back here every day for a good two or so weeks and I'll place it on you. That way I can let Barbatos know when he'll be able to help you out."

"Alright, thank you Asmo." She said with a smile before she took the bandages and her blazer with her out of his room

When she got to her room Satan and Belphegor were waiting for her.

"Took you long enough." Satan said seriously

"Calm down Satan, there's more going on here than her accepting us. Don't be rude to her." Belphegor said shaking his head, he then got up going up to her "Is everything okay?"

"Mhm, everything is a-okay. at lunch today I was talked to by barbatos and Asmo. Asmo had a healing lotion to help out with the itching of the rashes which is working rather well and once the wounds heal Barbatos is going to help me with removing the rashes from my skin." Rini explained to Belphegor

"Oh...I see. So you went to Asmo since he's helping you out." Belphegor said with his eyes wide a bit

"Mhm, In a little bit I'mma need to do wash since lucifer had me get washer cleaner so I can figure out just what I'm allergic to and what I'm not allergic to." Rini explained

"That'll explain the odd scent from the washer...Rini...the three of us need to talk."

"I figured with Satan's moody welcome into my own damn room. What's up?" Rini asked as she sat down on her vanity chair with her legs crossed

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