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At breakfast, Leviathan, Mammon and Asmodeus were all confused on why Satan wasn't at the table. They didn't know why Beelz, Belphie, Lucifer and Rini weren't saying anything or why Rini ended up being the one to make breakfast when it was Satan's turn to do so. When everyone was sitting down, Lucifer looked at Rini directly. "I spoke with Diavolo earlier before you called me to eat."

Rini stopped eating as she looked at Lucifer. "What did he tell you?"

"It seems like Satan had came clean about something that had been going around and is being punished by being in the cellar for the rest of the week. Which means that his chores are going to fall upon you if that's alright with you Rini."

Rini frowned but nodded her head. "Yes...that's fine with me. I understand what's going on. I actually know exactly what he had admitted to and why."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow at her. "He didn't give me specifics. If you know them may I inquire you to tell us?"

She took a deep breath and nodded her head as she placed her hands on her lap. "You all know how Solomon, Barbatos and Simeon are all trying to figure out the mystery of the demons disappearing from the school and such yeah?"

All of them nodded their head as Belphegor looked at her sadly, wondering if she was going to out him as well.

"Well...I found out while I was cuddling with belphie the day that I was made aware of it that the person behind it was Satan. I woke up to him talking to Belphie about wanting to protect me and keeping me from being harmed. Apparently the demons who wished harm on me were acting nice so I'd ignorantly go with them just so they'd kill me for the deaths of the others. There's apparently a lot of low rate demons who hate that I'm here and that I'm associating with the lot of you. I promised Satan that I wouldn't rat him out as long as he kept me from seeing it from happening. Which he promised me that he would. I guess....I guess knowing that what he had done the other day bringing back my past trauma made him feel like he couldn't protect me any longer. So he turned himself in so he wouldn't have to be around me any longer." Rini said sadly

"So...belphie knew as well." Lucifer stated

"Yeah I did, but I didn't think he'd be so stupid as to go to Lord Diavolo about what he had done. I think he's being a bit mellow dramatic about the whole thing, but what is done is done. I can do what I can to protect Rini now that Satan has turned himself in but I don't know how well it'll go since the classes I don't have with her-he did." Belphegor said with a sigh

"Are there really that many low level demons that are out for Rini?" Asmodeus asked confused

"You'd be surprised how many snidey looks and remarks I get in the hall Asmo. It doesn't matter how much I try to be nice, there are just a lot of hateful demons out there that just don't like me and want me gone."

Lucifer let out a sigh as he shut his eyes. "Rini, you have a pact made with all seven of us. You can summon any one of us at your own will if you please. If you ever find yourself in a position where you find your life is being threatened call upon one of us and we will take care of things from there. I can assure you that you don't have to worry about a thing, we will always protect you when it counts the most." He said as he opened his eyes and looked directly at her

She nodded her head as she gave the pride demon a small smile. "T-Thank you for saying that Lucifer. I...I'll keep that in mind."

"With this knowledge being out in the open, once Satan comes back from being out for the rest of the week. I will be punishing him myself, from the time he comes home he will be forced to do your chores for a month and be stuck at your side for that duration Rini." Lucifer said seriously

"O-Okay, I'm alright with that."

"Good to hear."

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